This page has a script that generates a list of titles of all posts in this blog in reverse chronological order, with the title of the post being linked to the post. The script loads a list of 150 posts at a time which seems to be a limit imposed by the underlying Blogger API. Therefore the list sometimes shows a month's posts grouped as two groups instead of one. But there is no duplication. More information about the script is provided at the end of this post.
If for some reason, the dynamically generated list of posts is not shown below, you may visit: "Static Copy of List of Posts in Blog In Reverse Chronological Order taken on 23 June 2023", .
Reverse chronological list of all published posts in this blog
The first post of this blog was published on 15th August 2007. So this list should be (if the script works correctly) till August 2007. As of 23 June 2023, my blog has 1056 published posts.
September 2024
Setting Blogger blog post text to be dark black colourJune 2024
Quick relook at H96 Max Android TV box26:
Quick relook at Thinvent Micro 5 Linux mini PC26:
5V 2A Mini UPS possibility for Thinvent Micro 5 Linux mini PC and H96 Max Android TV box26:
List of my posts related to H96Max (H96 Max) Android TV box07:
Referral: Blogger Blog Feed to HTML Book; Useful for Recent Posts HTML backup and Searching PostsMarch 2024
Referral: Updated Roadmap and Extensive and Well Organized Notes for Learning Full Stack (MERN) Web Development ...18:
Referral: Upskilling to MERN web developer: Finished 2nd round of Roadmap to Learning Full Stack Web Development01:
Notes about Blogger and WordPress web feed requests and feed formatsFebruary 2024
Latest versions of my Blogger & WordPress Blog Book Gen programs29:
VBA program to create recent posts' HTML blog books of (my) WordPress and Blogger blogsNovember 2023
Open Source Blogger BlogBackupToBook VB.NET software v4 released on Github17:
Faced problems when creating blogbook using an Open Source BlogToBook program available on Github02:
Why do I provide link URLs as directly visible content in my blog posts?October 2023
List of some of my posts about Computer Technology (Tech) HistorySeptember 2023
Simple usage of Github for version control and releases using Visual Studio 2022 and github.com18:
Creating setup file for VB.Net project in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition17:
Ported ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to BlogBackupToBook VB.Net single project of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition12:
Was able to port ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to VB.Net of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition05:
Short User Guide to creating Blogger Blogbooks from Backup/Export File using BlogBackupToBook VB.Net project and ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and another VBA projects' macros/code (free and open source)04:
Referral: Few Spiritual Blogbooklets I created recently using ExportFileFilterAndGenBook ...03:
Creating Blogger Blogbooklets based on search criteria and excluding some pages/posts from itAugust 2023
ExportFileFilterByIndexList: VBA code to filter Blogger XML Backup/Export file based on Entry Index List text file24:
SplitBlogBookAndGenContentsLinks: VBA code to Split HTML blogbook into smaller HTML files and/or Generate Contents Internal Links List for it20:
ExportFileFilterAndGenBook: Filter Blogger XML Backup file based on date range, produce HTML Blogbook filtered by search string, Split it and Generate Contents Links (VBA project)18:
FilterXMLExportFile: VBA code to create XML file of XML entries of posts and pages matching a specified date range from Blogger XML Backup/Export file16:
AddNewLineToEntryNodes: VBA code to add newline characters at start of entry nodes in Blogger XML Backup/Export file to enable easier viewing and editing in Notepad++12:
BlogExportFileSearchToBook: VBA code to produce HTML blog book from Blogger blog backup/export XML file optionally limited to content matching search string08:
Generated blogbook of my Misc. Tech. WordPress blog using my VBA program WPBlogExportFileToBook06:
Very satisfied and happy after publicly sharing latest version blogbooks of my Blogger blogs, main parts of which (blogbooks) were generated by my VBA programs01:
Search text in Blogger blog backup/export XML file entries and get matching entries data - In-progress test versionJuly 2023
SplitBlogBook: VBA code to Generate Contents Internal Links List for HTML blog book and/or Split it into smaller HTML files26:
Getting pages and comments from Blogger blog using RSS feeds and related issues in blog books context25:
BlogExportFileToBook: VBA code to produce HTML blog book from Blogger blog backup/export XML file23:
Make Blogger Single Posts Book by (Feed) Index Range - GAS program - Test version22:
VBA code to read XML structure of blogger blog entries in export file - Test version19:
Make Blogger Posts Book(s) by (Feed) Index Range or Index List; List Posts By Index - GAS programs - Test versions16:
Overcoming execution time limits issue for BlogBooksMaker GAS program by creating linked (not embedded) pictures output doc, Test Version14:
Word VBA to make Blog Feed into Word document or Book, Test version13:
Word VBA code to Automatically Resize Pics Not Fitting in Page to Fit Page11:
WordPressFeedToBook Google Apps Script to Create WordPress Blog Book (posts and comments) from Feed: Description and Stable Version Info09:
Google Apps Script to Create WordPress Blog Book (or Book parts): Test Versions and Stable Version07:
BlogBooksMaker Google Apps Script to Create Blogger Blog Book (or Book parts): Description and Stable Version InfoJune 2023
Google Apps Script to Create Blogger Blog Book (or Book parts): Test Versions and Stable Version26:
wkhtmltopdf - nice free command line program which can be used to create single pdf file of multiple blog posts or pages24:
Added Page Having Dynamically Generated List Of All Posts On My Blogger Blogs Using Shared Javascript code09:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around Apr. to May 2023April 2023
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around Jan. to Mar. 2023March 2023
Test post to attempt fix for default enlarged HTML quoted (blockquote) text in Contempo Light theme of Blogger13:
In Blogger, showing search button (facility) in mobile view by changing Theme from Simple Bold to Contempo LightFebruary 2023
Links to my recent posts elsewhere about using Samsung M21 Android smartphone more effectively: Google Voice Typing, Microsoft Dictate, Magnify etc.January 2023
Some info. and some questions about chronology of Kerala kingdoms/ruling dynasties from 1000 AD to 2000 AD (2nd millennium AD)04:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around Dec. 202201:
Creating ids (bookmarks) for content like sections within a blog post (internal links), and hyperlinks to it, in bloggerDecember 2022
Some info. and some questions about empire/dynasty rulers of Kalyan (and Dombivli), Maharashtra from 3rd century BCE27:
Wrong 5000 years of Indian History chart: Search ranking of my pics showing the errors for various related terms11:
Grave errors in "5000 years of Indian history" chart including its timeline bar, appearing as top result in Google Image search09:
Comparison of History Timeline bar charts of Delhi & Tamil Nadu rulers/major powers in period from 1000 AD - 2000 AD (2nd millennium AD)09:
History Timeline of Delhi city area rulers from 1000 AD to 2000 AD (2nd millennium AD)09:
History Timeline of Tamil Nadu Rulers (>≈75% terr.) / Major Powers (>≈50% terr.) from 1000 AD to 2000 AD (2nd millennium AD)November 2022
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around Oct. and Nov. 2022October 2022
Chronological list of empire/kingdom level rulers of Mumbai (Bombay) and nearby areas from 3rd century BCE (over 2000 years ago)02:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around Sept. 202201:
History of Mumbai wiki page has detailed information on Mumbai history going back to Mauryan rule from 3rd century BCESeptember 2022
Thankful to Romila Thapar for her History of Early India book even if my view of such history is different; List of my posts triggered by browse-reading of her book18:
Na Tum Hame Jaano 1962 Hindi film song sung live by Hemant Kumar (link) with Hindi lyrics and my rough English translation01:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around August 2022August 2022
Some thoughts on low-cost Android devices (incl. H96 Max) and teaching computer usage on them to children from poor rural communities in India08:
List of my posts related to Thinvent Micro 5, a low-cost Linux mini PC based on Tanix TX 3 Android TV box08:
Using Chrome Remote Desktop From Thinvent Micro 5 Linux Mini PC To Access Windows Desktop PC; Using Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop from Micro 5 Remmina app to access Windows Desktop PC04:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around June and July 2022July 2022
Thinvent Micro 5: How to update Internet browser software, Keyring and Auto Login issue, how to mount USB flash drive; starts with read-only root filesystem27:
1 BCE (2000 years ago) Roman trade in India through Sopara & Kalyan ports, Naneghat pass and then to Junnar, Nasik & Paithan in today's Maharashtra - Part 226:
Referral: Oldest inscriptions referring to Hindu deities, in this case, Samkarshana and Vāsudeva (Balarama and Krishna) in 2nd/1st century BCE17:
1 BCE (2000 years ago) Roman trade in India through Sopara & Kalyan ports, Naneghat pass and then to Junnar, Nasik & Paithan in today's Maharashtra - Part 108:
Dhamek Stupa in Sarnath where Buddha gave his first sermon, first commissioned by Emperor Ashoka (3rd century BCE)07:
Lion Capital pillar of Emperor Ashoka (3rd century BCE) at Sarnath07:
Sanchi Great Stupa having relics of the Buddha was originally commissioned by Emperor Ashoka in 3rd century BCE and is one of oldest stone structures in India02:
Emperor Ashoka's Major Rock Edict XIII about Kalinga war and conquest (ended 261 BC), and great human suffering involved claiming to transform Ashoka to peace-loving Buddhist and promoter of Buddhism01:
Instructions to love parents and elders, be kind and speak the truth, in rock edicts of Emperor Ashoka (3rd century BCE) which are earliest deciphered inscriptions found in India; Jonnagiri, AP rock edictsJune 2022
Misc. notes about history of ancient India28:
Romila Thapar seems to view Chandragupta Maurya (350-295 BCE) as first Indian emperor but Wikipedia seems to differ28:
Alexander the Great's invasion of North-West India in 327/326 BCE; King Porus and Nanda empire then22:
King Bimbisara (543 - 492 BCE) - one of the important kings of early Indian kingdoms as per historians01:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around April and May 2022May 2022
Happy to see my Wang computers/Wang Labs. posts appear in top ten Google Search results for Wang computers/Labs. history in India context and top fifty results in general context19:
Very interesting book with lots of frank accounts and views - Jimmy Carter's memoir, 'A full life'; 'Reflections at ninety'April 2022
Started reading two memoirs, one by former Indian Prime Minister Narasimha Rao and another by former US President Jimmy Carter18:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around January 2022; No significant posts & comments in February & March 2022March 2022
Referral: My recent COVID hospitalization experience in Indian government free hospital, as a single simple-living sadhaka (spiritual aspirant); Vital role of Oxygen ...February 2022
Referral: Gratitude posts for very good and free treatment for somewhat recent hospitalizations I hadJanuary 2022
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around November and December 202107:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around September and October 2021December 2021
Short review of H96 Max Android TV box: rooted Android (and so less safe), RK3318 Quad-core Cortex-A53, 4 GB RAM, 32 GB Storage, Android V11 and EU plug, costing around Rs.300016:
Can Thinvent Micro 5 based Linux mini PC costing around Rs.10,000 be used for teaching Internet browsing, Libre Office etc. and for online classes in poor rural schools?13:
Review of below Rs.3000 (US$ 40) Micro 5 Linux Mini PC box w ARM Quad-core, 2GB RAM, 16GB storage, HDMI, USB 2.0, used for Internet browsing, Libre Office and more w 21.5 in. LCD monitorNovember 2021
Exploring Motherboard repair possibilities through company service center without computer technician support, in rural India; Below Rs.3000 (US$40) limited functionality Linux mini PC box with 1 year warranty23:
Interesting possibility of using low-cost Android TV boxes as low-cost mini PC boxes with Ubuntu MATE Linux OSOctober 2021
Chinese-American computer pioneer An Wang (1920-1990) and Wang Laboratories founded by him: some aspects of their history of interest to me - Part 3 (final part)06:
Independent party should investigate Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen's complaints01:
My recent Facebook posts on horrific UK case of serving police officer kidnapping from Central London, raping and murdering a woman whom he did not knowSeptember 2021
Threat of massive destruction to world through nuclear war is still very much around; Top US General says China feared a US (nuclear) attack during last days of Donald Trump's presidency17:
Referral: Ten years since I started regular blogging as free service in Sept. 2011; #HelpTen goal ...05:
Referral: Good to see my Google Knowledge Panel drop my Google Scholar profile and show my Facebook profile03:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around August 2021August 2021
Today I got my 2nd dose COVID vaccination (Oxford-AstraZeneca - COVISHIELD) at Chitravathi Road Sachivalayam (municipal office), Puttaparthi05:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in June & July 2021July 2021
Bandidos: 1967 Spaghetti Western movie about good guy expert gunman teacher's dogged resolve to finish off brilliant gunman-student-turned-bandit, even after having his palms shot through, by training another student gunman27:
Informative 1960 video (enhanced) about IBM 1401 which perhaps was first computer model name that registered in my mind during early 1980s student days in Bombay26:
Referral: Stephen Covey's quote on promises broken or kept and trust destroyed or built; My thoughts on it10:
Very happy to see that Dr. Lalit Kanodia, founder of Datamatics, as well as Ashank Desai, co-founder of Mastek, have been honoured with IMC Lifetime Achievement AwardsJune 2021
Some general quotations of An Wang from his book: Lessons: An Autobiography23:
Referral: My Google Knowledge Panel now gives more importance to my limited Google Scholar profile and ignores ...10:
Received "Lessons: An Autobiography" by An Wang with Eugene Linden used book from USA; Saw it is US public library discard; Legality of purchase of US library discarded books08:
Should 'The Lancet' and 27 scientist-authors issue public apology for publishing/authoring letter on 19th February 2020 that *condemned* theories suggesting COVID-19 does not have a natural origin?07:
My recent Facebook and Twitter posts related to articles/videos on origin of COVID (SARS-CoV-2) virusMay 2021
Thanks to Oxford-AstraZeneca, SII, PM Modi, CM Jagan, Puttaparthi MLA, municipal health staff and police for me (and others) receiving free 1st dose COVID vaccine today in an orderly, socially distanced way29:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in April & May 202106:
Wonderful humane move by USA in supporting waiver of IP protections for COVID-19 vaccines; Whether that will happen at WTO is yet to be seen04:
Best wishes to Bill and Melinda Gates for their post-divorce livesApril 2021
PM Modi's address to the nation on COVID pandemic 2nd wave acknowledging its severe impact and then focusing on positive messages from India's COVID warriors on defeating COVID pandemic24:
Day Of the Badman: 1958 Western movie about courageous and ethical judge resisting and fighting a convict's family of thugs who intimidate rest of town into submission19:
Chinese-American computer pioneer An Wang (1920-1990) and Wang Laboratories founded by him: some aspects of their history of interest to me - Part 206:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in March 202103:
A couple of interesting Bobby Fischer videos: 1972 after becoming world chess champion and perhaps 2004/2005 when he felt chess needed changes01:
Chinese-American computer pioneer An Wang (1920-1990) and Wang Laboratories founded by him: some aspects of their history of interest to me - Part 1March 2021
Good to see US President Joe Biden show support for Asian-Americans in the context of Atlanta Spa shootings11:
My Wang VS computers software development work including over 30 months of assignments at Wang US & Europe centres in 1980s09:
Some info. about World Wide Web and web browser early history; My exposure to private Videotex that worked over telephone lines before web08:
Interesting history of C++ from 2006-2020 document by C++ creator Prof. Bjarne Stroustrup04:
Some thoughts based on personal experience about IT product company vs IT services company issue for Indian IT (software) companies of 1980s & 1990s03:
Did John Sculley really fire Steve Jobs? John Sculley says no (or rather not exactly)03:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in February 2021February 2021
Referral: Google Knowledge Panel for my name - Ravi S. Iyer - got claimed (by me) in end. Jan. 2021; Updated Knowledge Panel11:
Finished reading FDR by Jean Edward Smith book; List of related posts08:
Utah Blaine 1957: Movie with theme of good guy gunslinger taking on bad wealthy guy and his gunslinger-goons and rescuing town & ranch areas from their grip02:
Just finished reading John Bolton's 'The Room Where It Happened' having lot of interesting info. about major international security matters in 2018 & 2019January 2021
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in December 2020 & January 202121:
Good to see 20th Jan. inauguration function of US President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris happen smoothly without any public disturbance15:
Good to see US Capitol being very well protected now by US armed forces (National Guard); Ultimately it is armed forces of democratic nations that protect its democratic institutions13:
Great to see clear support from US armed forces to rule of law and for inauguration of Joe Biden as US President and Commander-in-Chief on 20th Jan. 202110:
Mob invasion of US Capitol was far more dangerous than mere vandalism - it was a violent assault with some of the mob being armed; One police officer died08:
US President Trump accepts that new (presidential) administration will take over on Jan. 20th and condemns violence in Capitol07:
Good to see US Congress back at work to formally confirm Joe Biden's election as President, after sad desecration of US Capitol by mob05:
Wonderful work by to capture some aspects of Indian I.T. history from I.T. leaders' viewpoints; My views on some videos & articlesDecember 2020
Some thoughts about COBOL projects' major role in software development exports of India in 1970s & 1980s19:
Baan Company possibly first major international software products company to do software product development in India through outsourcing (1987) and then through own company in India (1989)16:
Very brief history of initial years of Baan Company outsourcing software product development work to India from 198708:
FDR's efforts in USA political arena to provide arms to democratic Britain & France in response to Hitler led Nazi Germany's military aggression in Europe in 1940 (till Nov. election); Isolationists in USA who opposed FDRNovember 2020
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in November 2020
November 2020
FDR's efforts in USA political arena to provide arms to democratic Britain & France in response to Hitler led Nazi Germany's military aggression in Europe in 1938 & 1939; Isolationists in USA who opposed FDR12:
One Hundred Days of 1st FDR US Presidential administration (in 1933) brought in astonishing changes: Beer, Farm Relief, Civilian Conservation Corps, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Public Works Administration and Tennessee Valley Authority10:
One Hundred Days of 1st FDR US Presidential administration (in 1933) brought in astonishing changes: New Bank Law08:
Joe Biden Victory speech as US President-Elect though President Trump has not conceded08:
Major USA media networks declare Biden as President-Elect of USA but Trump plans to legally challenge results06:
2020 USA Presidential Election: Votes have to be counted in a democracy; Disputes over legality of votes have to be fought and settled in courts of law, and NOT on streets by muscle-power/gun-powerOctober 2020
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in October 202003:
My view about the threat of white supremacists interfering in USA presidential electionSeptember 2020
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in September 202006:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in August 202005:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in July 202004:
Heartening personal experience of Indian business & industry getting back to producing and delivering non-essential goods in these horrible COVID pandemic timesAugust 2020
Interesting exchange between USA Congressman and Dr. Anthony Fauci on Hydroxychloroquine for COVID on 31st July 2020July 2020
My Name is Pecos (1967) - Western spaghetti movie with Mexican good guy gunslinger hero28:
My stand on COVID vaccines and conspiracy theories about (alleged) suppression of Hydroxychloroquine treatment & about Bill Gates (alleged) negative role in COVID vaccines19:
USA Civil Rights leader and icon John Lewis passes away at 80; I found John Lewis to be an inspirational figure09:
Straight & sensible talk from WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan in COVID-19 related interview07:
Ray of hope in fight against COVID-19 from Dharavi, the biggest slum in Asia, located in MumbaiJune 2020
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in June 202013:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in May 2020May 2020
Referral: Was surprised to see a small "knowledge panel" on Google against my name - Ravi S. Iyer09:
My May 2020 FB posts and comments on novel coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2) / COVID-1901:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in April 202001:
My April 2020 FB posts on novel coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2) / COVID-19April 2020
How better off the world is now in 2020 to deal with novel coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic as compared to influenza pandemic around a century ago 01:
Francis Collins' prescient words on 16th March 2020 about coronavirus pandemic and its impact on USAMarch 2020
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in March 202031:
My March 2020 FB posts on novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)30:
Dr. Anthony Fauci of the USA is one of the great public health heroes of our times29:
PM Modi's conversational style monthly chat with the Indian public at large, this time on Coronavirus pandemic, gives interesting and useful insights on India's fight against it09:
Referrals to posts on my new book on Indian CS & IT Academic Reform blog bookFebruary 2020
Selected extracts from transcript of US President Trump's speech in Ahmedabad, India on 24th Feb. 2020 which has very warm words about India and Indians including Indian-Americans24:
President Trump wins Indian hearts with very warm words about India and Indians including Indian-Americans in his speech today in Ahmedabad, India20:
Tragedy of 4 deaths in Chinese film director family who were in Home Quarantine in Wuhan starkly shows danger of new Coronavirus17:
Great service to world at large done by Chinese whistle blowers on Coronavirus 2019 Wuhan outbreak, who sadly have disappeared now17:
Enjoyed watching 1959 Western movie, Rio Bravo17:
Fascinating and detailed Hindu article: Fighting a virus, yet again: How controlling the Nipah outbreak helped Kerala to take on COVID-1914:
My Feb. 2020 FB posts on new Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)08:
Once Upon a Time in the West - Famous Western genre movie made in 196808:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in Feb. 202007:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in Jan. 2020January 2020
Simple and useful 'Pedometer - Step Counter' Android app for measuring walking exercise18:
High Noon: Utterly fascinating 1952 Hollywood movie about small town community's cowardly attitude towards law enforcement marshal under revenge attack by released convict18:
Fascinating interview of Jeff Bezos by Amazon India top guy during his recent India trip13:
Sending paperback book from Puttaparthi to UK or USA by Post 01:
Location of low-cost generic Jan Aushadi medical shop in PuttaparthiDecember 2019
30: article analyzing why the 2010s did not bring about an ebook revolution; In 2019 (in USA) ebook sales are around 20% and print book sales around 80%26:
Old 1987 Maharashtra driving licence message about air and noise pollution; India faces great challenges in controlling air and noise pollution21:
The Battle of China - 1944 USA armed forces propaganda movie showing horrors of Japanese imperialism in China from 1931 onwards and how Chinese, assisted by Allies, fought back19:
In 1971 war, Soviet Union not only kept USA at bay but also China, leading to a mainly India Pakistan war which India easily won and liberated Bangladesh19:
President Trump of USA impeached by House of Representatives but this impeachment is almost certain to be defeated in next stage in USA Senate19:
My recent Facebook posts about Citizenship Amendment Act critical of violent protests and misinformation but supportive of right to peaceful protest17:
As higher education costs are driving students into horrible debt laden lives, apprenticeships must be revived in a big way; I got into software development field in 1984 like an apprentice13:
Didn't know that Boney M's Ma Baker song was (loosely or very loosely) based on real life 1930s USA supposed-outlaw Ma Barker!11:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in Dec. 201909:
American Dream ethos/ideals/vision is a great thought and welfare contribution of America to the world including to India07:
My first significant exposure to history of USA was the book, The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams04:
Example of Old West (USA) years-long armed conflict: Johnson County War in Wyoming (1889 to 1893) which got "highly mythologized" in Western genre movies; Shane movie (1953)02:
Why I watch Wild West movies now even though they are quite wild exaggeration of reality of American frontier then; The Bravados (1958) starring Gregory PeckNovember 2019
Not surprising to know that Indian diaspora is the largest (17.5 million) in the world23:
Martha Gellhorn quote about why we must be interested in politics; Ravi: Why I got interested in following politics mid 2011 onwards20:
My recent Facebook (FB) posts related to 1970s Trinity movies starring Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer11:
Issue of separation of religion and politics; Are democratic elections and governments in the world rigged? Is the world headed for disaster where freedoms of common people will be lost to NWO bosses? - My comments09:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in Nov. 201908:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in Oct. 201905:
Human nature to abuse power when there is no accountability; Vice-chancellor and Registrar positions in Indian academia are particularly vulnerable04:
FDR book: Spanish influenza epidemic claimed 20 million lives in 1918 in Europe & USA; FDR contracted it in Atlantic crossing on ship but survivedOctober 2019
The sacking of Baghdad by Hulagu Khan (& allies) led Mongols in 1258 leading to virtual end of Abbasid caliphate14:
US Senator Ted Cruz interview in India; My views on some of the points raised13:
Horrendous murders by poisoning committed by woman (Jolly Joseph) in Kerala; Intriguing and very scary double-life led by Jolly Joseph12:
Two promotion videos about Xi Jinping combating corruption (from 1988 to 1990 as a city CPC chief) and leading (rural) poverty alleviation efforts (in April 2019 as President)12:
President Xi Jinping of communist China very graciously appreciates at least artistic aspects of sculpture & cultural events with religious themes on his India visit11:
India welcomes Chinese President Xi Jinping who arrived at Chennai (Tamil Nadu) airport; China & India should work for peace & prosperity in the world09:
Video: Indian Slums vs American Slums; My comments08:
Sad to know about part of Mumbai's Aarey forest trees being cut down for Metro project; My delightful and ananda-ful memories of auto rides through Aarey forest07:
Movie & documentary on Genghis Khan; Genghis Khan as per Wikipedia06:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in Sept. 201904:
Industrial revolution from 1760 first led to better living standards in Europe & USA; Now billions in Asia benefit from it; WEF chief Brende on South Asian economy growth02:
Ab tera kya hoga, Kaaliya? - Famous Sholay (Hindi) film dialogue exchangeSeptember 2019
My thoughts on John Perkins' book: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man; Are politicians to blame for all problems in democracies?; Thoughts about authoritarianism dangers in socialism20:
FDR book: Woodrow Wilson, a former academic and governor of New Jersey, runs for USA presidency and wins the 1912 election19:
Video showing 15 year old Florida, USA boy being arrested for mass shooting threat he made in a game; Mother's agony18:
Anandibai Joshi, India's first woman allopathic doctor got her M.D. from Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, USA in 188602:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in August 201902:
Awesome performance by Indian pace bowlers in West Indies; Bumrah hat-trickAugust 2019
Referral: Searching World eBook Library for my - Ravi S. Iyer - books30:
Referral: Very happy that National Digital Library of India lists both of my books (ebook version) stored in World eBook Library26:
Referral: Got my author page on and amazon.in19:
Hollywood actor-singer Danny Kaye was one of the inspirational figures for Kishore Kumar19:
USA is seriously considering buying Greenland if Denmark and Greenland are interested!18:
1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City, USA was deadliest industrial disaster in city's history and led to improved factory safety standards legislation14:
Powerful influence of Mario Puzo's The Godfather among English reading and movie watching people04:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in July 2019July 2019
Referral: Very relieved to see NY state and USA federal lawmakers, and NY AG speak up in support of attacked Hindu priest in Queens, New York City...23:
My recent FB posts about Chandrayaan-2 (India's moon mission-2) launch23:
My recent FB posts about Apollo 11 moon mission, 50 years ago22:
My recent FB posts & comments about USA President Trump's "go back" tweets & "send her back" rally chants; Will stop writing publicly on Trump's USA statements & policies12:
Interesting account of life of Cochin Royal Family member Dr. Kocha Varma born 193711:
Referral: Indian self-publishing platform companies like Pothi and Notion Press are doing great service to the nation ...08:
Mike Tyson - the most physically powerful and brutal contemporary fighter I have ever seen (on TV)05:
USA has to be congratulated on 243 years of enduring freedom and democracy without any monarch or dictatorJune 2019
Heart-rending 3 year old Sherin Mathews (adopted from India) death case in Texas, USA; Hats off to Texas state authorities for pursuing justice for the 3 year old28:
Referral: Paperback version of Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1 released on ...11:
Nice message from Stuart Broad on Yuvaraj Singh's retirement; International cricket has brought friendship and respect among cricket lovers from various countries10:
Nazi Germany's conquest of large parts of continental Europe from Sept. 1939 to end 1941; Later reversals and eventual surrender in May 1945; Pray that such wars never happen again09:
Some thought-provoking words of Russian President Putin about the dangers today of global arms race and global conflict (war)09:
Interesting documentary video on Battle of Stalingrad06:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in June 201906:
My views today on the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster when I was living in Brussels, Belgium02:
Learned new terms today - 'gig work' and 'gig economy'; Is 'gig economy' good or bad for the world at large?May 2019
13 year old Jayme Closs' statement; Kidnapper and killer Patterson sentenced to life in prison24:
Top ten political party winners of Indian General Elections 2019, and so expected to be influential in policy making over next 5 years23:
YSRC party looks all set to sweep Andhra Pradesh Assembly (state) as well as Lok Sabha (Parliament) seats; Former AP CM N. Chandrababu Naidu has gracefully acknowledged defeat23:
Incumbent PM Narendra Modi led BJP (and NDA alliance) all set to win Indian General Elections 2019; Congress party President Rahul Gandhi gracefully concedes defeat09:
Referral: Free ebook version released: Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 108:
Am happy to see that Madonna says Michael Jackson is 'innocent until proven guilty'07:
Education should create people who work for good of others rather than exploit and dominate others07:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in May 2019April 2019
My recollection of 9/11 (11th September 2001) terror attacks on USA26:
Interesting short NYT and WaPo videos on complex Indian elections exercise26:
NYT article on ideological background and dangerous actions of Sri Lankan radical preacher-mastermind of recent Sri Lanka terror attacks26:
Animated graph showing hard reality of Carbon Dioxide pollution in the world, country-wise from 1850 to now22:
Referral: Why Puttaparthi and not Pittsburgh? (Why did I choose to focus on spiritual quest and spiritual ashram stuff in India instead of ...18:
Hats off to USA investigators & prosecutors for investigating and charging 53 medical practitioners across USA for over-prescribing opioids and worse18:
Even Rahul Dravid pays the price of losing his vote this time around, for not checking Voter's list for his name, well before elections18:
Bias against dark complexion is a tragic reality among some Indians; Oldie hit song Hum Kaale Hai to Kya Hua from 1965 Hindi film Gumnaam18:
Agree with Richard Dawkins' views in 2017 video about simple-majority referendum being wrong way to decide on Brexit16:
Referral: Free download of draft version of my next book - Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 115:
Referral: My skepticism about Golden Age predictions where the rulers are enlightened beings or awakened souls; I think people powered movements ...13:
British people should have more realistic picture of history of British rule in India involving loot & plunder of India, to have better understanding of Indian view11:
Happy to have cast my vote today in India's general election (Parliament) - world's largest ever election - and Andhra Pradesh state assembly election11:
UK gets time from EU till 31st Oct. to decide on Brexit; Seems to be reasonable decision by EU countries' top leaders11:
Referral: Religious faith provided one of the sources of FDR's (US President) unflagging optimism11:
Worrying statements from former USA Secretary of State, John Kerry, about CO2 levels in the world today (higher than safe) in recent USA Congress hearing07:
Short video on modern history of oil (petroleum), the black gold, and its price over time, from around 1850 to 201802:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in April 2019March 2019
No proposal about the way to Brexit seems to get majority support in British Parliament!25:
BBC video: 'Mongolia: A toxic warning to the world' - Alarmist? Perhaps but perhaps not!25:
FDR video showing how he faced and overcame Great Depression challenges, gives hope that world may overcome today's many frightening challenges24:
Interesting old Hindi film hit songs renditions by Nadia Fharshah, a Malaysian "Bollywood singer"24:
Referral: NZ PM Jacinda Ardern emerges as global hero(ine) for religious pluralism, multi-racial society and peace21:
Unemployment & rural distress problems in many democratic countries may need optimistic & energetic leadership with good masses-connect & willingness to try innovative solutions, like US President FDR in 1930s20:
NYT article by Paul Krugman: "Getting Real About Rural America" may apply to some extent to rural India too15:
Referral: Horrendous and barbaric attacks on two New Zealand mosques; Prayers and sympathies for victims and their families15:
Very interesting Phil Donahue 1981 interview of Bernard Sanders, then newly elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont, USA14:
Hindi film oldie goldie, Wada karo nahi chhodogi tum mera saath, from 1973 film Aa Gale Lag Jaa11:
John Chambers of USA, ex US India Business Council chairman, Cisco chairman emeritus, ex Wang Labs, ex IBM, receives Padma Bhushan award from President Kovind of India10:
Mera Mehboob Kayamat Hogi - oldie goldie 1964 Hindi film song famous for lyrics about sadness that romantic love can bring10:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in March 201908:
Referral: Bismillah Sai Ram Tiffin Centre - where Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are treated with equal respect and reverence
March 2019
NYT Editorial Board article on nuclear exchange being most likely between India and Pakistan05:
Iranian General tells Pakistan govt. that they have caused unrest along borders with all its neighbours and asks where they are heading to03:
My FB posts of 2nd Mar. 2019 mostly related to IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan02:
Some info on first fighter jet dogfight between India and Pakistan in nearly half a century; My dim memories of Bangladesh Liberation war period and my IAF SSB interview02:
My FB posts of 1st Mar. 2019 mostly related to IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan01:
My FB posts of 28th Feb. 2019 mostly related to IAF Wing Commander AbhinandanFebruary 2019
My Facebook posts on Indian Air Force pilot in custody of Pakistan27:
Referral: Terror camps in Pakistan launching terror attacks in India are the problem23:
Three short videos, by PBS and BBC, document well the beastly enemy that the Yazidis had to endure23:
The horrors that Nazi Germans inflicted on Polish people in occupied Poland during 1939 to 194522:
Interesting interview of Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir by NDTV; Includes question on Jamal Khashoggi22:
Very good to see UN Security Council (including China) condemn terrorist orgn. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) by name for Pulwama attack and seek to bring perpetrators and sponsors of the terrorist act to justice21:
Very disturbing news about USA Coast Guard officer planning white nationalist terror attack on politicians and media persons; Great job by FBI and others in stopping him21:
USA opioid addiction problem, in significant part, may be due to overprescription of Fentanyl by USA doctors20:
Referral: Good to see the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia being received warmly by President and Prime Minister of India18:
Heart-breaking account of wife of Aurora, Illinois, USA workplace mass shooting victim who got text from husband: ‘I love you, I’ve been shot at work’!17:
About railway train fares that are affordable for poor, and overcrowding; Rough comparison of cheapest train fares btw India & USA17:
All major political parties in Indian Parliament jointly condemn Pulwama terrorist attack14:
Fascinating video interview of JRD Tata by Doordarshan in the 1980s11:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in February 201911:
Some Hard and Frank Talk by former British PM Tony Blair on current Brexit situation10:
Few songs from late 70s and 80s about the poor fighting for survival and striving for a better material life07:
Did not realize that Brexit Leave vote would bring Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland border into focus and be so complex to solve06:
Finished reading Intertwined Lives book on P.N. Haksar (and Indira Gandhi) by Jairam RameshJanuary 2019
Steven Pruitt, a big free contributor to Wikipedia, says he is fascinated by idea of making it all (knowledge, information) free!30:
Some info. on John Chambers and his association with Wang Laboratories, based on Web articles29:
Raghuram Rajan to Bloomberg: Biggest challenge for world, 10 years after financial crisis, is dealing with technological change and its manifestations; BBC video: What's going on with China's economy?28:
John Chambers of USA, Cisco chairman emeritus, formerly with Wang Labs., ex US India Business council chairman, is named for Padma Bhushan, third-highest civilian award of India28:
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa - chief guest of Indian Republic Day 2019; Inspiring 'Gandhi, Mandela Freedom Lecture' by Ramaphosa; Reference to truth, righteousness, peace and love24:
Article in The Hindu today about Brexit survival kit with canned food for 30 days and which they claim, if not opened, lasts 25 years23:
Fire in Babylon - documentary movie (2011) about West Indies cricket team dominance over all other teams in the 1980s21:
Utter lack of moral compass in Jake Patterson, the (alleged) kidnapper of 13 yr old Jayme Closs (in Wisconsin state, USA) and killer of her parents, is terrifying18:
Ordeaaaar! Guardian's light relief video on John Bercow - Class monitor of the British House of Commons!17:
British PM Theresa May wins confidence vote with all votes from her Conservative Party MPs and 9 votes from ally DUP16:
Video showing humiliating punishment of crawling on road meted out to a Chinese company's employees (in China)16:
Rahul Gandhi shares visiting Afghanistan Members of Parliament reaction to screaming & yelling in Indian Parliament16:
BBC report: [UK] Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal has been rejected by 230 votes - the largest defeat for a sitting government in history15:
Deeply unsettling to see deep divisions among public in two of the top democracies in the world - USA and UK13:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in January 201913:
Thought-provoking BBC News video about youtuber burnout13:
Indian cricket pace battery is pretty good now but not really close to Windies late 70s to early 90s pace battery13:
I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made12:
Hats off to Canada's Justin Trudeau led government for giving refuge to Saudi teenager woman who fears for her life in Saudi Arabia10:
Border wall crisis in USA and Brexit crisis in UK democratic governments, one following Presidential system and another a Parliamentary system, highlight differences in these systems09:
What a challenge Brexit has become for the British parliament and the British people!09:
Very interesting NYT article: No Tuition, but You Pay a Percentage of Your Income (if You Find a Job)09:
US border security: Latest example of opposing democratic country leaders going directly to the people of their country explaining their positions08:
Major achievement by the current Indian cricket team - beating Australia in Australia in a test series. Not done before!08:
Dog bite in India should not be taken lightly05:
James Watson's sensitive remarks on race and genetics opposed by many scientists including Dr. Francis Collins05:
Nancy Pelosi gets elected and sworn in as Speaker of US House of RepresentativesDecember 2018
Referral: Documenting my part auto bio with pics - school and college education certificates and marksheets27:
Referral: Documenting my part auto bio with pics - computer software industry appreciation and experience letters27:
Referral: Documenting my part auto bio with pics - the Visa trail as documentation of my foreign trips27:
Earthrise pic from USA's Apollo 8 taken 50 years ago in 1968 showing earth as blue marble in a background of vast and dark emptiness of space26:
Referral: Some old pics of me (Ravi S. Iyer)20:
Hats off to USA Judge Sullivan in ensuring that truth is declared and upheld and that there is no miscarriage of justice18:
Fareed Zakaria's WaPo article talks about rural vs. urban dividing line in Western world politics; My short remarks on farm loan waivers in Indian politics18:
The rise of Indian business/merchant princes and princesses to world stage17:
Total views of this ravisiyermisc blog cross 100,000 (1 Lakh)14:
As per CNN report, it seems that Michael Cohen is directly implicating US President Trump in campaign finance violation crime! Trump strongly refutes such charges13:
Various recent renditions and original Evergreen song - Tumne mujhe dekha - by Mohd. Rafi from 1966 Hindi movie Teesri Manjil13:
Safe way is to use boiled and cooled filtered water for Jala Neti (to clear sinuses)13:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in December 201813:
My views about big fat wedding of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani's daughter13:
Some renditions and original of deeply touching oldie song, Chahunga main tujhe saanj savere from Hindi film Dosti (1964)13:
Nice Hindi couplet about accepting both victory and defeat while doing one's duty, quoted by an Indian CM on losing a recent state election13:
Thought-provoking concluding section in Hindu article on Sundar Pichai's hearing in USA Congress, about govts across the world being unnerved by power of tech giant companies12:
Must be quite scary for Sundar Pichai to be Google CEO when guys like Alex Jones go after him10:
Have observed that all USA Presidents from my teens have fascinating friendly connect with people ability08:
Eulogy and other videos related to former USA President George H.W. Bush passing away06:
New Yorker article about top Google technical fellows: Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat03:
Guns being glamourized is not good but a restaurant in Colorado, USA seems to do good business with its waitresses openly carrying loaded guns!01:
Freaky spoof song in Hindi (and dance) on being Indian - Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani, movie released in 200001:
About an accidental discharge of a gun tucked into waistband of person, while he was in Walmart in Arizona state, USANovember 2018
Some oldie nice English songs I enjoyed in 80s; The songs were mostly released in 60s and 70s26:
Some late 70s and 80s English Pop Songs that I enjoyed25:
Harvard Political Science Prof Graham Allison's straight talk about prospect of war between top power USA and rising power China14:
Referral: US President Trump hosts Diwali event in White House; Am thankful to President Trump for words of support for religious pluralism13:
Utterly shocking and brutal tweet from US President Trump seemingly on misunderstood statement of French President Macron10:
Have started reading Jairam Ramesh's book "Intertwined Lives - P.N. Haksar and Indira Gandhi"10:
Mad Time Pass song from 1977 Superhit Hindi film, Amar Akbar Anthony - My name is Anthony Gonsalves; Some other songs from that film09:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in November 201807:
Famously crazy, sweet and popular Kishore Kumar oldie Hindi film song - Main hoon jhum jhum .. jhumroo from 1961 film, Jhumroo07:
Very popular 70s Hindi film song - Yaari Hai Emaan Mera Yaar Meri Zindagi07:
Fmr Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Democrats winning US House of Representatives07:
USA 2018 mid-term elections: Democrats take the House; Republicans retain the Senate06:
Referral: Using top ten countries' GDP data to assess how the world changed (materially) from my personal perspective, since I began working in 198403:
Turkish President Erdogan's Washington Post Op-ed on Jamal Khashoggi killing; Grateful to Turkish president for this support for freedom of speech03:
Democratic election contests are becoming very bitter and hateful across the world; Hope and pray for kinder democratic contests for power01:
An article and some videos on Brazil electing Jair Bolsonaro as presidentOctober 2018
Why I am putting up a lot of current USA violence and hate related posts; NYT Editorial Board: The Hate Poisoning America28:
Very saddened to know about Jewish worshippers in synagogue in USA being killed by antisemitic mass shooter; Tough question is whether having armed guards in places of worship is the answer27:
Astonishingly quick work from USA law enforcement agencies to catch the pipe bombs mailer suspect; Strong and protective of rule of law words of US AG Sessions26:
Nadiya chale chale re dhara - Oldie (1970) evergreen Hindi film philosophical song with English translation25:
Very disappointing to see US President Trump say that US media is the cause for very "big part of the Anger" in USA today25:
Good to see unequivocal condemnation from US President Trump of pipe bombs being sent to Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, CNN and others25:
Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman speaks about Jamal Khashoggi killing24:
Guardian articles covering Turkish PM Erdogan speech on Khashoggi, and very disturbing report about alleged Khashoggi interrogation over Skype22:
King Salman of Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammad send condolences to son of Jamal Khashoggi21:
I have consistently taken a strongly critical stand against white nationalism, Neo Nazism and other forms of violent racism and tribalism21:
Are any posts of mine related to USA politics, encouraging racism and/or spreading misinformation (lies) and hate?20:
Saudi Arabia acknowledges that Jamal Khashoggi was killed in Saudi consulate; Many thanks to USA Congressmen and USA Presidency and Turkish govt. for forcing this truth to be acknowledged20:
US President Trump publicly praising a Congressman for body slamming a reporter, must be condemned19:
USA President Trump says "It certainly looks" like Jamal Khashoggi is dead, and that USA is waiting for results of investigations18:
Press Freedom in Asia and the world in 201818:
Frank look at current state of US debt & deficits problem by Fox Business channel18:
Last article of Jamal Khashoggi published by Washington Post on 17th Oct. 2018: What the Arab world needs most is free expression17:
Why I am sharing New York Times Editorial Board article: The Saudi Cover-Up Crumbles 16:
Global economy in one chart; Indian economy is now 6th largest in the world, overtaking France's economy15:
Finished reading the book, Fear: Trump in the White House - Hardcover - by Bob Woodward; Trump's policy of tariffs as a way to reduce USA trade deficit with China15:
Heart-breaking article from fiancé of disappeared, suspected to be killed, dissident Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi13:
CNN article: Are Trump (USA) and Xi (China) on the brink of a new Cold War?12:
Miscellaneous posts & comments on Facebook in October 201807:
Brett Kavanaugh gets sworn in US Supreme Court Justice; My prayers for healing of bitterness in this nomination confirmation process06:
Russian President Putin's recent visit to India for 19th annual Russia-India bilateral summitSeptember 2018
My exchanges with a US based correspondent about very difficult life for the poor now in the USA29:
Some articles on challenges involved in living without health insurance in USA; USA does not seem to have low priced medical care options28:
Something seriously wrong with the way USA handles Supreme Court Justice nomination hearings; Judge Kavanaugh says it has destroyed his family and his name!26:
US Judge Kavanaugh hearing process is traumatic! Fairness of process is what is vital26:
Thankful to US President Trump for saying nice truthful thing about India lifting millions out of poverty in UN speech21:
26 year old woman joins ranks of mass shooter-killers in the USA; This mass shooting madness in the USA has to stop!18:
NDTV article: US Sanctions Won't Impact India-Russia Defence Ties: Nirmala Sitharaman; I support Indian govt. stand on maintaining good relations with Russia17:
Got delivery of book, Fear: Trump in the White House - Hardcover - by Bob Woodward16:
The picture-perfect beauty of Hema Malini of 70s & 80s; Dream Girl song16:
BBC video on Pakistani farmer migrants to Norway who escaped out of poverty and got into a good life; The mostly empty mansions they built in their Pakistani village/town!15:
India stats from United Nations Development Programme Human Development Index 2018 report14:
Just joking about billionaires Jaime Dimon and Donald Trump and running for US president11:
Great level of transparency by LAPD, USA in this critical (shooting) incident video09:
Decent wages and life for Denmark's fast food workers; Good example for some other countries to learn from08:
USA Judge Kavanaugh Supreme Court nominee's senate confirmation: Democratic senators raise fear of Roe v. Wade being overturned if Judge Kavanaugh gets elected to US Supreme Court06:
My warm welcome to India Facebook comment to US Secys. Pompeo and Mattis, and team for US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue04:
Shocking death threats against journalists in USA who write against President Trump; Good to see USA law enforcement arrest one person who threatened Boston Globe reporters02:
Miscellaneous posts & comments on Facebook in August & September 2018August 2018
USA - Life-threatening heart attack leaves teacher who was under some health insurance, with over $100,000 bill28:
USA news report: Student Loan Watchdog Quits, Says Trump Administration 'Turned Its Back' On Borrowers27:
Article in The Hindu today about Peterloo massacre in Manchester UK in 1819 by then UK govt.; At that time only 2% of UK population had vote!27:
24 year old gamer shoots and kills b'cos he got angry while at some video gaming competition in Florida, USA? Gun violence in USA becomes more alarming!25:
Tamil Nadu tells Supreme Court that it gave regular warnings to Kerala about dam water release24:
Kerala floods blame game between Kerala and Tamil Nadu? Or is there some truth to Kerala's allegations?12:
Possible hate crimes against elderly Sikhs in California, USA due to them being mistaken as Muslim?11:
Indian man officially changed name from Sathyanarayana Iyer to Regret Iyer on account of rejections of his articles by print media09:
75th anniversary of 1942 Quit India movement; Mahatma Gandhi's speech then; Relative of mine participated in Quit India movement in Bombay and was jailed09:
Car and two-wheeler drivers in India who brush pedestrians and then become arrogant and slap the pedestrian or his/her supporters may face mob vandalism as retaliation08:
The really dark side of sex instinct - Guardian article: German couple who sold son to paedophiles on darknet jailed07:
Worrying rise in threats of serious violence against some USA mediapersons; President Trump should publicly condemn such threats07:
Powerful P.A. and P.S. during Indira Gandhi's days of power (mainly in 1970s and 1980s) - R.K. Dhawan - passes away03:
In his book, James Comey presents a good account of his actions in 2016 USA elections as FBI director01:
LeBron James USA basketball superstar and his 'I promise' school aimed at helping challenged students of Akron, Ohio, USA01:
Possibility of freely accessible 3D-printed guns (in USA) is really scary to me!
July 2018
NYT article on USA politics: The Maps That Show That City vs. Country Is Not Our Political Fault Line30:
Uganda under Idi Amin in 1970s got so easily into murderous tribalism and authoritarianism; Indian PM Modi addresses Ugandan parliament on 25th July 201830:
Interesting 1978 British TV interview of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India30:
The Congo Dandies! India has its Dandies too!21:
'CNN Special Report: Killing John Lennon (2015)' gives some views on twisted and wrong notions which led Chapman to kill Lennon (in 1980)18:
Wonderful and inspiring Nelson Mandela 2018 annual lecture by former USA President Obama in Johannesburg 16:
Trump to Putin: We are the two great nuclear powers with ninety percent of nuclear weapons which is a bad thing; Hopefully we can do something about that15:
Miscellaneous posts & comments on Facebook in July 201814:
Solo Weddings for women in Japan! Extraordinary!13:
Full video of the historic Under 20 Women's gold at a world track event for an Indian - Hima Das12:
South Korean President Moon Jae-in's recent visit to India12:
Fact-checks showing inaccuracies in USA president Trump's statement attacking Germany as captive of Russia, and figures used by Trump for contributions to NATO12:
USA President Trump on Facebook: "What good is NATO if Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars for gas and energy?"11:
Very disturbed and saddened by USA President Trump's insulting public remarks at NATO HQ in Brussels that "Germany is totally controlled by Russia" and that Germany is captive to Russia10:
Are education, industrialization, individual career aspirations etc. causing educated middle class families to have declining population problems?09:
Armed (Lady) Employee confronting Assailant after Brutal Attack on co-worker at Milwaukee (USA) restaurant in June 201809:
Impressed and inspired by almost 93 year old Malaysian PM Dr. Mahathir's recent interview with Al Jazeera channel where tough questions were posed to him08:
Video and article links related to the tragic killing of Western pop music icon John Lennon in 198003:
Maryland, USA Capital Gazette newspaper mass shooting tragedy seems to be revenge act by alleged killer, a computer engg. graduate, for article on his cyberstalking and harassment criminal offence03:
Deeply worrying to see dangerous level of anger and threats of violence in USA political discourse02:
Interesting family of Indian immigrant parents in USA who adopted and are raising white twins02:
Challenges involved in Indian govt's plans to become an Artificial Intelligence powerhouseJune 2018
Astonished to know that Harry Truman USA president when USA and allies won World War II, returned to his home in Missouri as private citizen on a train, and received no President pension!30:
Heartening news on renewable power front from India as per The Guardian, which is good for climate change problem29:
USA FBI Director Wray: "I am not really a twitter guy"! :-)29:
Miscellaneous posts & comments on Facebook in June 201824:
Pics from a recent Tanzanian trip of my relatives - part 2 of 224:
Pics from a recent Tanzanian trip of my relatives - part 1 of 222:
Young Indian guy Colet Selwyn studying biomed engg in Glasgow, does great bass singing rendition of This Ole House Country Music song in GaitherVEVO 2017 event15:
Wonderful positive vibes change in Trump-Kim interactions as seen in videos of Singapore summit; Singapore deserves big thanks and congratulations for successful hosting of summit13:
So far so good! That's how the outcome of Trump - Kim summit in Singapore seems to me09:
Dramatic example of real-life road rage (USA) which fortunately did not hurt anybody but messed up car09:
Quite freaky and scary stolen armoured vehicle incidents in the USAMay 2018
James Comey on the bully and bullying26:
Times of India article on Harvey Weinstein's arrest on rape and sex crime charges in New York city25:
Karnataka chief minister Kumaraswamy wins Vote of Confidence; Fractured mandate in parliamentary democracy sometimes leads to odd post-poll coalition government25:
Good to see unanimous election of Shri K.R. Rameshkumar as speaker of Karnataka Assembly; Best wishes to him for upholding democratic discussions and processes in Assembly22:
Great service to Indian democracy by Hon'ble Chief Justice of India by ensuring SC heard Karnataka matter quickly21:
Thought-provoking Krugman article in NYT on 1980 being 'America’s Dismal Turning Point'; My view: Living within one's means, which includes serviceable debt, is key to financial stability20:
Some states in USA allow civilians to shoot machine guns even if they cannot buy those machine guns19:
USA mass shooter student in Texas, does not look so brave now (in police custody)!18:
I support Indian Supreme Court's order to give limited time (just a day) to BJP and Congress - Janata Dal (S) POST-POLL alliance to prove their party/alliance's majority on Karnataka state assembly floor15:
NYT report on how ZTE, a Chinese low-cost Telecom equipment & devices major company with global presence, has got severely crippled by USA sanctions11:
How to live long and have energy and drive to become PM of a country again at 92! Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Mantra: "Don't eat too much, exercise and read"!10:
92 year old Mahathir Mohamad shows great energy and drive to win election and stake claim to be PM of Malaysia06:
Saw almost all, if not all, of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg's hearing in USA Senate and House in early April 2018; My short thoughts on it04:
USA House of Representatives chaplain removal withdrawn by USA Speaker Ryan03:
Great dangers of financial and legal challenges in democratic politics today, both in USA and India02:
Information on Public Provident Fund (PPF) from official Govt. of India websites; Details about Withdrawal from PPF01:
Miscellaneous Facebook posts of mine in April 201801:
Ex FBI (USA) Director James Comey's book is available in India at Indian print priceApril 2018
North Korea - South Korea news is wonderful and fantastic!07:
Food for thought: DW (German) article reprinted in Indian Express: How Donald Trump is making America poorer again; President Trump's positive tweet about USA business06:
23-year-old woman in Maharashtra fights tiger with a stick to save her goat06:
The Atlantic article: The Debt MLK (Martin Luther King) Owed to India's Anti-Colonial Fight03:
The king of cricket in my avid cricket fan days - Vivian Richards!March 2018
Will Cambridge University do a thorough investigation of its academic Aleksandr Kogan's role in massive abuse of around 50 million American Facebook users' data for PSYOPS in USA elections? OR will it do a cover-up to protect its image?23:
#ReformNotDeleteFacebook - That's my stand23:
Videos and transcripts of the great economist of our times - Paul Krugman - speech on 17th Mar 2018 on Indian economy and Q&A session afterwards22:
Changed my Facebook Settings to reduce possibility of Facebook apps getting access to my data and friends list22:
Cambridge University's Aleksandr Kogan and Cambridge Analytica alleged roles in perhaps biggest abuse of user data (Facebook); USA elections interference; Zuckerberg CNN interview22:
My comment on Facebook boss, Mark Zuckerberg post on "update on the Cambridge Analytica situation"16:
Interesting NYT article: How China Is Challenging American Dominance in Asia15:
Interesting Hindu article about France-India ties' recent history, current agreements and future prospects by former Indian Ambassador to France13:
Full unedited video interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin by USA TV channel NBC's Megyn Kelly, March 201812:
French President Emmanuel Macron's short Thank you and 'Choose France' video message to Indians; Macron visit to Benaras and Taj Mahal12:
Controlling/managing breathing problems related to occupational hazards (e.g. dentists), allergies and pollution12:
French President Macron India visit; Macron seems to be emerging as world leader fighting climate change, and promoting solar energy, global trade, inclusive world and global security order05:
Concern about Chinese autocratic and control system challenging democracy and rule of law systems in leaderless world today05:
Two Hit Hindi films songs of early 70s: Choodi Nahin Ye Mera Dil Hai and O O Mere Raja (Vada Toh Nibhaya)02:
NYT article: Trump Plans Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum and Markets Slump01:
USA President Trump stuns me with his tough stand in televised discussion with USA lawmakers on some aspects of gun control! I fully support this standFebruary 2018
USA President Trump and USA state governors publicly televised meeting on school safety; Some reactions to suggestions made by Mr. Trump28:
New York Times article comparing USA military rifles M16 and M4 with AR-15 civilian rifle used in many mass shootings in USA27:
Veneration of guns in USA; USA today is estimated to have 8 to 15 million assault rifles in citizen hands; Worrying growth of armed right-wing groups in USA24:
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and family's visit to India23:
Some articles and some thoughts of mine related to Florida, USA school shooting and related matters22:
Heart-breaking yet inspiring meetings related to very tragic Florida, USA school mass shooting19:
Tamil Nadu history from around 1300 till expanded British ruled Madras Presidency in early 1800s13:
Open Budget Survey 2017 rankings topped by New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden; India categorized as 'Limited Information Available'12: judges these words of USA Senator Rand Paul as 'Mostly True': USA debt doubled under both George W. Bush and Barrack Obama and is on course to touch $30 trillion in next 7 years or so11:
Top Indian scientist reportedly dismissed after his research institute upheld charges of sexual harassment against him by junior colleague; Scientist to go to court to challenge it05:
Two recent money corruption and sexual harassment (ethical corruption) police cases against senior Indian academics of South India show how rotten Indian academia has become03:
Indian government's ambitious plan to provide Rs. 5 Lakh (USD 7860) per year health insurance per family to India's poor and lower middle class - 100 million families with about 500 million beneficiariesJanuary 2018
How Tamil Nadu political leader Shri M.K. Stalin got his name29:
China's 'century of humiliation' [1839 to 1949] and some related topics; Some info. on Mao Zedong's life29:
NYT article: "Every One of the World’s Big Economies Is Now Growing"; Really nice to read after the great financial scare a decade ago27:
Michael Wolff should name the lady he claims is having an affair with President Trump; Nikki Haley should sue Wolff for defamation if he names her26:
Friendly and appreciative views about India from Russian President Putin in Republic Day message to PM Modi26:
Wonderful to see 10 ASEAN (South East Asia) nation leaders being welcomed as Chief Guests for India's 69th Republic Day function13:
USA Ambassador to India, Ken Juster's inaugural policy address on USA India relations12:
USA has a right to deny entry to immigrants from poor nations but it should not horrifically insult those poor nations; USA President Trump denies he used insulting words for poor nations08:
Am very, very disturbed by Michael Wolff TV interviews; Have decided to take a break from writing USA politics posts06:
Disturbing to see USA President Trump's tweet to settle scores with his former presidential campaign head and former White House senior advisor, Steve Bannon06:
USA media seems to be unsupportive of President Trump's legal attempt to stop publication of "Fire and Fury" book; Reciprocal discovery issue may stop Trump from filing defamation lawsuit05:
'Fire and Fury' book with Steve Bannon & others' quotes that viciously attack USA President Trump; Trump furiously takes down Bannon; Trump lawyer's very strong legal threat to publisher and author04:
Anil Ambani on (mental) torture & trauma of 2G corruption investigation where court after over 6 years acquitted all accused; My view: Unfair attitude of Indian media & people to treat accused as guilty03:
The bigger and more powerful Nuclear Button tweet of USA President Trump seems to publicly define the biggest factor in today's fast-changing world power equations02:
The New York Times publisher job moves from father Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. to son Arthur Gregg Sulzberger02:
Good to see my Ruia college colleague Chadrakant Pandit be in the news as coach of Ranji Trophy winning Vidarbha cricket team01:
Ramaiya Vastavaiya, Mera Joota Hai Japani 1955 Hindi film hit songs; Phil bhi dil hai Hindustani 2000 Hindi film hit songDecember 2017
My comments on USA Senator Bernie Sanders' post on sad death of Erica Garner, daughter of Late Eric Garner of New York City30:
Pyaar Deewana Hota Hai, Hindi film oldie superhit romantic song on dangers of falling in love22:
USA President Trump signs the 'once in a generation', as per Republicans, "Tax cuts and jobs" bill into law22:
USA UN ambassador Haley's angry speech against those who voted to censure USA Jerusalem decision; My frank reaction22:
I support India's vote at UN on resolution against US 'recognition' of Jerusalem as capital of Israel21:
USA Senator Bernie Sanders and UN rapporteur Philip Alston speak on extreme poverty Alston found in USA21:
USA President Trump and Republican members of Congress victory lap video after tax cuts bill is passed in House and Senate20:
USA tax cuts bill: Senator Schumer and others' view; President Trump's short announcement; Speaker Ryan's view20:
China and Russia strongly criticize USA National Security Strategy document critical of China and Russia20:
Republican controlled USA Congress very close to passing major "tax cuts and jobs" bill19:
USA President Trump and team's National Security Strategy document - Dec 2017; Media articles on it19:
USA Congress Foreign Affairs Asia-Pacific Subcommittee Dec 2017 hearing's view of religious and other freedoms in Tibet today16:
Lucas Chancel of World Inequality Lab at Paris School of Economics, on Income Inequality in India16:
Some very unfortunate results of growing income and wealth inequality in the USA in past three to four decades; Few observations of mine about India in this regard14:
Chris Gayle's batting dominance in BPL final brings back memories of West Indies batting dominance in their heyday09:
USA Republican Congressman resigns on complaint and inquiry about him asking aide to be surrogate mother; I admire USA society for such efforts to make it better08:
I respect USA Sen. Al Franken for his stand and statement on resignation in coming weeks; Franken too deserves presumption of innocence07:
My comments about the cult book: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig06:
Jimmiki Kammal Malayalam viral song-and-dance video with international impact and adaptations; Power of song-dance videos to spread messages; ISKCON Bangalore flash mob videos05:
Internet freedom in India has allowed me to learn globally and to express myself as a social media writer globally since 2011; In China that could not have happened04:
Shashi Kapoor passes away; Mera paas maa hai - his most memorable line for me04:
Origins, the war itself, and aftermath of the 1962 India-China war04:
14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso02:
New York Times Editorial Board calls tax reform bill passed by USA Senate "A Historic Tax Heist"!02:
USA Senate passes major tax reform bill; Senate Majority Leader McConnell defends bill02:
USA Sen Warren (Democrat - Massachusetts) on how the big tax reform bill is being pushed through the USA Senate02:
USA President Trump says that Secy. of State Tillerson is NOT leaving01:
Three recent (in past hour or two) Facebook posts that reflect extremely divergent views on Tax bill in USA SenateNovember 2017
A view of Japanese life over the post world war II decades, and dying and death now, from a 91 year old lonely lady30:
USA President Trump should delete his retweet having false allegations about minor attacker's religion and migrant status29:
PM Modi and Advisor to US President Trump - Ivanka Trump - at Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) 2017 in Hyderabad26:
Vice-President of India, Venkaiah Naidu's article, "It's time to build a new India"23:
Will USA President Trump and Republican party's tax cuts proposal grow the economy, raise wages and create jobs in the USA?22:
USA President Trump deserves presumption of innocence on sexual harassment/abuse charges against him which he has flatly denied22:
Horrible squeeze on poor and lower middle class in USA over past 3 to 4 decades22:
I signed up for the Obama Foundation; My mail to them21:
Famous TV interviewer of world leaders, Charlie Rose, suspended by CBS News and PBS over sexual harassment allegations21:
14-Nov-2017 USA Senate hearing on presidential authority to use nuclear weapons18:
Bill Gates speech at Agtech summit in Vizag; Short history of how AP CM Chandrababu Naidu convinced Bill Gates to set up a Microsoft dev centre in AP18:
Hats off to Leeann Tweeden for speaking up courageously and articulately about her experience of inappropriate sexual behaviour by USA Senator Al Franken17:
Bill Gates being welcomed to AgTech summit in Vizag by CM Chandrababu Naidu and IT Minister Nara Lokesh17:
Good to see USA Senate members clearly condemn now USA Senator then famous comedian Al Franken's 2006 inappropriate sexual behaviour towards a lady16:
During elections, USA should consider having a Model Code of Conduct enforced by autonomous and constitutionally protected Election Commission like India15:
USA President Trump: "Economic security is national security"14:
Kapoor family dynasty who have been, and continue to be big, in Hindi film world11:
USA President Trump gives frank and seemingly fair speech at APEC summit detailing USA stand on trade in Indo-Pacific; My thoughts09:
On why Denmark has one of the highest (material) happiness indexes among countries in the world08:
USA President Trump's address to South Korean assembly takes tough line with North Korea but, thankfully, avoids very harsh threats used earlier07:
Thought-provoking Hindu article examining varied legacy of Russian 'October revolution' a hundred years ago
November 2017
PM Modi welcomes King and Queen of Belgium06:
Almost Heaven, West Virginia song by John Denver; West Virginia coal mining economic crisis; 2016 presidential campaign spotlight05:
World Bank CEO Georgieva: In 2047 (100 years of Independent India) most people in India will be part of global middle class03:
Wars of independent India; USA India relations from that context03:
USA Senator Elizabeth Warren says Yes to question whether USA Democratic party primary in 2016 USA presidential election was rigged02:
USA Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing confirms the very dangerous nuclear standoff between USA and North Korea; Concerns raised about pre-emptive/preventative nuclear strike01:
My prayers to God to give strength and courage to families and friends of victims of terror attack and to New York City and USA peopleOctober 2017
Frank talk from USA President Trump's chief of staff, Gen. Kelly, in Laura Ingraham interview on 30th Oct. 2017; EMP bomb; Praying for world peace30:
Opioid addiction epidemic in the USA: article and video links28:
Blueberry Hill by Fats Domino; Jon Batiste's NYT article about Fats Domino and his contribution to USA rock 'n' roll28:
Happy that India chose freedom and development combined model (like that of USA) even though India's development is significantly lesser than China today27:
Article on India's first indigenously developed analog and digital computers and a knowledgeable comment on it27:
USA Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit to India (Oct. 2017)26:
Hilarious video of Kim Jong Un impersonator walking through New York City26:
Some world media views about Xi Jinping's powerful grip on China now, and what a powerful China under Xi Jinping means for the world25:
19th Communist Party of China Congress: Chinese President Xi Jinping keynote speech and more; My comments23:
Best of USA democracy and USA people's helping spirit on display at hurricane relief concert21:
Vital speech of former USA president George W. Bush about challenges to democracy and liberty in USA and the world, and how to overcome them21:
Russian president Putin calls Americans' disrespect for American president Trump, a negative feature of USA democracy20:
Transcript of USA Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's remarks on USA-India relationship for next 100 years; My comments18:
USA Secy of State Rex Tillerson's remarks on U.S.-India partnership on Oct. 18th 201718:
USA President Trump's Facebook post on Diwali18:
USA veteran senator John McCain's speech passionately arguing for USA to continue its post World War II leadership "to help make another better world"; My thoughts17:
NYT Editorial Board article on USA under President Trump withdrawing from/lessening its global leadership role17:
Former President Pranab Mukherjee on Indian identity/Indianness which should be upheld, preserved and never compromised16:
1.78 billion hours of high-speed data (video) and 3.78 billion GB of data consumption, and 2.7 billion Rupees loss for Reliance Jio for this Sept. quarter16:
Calm and collected USA Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's recent interview with CNN's Jake Tapper16:
Interesting recent interview of Hillary Clinton by Fareed Zakaria of CNN15:
Extraordinary low cost 4G smartphone (sub Rs 3000) and low cost 4G Internet access portends very bright outlook on this front for India, and perhaps the world10:
Audio clips of New York Times interview with USA Senator Bob Corker about President Trump10: article: Las Vegas sheriff says lessons learnt from 26/11 Mumbai attack helped prevent a thousand deaths06:
Some thoughts about development in India and China in past few decades, and challenges ahead for both06:
Some thoughts of mine about Russia and socialism, and India's relationship with Russia and socialism after Indian independence04:
George Orwell assessment of Gandhi - 1949; My view: Britain-India friendly relationship of equals today was enabled by Gandhi's non-violent & without hatred approach03:
Sales of assault rifles of kind used in mass shootings in USA, to any adult USA citizen should be STOPPED02:
Mahatma Gandhi and Lancashire textile mill workers in 1931September 2017
Tragic Mumbai local railway station stampede that killed at least 22 people "was waiting to happen"29:
Aggro on cricket field is appreciated but physical assault aggro by any cricket star has to be condemned26:
Recent speech of Barrack Obama inspiring people (youngsters) to face challenges of the world - Sept. 2017 Goalkeepers event in NY, USA24:
Perhaps unprecedented menacing language exchanged between USA and North Korea leaders using United Nations General Assembly podium23:
Chinese ambassador to India article, "Turn the page to a new chapter" in The Hindu23:
Fascinating 'Human Population Through Time' animation video from American Museum of Natural History14:
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe speaks in Ahmedabad India on Japan-India relations at Bullet train project foundation stone laying10:
Some info. about Storm Surge and Hurricane Irma04:
Fascinating interview of John le Carré; Parallels of betrayal in his books and Muddenahalli group01:
Commendable work by local, state and federal officials and other people in saving lives in Texas, USA areas hit by Harvey flooding; May God bless themAugust 2017
More on Houston and other parts of Texas flooding due to Hurricane/Storm Harvey30:
My recent posts related to Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh's conviction for rape, and Dera Sacha Sauda28:
Houston and some other parts of Texas, USA, reel under flooding impact of Hurricane/Storm Harvey24:
Joan Baez - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down song seems to capture USA southern hurt over USA civil war23:
Some links having great videos, pics and text accounts of USA total solar eclipse23:
Good to see Chelsea Clinton asking USA media to back off from criticizing minor Barron Trump; Melania Trump thanks Chelsea Clinton23:
Indian Supreme Court in a 3:2 judgement, strikes down triple talaq divorce among Indian Muslims as unconstitutional22:
How Derek Black, former white nationalist and son of Stormfront website founder, moved away from white nationalism21:
USA Missouri state senator Chappelle-Nadal publicly apologizes to President Trump and family, after being inspired by Christian scripture20:
Peaceful Boston free speech rally did not seem to have neo Nazis and White Supremacists; Protesters against bigotry and hatred outnumbered them ten to one19:
Transcript of Arnold Schwarzenegger message to USA neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates, and to those who 'hang around' them19:
Tim Cook and Rupert Murdoch's mails about disagreement with USA President Trump on Charlottesville18:
Some articles/posts related to Charlottesville hatred and violence and my comments on them18:
Stephen Bannon is out of the (USA) White House (after today)18:
USA Missouri state senator who posted and deleted comment hoping for president Trump assassination should publicly apologize to Trump18:
VICE News documentary on white nationalist group involved in Charlottesville; Strong reactions to Trump's both sides to blame remarks on Tuesday17:
Does USA President Trump's Tuesday, 15th Aug. press conf. remarks show that he is insincere in his condemnation of white supremacists & neo Nazis?14:
USA President Trump UNEQUIVOCALLY CONDEMNS racism and white supremacists BY NAME in context of Charlottesville tragedy!14:
White supremacist militia with assault rifles patrol Charlottesville, Virginia, USA rally!14:
USA Sen. Bernie Sanders: Heather Heyer (of Charlottesville, Virginia) sacrificed her life in the fight for social and racial justice (against White Supremacy and Neo Nazism)13:
USA President Trump must condemn white nationalist hatred role in Charlottesville, Virginia terrorist road rage attack that killed 1 and hurt 1912:
USA India relations since World War II10:
USA Gen. James Clapper on what USA-North Korea war would mean: Incomprehensible death and destruction in Korean peninsula and perhaps regionally10:
NYT article on contentious memo of fired Google employee; links to actual memo09:
Scary state of affairs between USA and N. Korea06:
Venkaiah Naidu is elected as Vice-President of IndiaJuly 2017
Wolf Blitzer interview of Reince Priebus on him resigning as White House Chief of Staff28:
USA Sen. John McCain's vote sinks Republican bill called 'Skinny Repeal' of Obamacare, in Senate28:
USA Republican senators' pushback on president Trump's public humiliation of AG Sessions; Lindsay Graham: Trump is trying to turn democracy upside down28:
WaPo and NYT articles on rush at free medical clinics in rural USA27:
A few oldie Hindi song videos that I enjoyed a few days back27:
Kejriwal denies asking lawyer Jethmalani to use offensive word against minister; Jethmalani disagrees and quits; Legally defensible public allegations in India today27:
14th President of India, Ram Nath Kovind's Swearing In ceremony and Assumption of office speech27:
USA Senate on Healthcare votes DOWN both broad Obamacare repeal, and repeal without replace26:
Knowledgeable and educative farewell speeches by 13th (former) president of India and veteran Parliamentarian, Pranab Mukherjee21:
Australian FM Julie Bishop's recent visit to New Delhi; Australia joins International Solar Alliance led by India & France21:
Australian FM Julie Bishop's Indo-Pacific oration in New Delhi on Indo-Australia ties and support for rules based international order20:
Ram Nath Kovind elected as President of India19:
USA Republicans' Obamacare repeal only plan seems to be headed for failure18:
USA Republicans current Healthcare bill collapse reported in mainstream Indian newspaper (reprint of Reuters article)17:
Joe Scarborough article critical of USA president Trump's leadership of USA Republican party17:
USA moderate Republican Senator Susan Collins on need for hearing before making fundamental changes to safety net Medicaid program17:
The dangers of XYZ country's president getting into Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)16:
What a divisive and heated policy making process for HealthCare for USA citizens, the USA political system is going through now!15:
During testing times, truth-lovers sometimes have to walk alone; Tagore's Ekla Chalo Re07:
Did CNN do the right thing in tracking Reddit user who put up Trump beating up CNN logo GIF? Am reminded of Parthi Resident/Venkatesh Babu vicious Facebook attacks on me06:
Selected info. about Indian PM Narendra Modi's visit to Israel04:
NYT video & CNN's Ana Navarro interview critical of Trump beating CNN video; Daily Beast article on White House officials supporting Trump03:
The unfortunate higher ratings and money earning side of the USA mainstream media versus USA president Trump attacks03:
NYT article speculates Trump tweet attacking CNN as FakeNews and garbage journalism may have been triggered by James O'Keefe's CNN sting video02:
Worrying tweet from USA president Donald Trump that might encourage physical attacks on CNN reporters/staffJune 2017
NYT report: Former Saudi Crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef confined to palace29:
Sting on CNN by James O'Keefe which gets mentioned by USA President Trump Dy. Press secy. Sarah Huckabee Sanders29:
USA House Rep. Jason Chaffetz explains why he retired early from his House Rep. work28:
USA Government Fact Sheet: The United States and India — Prosperity Through Partnership27:
PM Narendra Modi's visit to USA White House to meet USA president Donald Trump27:
USA CBO says number of uninsured Americans goes up from 28 million now to 41 million in 2018 under proposed Senate Healthcare bill26:
NYT article: Brutally frank insider-view of US health insurance and so healthcare industry24:
Egypt leader Nasser in 1958/1966 speaks against compulsory wearing of hijab/scarf; Issues similar today in many Muslim countries24:
Moscow ceremony on 22-Jun to mark start of USSR war against Nazi Germany23:
USA President Trump says he did not make and does not have recordings of his conversations with ex FBI Director James Comey22:
Former Saudi Crown prince pledges allegiance to new Saudi Crown prince22:
Harsh outburst from African-American mother in Minnesota, USA, on police officer who shot her son dead, being ruled innocent20:
British PM Theresa May statement on attack on people leaving mosque in London18:
NYT video report on health care bill being drafted secretly in USA Senate; USA NJ resident Geoff Ginter's very harsh criticism of AHCA in May 2017 Townhall17:
Delightful opening speeches in new UK parliament by PM Theresa May and Opp. Leader Jeremy Corbyn10:
Bipartisan USA Senate Intelligence committee upholds USA democracy by holding a fair public hearing of ex FBI Director James Comey who was fired by USA President Donald Trump04:
How USA Republican party became hardened in their opposition to government rules to combat climate change in past few years03:
Superb diplomatic answer in typical Indian tradition by PM Modi to Megyn Kelly on sensitive USA-Russia elections interference allegations matter03:
Some articles on Indian response to Trump statement on USA exiting Paris Accord03:
Some articles and videos on Trump decision to exit Paris Accord02:
NYT Editorial Board on USA exiting Paris Climate Accord02:
USA gets out of Paris climate agreement - perhaps Trump's biggest global impact policy decision as of now01:
Russian president Vladimir Putin's article, Russia and India: 70 years together; Comments to Indian pressMay 2017
Notable points from PM Modi and Chancellor Merkel's media address in Berlin on 30th May 201731:
PM Narendra Modi article on seven decades of India-Russia friendship31:
Trump tweet very frankly criticizes German trade surplus with USA, and limited contribution to (German) military30:
Trump's foreign trip impact on global politics; Modi starts his Europe trip29:
Indian Muslim lady, Uzma, speaks about Indian High Commission in Pakistan and Indian EAM helping her escape from troubled marriage in Pakistan29:
Success of Danish welfare state25:
Feb. 2017 article about Nazi persecution of Jewish scientists & damage potential of any anti-science policies in USA today25:
Pope Francis exhorts USA President Trump to work for world peace; Trump states on Facebook, he is "more determined than ever to pursue PEACE"24:
Request that USA President Trump's budget helps USA students in tackling Trillion Dollar USA College Debt problem, and not hurt them24:
In post World War II period, have autocracies been better than democracies at generating long runs of growth, especially in developing/under-developed countries?20:
Roger Ailes, founding CEO of USA conservative media outlet, Fox News, and who ran it for nearly two decades18:
USA Dy AG Rosenstein appoints ex FBI director Mueller as Special Counsel to oversee probe into alleged foreign interference in 2016 USA election16:
Indian IT minister RS Prasad on few simple steps to secure your computer from Ransomware cyber threats12:
Hope and pray that things cool down quickly in USA over president Trump dismissal of FBI director Comey12:
Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye - song and crowd chant08:
NYT Editorial Board on election of Emmanuel Macron as president of France08:
Emmanuel Macron, 39, is elected the youngest president of France! Macron gets 66%, Le Pen 34%, of the vote07:
Full French Presidential debate between Macron and Le Pen, May 3rd 201704:
Thought-provoking NYT article: Is China the World’s New Colonial Power?01:
F.C. Kohli, L.S. Kanodia & N. Patni are pioneers of Indian software services export industryApril 2017
Some Journeyman Pictures videos showing ground reality faced by unfortunate across the world19:
NYT article on strange relationship between CNN's Jeff Zucker and then candidate now USA President Donald Trump18:
British PM Theresa May calls for a snap General election!14:
Awesome 2016 Earth at night pics from NASA showing areas with (electric) light usage11:
Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold wins Pulitzer Prize for dogged reporting of Trump’s philanthropy07:
Distinction between civil and criminal cases in India; Are there separate civil and criminal courts?March 2017
Why USA Republicans failed to pass (withdrew) Healthcare bill in House of Representatives25:
USA GOP Health-care bill withdrawn; Coping with astronomical costs of 21st century medical care is major social and political problem21:
My view is USA President Trump should now retract his tweets alleging ex President Obama wire-tapped Trump Tower17:
BBC article: US will 'not repeat' claims GCHQ wiretapped Donald Trump
February 2017
K. Seshadri Iyer, forgotten Dewan (key minister) of Mysore princely state with great contributions to making of modern Bangalore20:
Chris Wallace of Fox News: Trump saying (USA) media is enemy of American people is wrong and dangerous20:
NYT article: Tom Brokaw: The Offer From Nixon I Refused18:
Very Important Munich security conference speech of USA Senator John McCain about challenges to post-World War II world order16:
Pak Army says disinformation on report of Pakistan Army chief asking officers to read 'Army and Nation' book on Indian democracy success13:
Ghulam Ali ghazal superhits of the 80s & 90s11:
Two oldie English 'easy listening' pop songs I loved listening to: Sittin' on the dock of the bay; Buffalo Soldier09:
Has childlessness peaked in Europe?, Jan. 2017 paper in Population & Societies, French publication09:
Pope Francis' aide says safeguarding the poor is the church's mission; Stephen Bannon 2014 skype-remarks in conference held in VaticanJanuary 2017
The terrifying extreme nationalism and fanaticism of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis23:
Nazism (1920s to mid 1940s) being influenced by Volkisch movement and its back-to-the-land anti-urban populism22:
First look at USA President Trump signing documents/orders in the Capitol and in the Oval Office21:
USA President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump & family dancing at inaugural ball21:
Donald Trump is sworn in as USA's 45th President; Trump's inaugural speech19:
USA Senator Bob Casey and Education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos on 1 in 5 sexual assault on females in USA college campuses18:
USA Senate confirmation hearings of President-elect Trump's cabinet nominees13:
USA Presidential medal of freedom conferred on USA Vice-president Joe Biden11:
USA President Obama's farewell address; My humble thank you message to USA President Obama10:
The 1848-55 California Gold Rush and its importance in the history of California, USA08:
NYT video of Florida airport shooter's brother saying that psychiatric ward of govt hospital discharged shooter after 4 days!06:
NYT article, Why Rural America Voted for Trump06:
Short video clip of 1930s Bombay by James Fitzpatrick with pretty biased Western voice-over06:
NYT magazine article on how a decent kid became a USA Marine Corps marksman-killer in Afghanistan but struggled badly to fit back into USA civil society05: Haunting animation maps the journey of 15,790 slave ships in two minutes03:
My family has done better than communist China's one child per family norm :-) !December 2016
Economic breakdown in Venezuela leads to urban office workers becoming illegal gold diggers; Resurgence of malaria28:
Bollywood pop music sophistication of 2000s was way, way ahead of 1970s Bollywood pop music; Reflects growth in prosperity of Mumbai26:
Two unforgettable songs for me of George Micheal who passed away on Christmas day, yesterday25:
King Viv Richards of West Indies taking Aussie bowlers to the cleaners at Perth in 1988/8921:
The biggest job killer in USA (& elsewhere perhaps) is not China or Mexico but automation21:
Donald Trump wins Electoral College; NYT Editorial Board argues its time to end Electoral College18:
Gulabi Aankhen Jo Teri Dekhi - Mohd. Rafi, RD Burman 1970 hit romantic song with racy music18:
Donald Trump Thank You Rally in Orlando, FL, Dec 16th 201616:
Hindu article on how vulnerable to hacking Indian Internet based software systems are11:
Some notable old Hindi film songs - From my FB shares in Oct & Nov 201611:
Hauntingly sad Hindi film song: Dil ke armaan ansuon mein bah gaye11:
Hindu article: Tamil Nadu after Jayalalithaa by veteran political leader Jayanthi Natarajan07:
NYT article on Rural-Urban divide in Europe and European populists coming to power with rural votes07:
Tributes to (Late) Jayalalithaa, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu05:
NYT article on 'Rural states' vs 'Urban states' political divide in USA; Some comparison between USA and India democratic systems04:
Bernie Sanders says that Trump has rewritten the rules of politics; Trump took on everybody and became President!03:
Dil Aisa Kisi Ne Mera Toda - A famous sad Hindi film song with the GREAT Kishore Kumar singing it full of feeling01:
As a former Indian university volunteer-teacher I am very disturbed to read about a "radical" USA professor watchlist webpage01:
India's education systems would have improved even without British rule; Macaulay's great damage to traditional Indian knowledge systemsNovember 2016
Trump & Romney: Nothing succeeds like success; Winner's world view suddenly becomes acceptable to some previously bitter critics30:
Reviews of Shashi Tharoor's new book - An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India28:
Tributes to Revolutionary icon, Fidel Castro from India; Harsh view from some USA leaders27:
USA 2016 Presidential election: Recount in Wisconsin state; Attempts to have recount in Pennsylvania and Michigan26:
USA President Obama's message at Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai in Nov. 2010 about Mumbai terror attack in Nov. 200826:
Eric Trump visiting Orlando Hindu temple on Nov. 6th video 25:
Magnanimous of Trump and Romney to meet seriously for Secretary of State position discussions24:
NYT profile of designated USA ambassador to UN, Gov. Nikki Haley23:
Shocking white supremacist words of Richard Spencer, alt-right leader, in Washington D.C., USA21:
Will Trump-Sessions team cut down on USA H1-B guest worker visas? Indian software tech companies are heavy users of H1-B visas21:
Stephen Bannon claims to be economic nationalist and NOT white nationalist; his views on history of USA crises19:
My view on how to handle concerns about increased racism and bigotry in USA under a President Trump administration17:
Harry Reid's Senate speech on Trump's election; Criticism of Harry Reid's words by Republicans14:
Harry Reid on fear among some Americans after Trump election; Trump says "stop it" to those causing harassment and tells protesters "don't be afraid"13:
Have my uncritical and publicly neutral informal-student-observer social media posts served any USA presidential candidate (Trump or Clinton)?13:
Hillary Clinton & campaign staff on reasons for defeat; FBI Director Comey's October surprise stopped Clinton momentum12:
An alternative analysis of why Trump won by an Indian origin scholar; Historical background of USA immigration law for Indians12:
Chicago: Bystanders yell anti-Trump taunts as man beaten after minor car accident12:
Reports of sickening racist incidents in USA after Trump victory; NYT editorial board asks Trump to denounce the hate10:
Michael Moore in July 2016 had CORRECTLY predicted Trump becoming president due to victories in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin10:
USA President Obama speaks on Trump presidential victory10:
Hillary Clinton's concession speech in 2016 USA Presidential election09:
My comments on posts claiming that Trump won due to sexism, racism, misogyny and stupidity09:
Jesus Christ! CNN declares Donald Trump as president-elect of USA; Donald Trump gives victory speech08:
Final USA presidential campaign rallies of Clinton and Trump06:
Ads of 2016 USA presidential campaign06:
Secret service whisk away Donald Trump at Nevada rally due to security scare from a false alarm03:
Thought-provoking NYT article about 2016 political turmoil reflecting White identity crisis in USA and Europe03:
Reports of Donald Trump targeting NBC News reporter Katy Tur at Nov. 2nd 2016 rally are very disturbing!01:
Nov 2016 - Misc links/info. about USA presidential election01:
Before The Flood - Oct 2016 climate change movie with Leonardo DiCaprio lead roleOctober 2016
Iowa, USA voter, fearing rigged election against Trump, casts two ballots and gets charged with election fraud crime! What a tragedy!30:
All the President's Men, Revisited - Watergate 40 yrs later by Robert Redford29:
USA educated Indian Political Science researcher writes about threat to American institutions and system due to Trump campaign28:
Trump says, 'we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump, right'!28:
Michelle Obama (in rally with Hillary Clinton) rejects global conspiracy and vote rigging allegations; Says in USA, voters decide elections28:
Donations to Clinton foundation and Bill Clinton come under criticism from USA mainstream media28:
Mike Pence's campaign plane skids off runway; All safe; Political campaigning is risky and only courageous people can do it28:
Some links related to 47 percent video of 2012 USA presidential election27:
Some Catholic writers criticize Cardinal Dolan of New York for this year's Al Smith event; Dolan defends26:
Karnataka minister Ramesh Kumar criticizes public display of wealth at lavish weddings26:
Oct 2016 miscellaneous links about USA presidential election25:
Donald Trump focuses on dark conspiracy theories; insists 'We are winning' in St. Augustine, Florida rally - 24 Oct 1625:
Attorney Lisa Bloom fully supports Jill Harth, Trump sexual misconduct accuser, wrt Trump lawsuit threat24:
Hillary Clinton and Al Gore speak on climate change in Miami, Florida - Oct. 11th 201624:
Article about R.K. Narayan interactions with Natwar Singh; Narayan's book, The Guide, and movie, Guide23:
Trump threatens lawsuit against sexual misconduct accusers (after election); Attorney Allred fires back at Trump23:
China did NOT vote against Shashi Tharoor in 2006 UN Secretary General ballots22:
USA President Obama's Clinton-Kaine campaign speech in Miami, Florida on Oct. 20th 201622:
Russian president Putin denies charges that Russia is influencing USA presidential election22:
Trump: Will accept election results if I win; Pence: Will accept but have right to legally challenge questionable results; Obama: Dangerous to sow seeds of doubt in people's minds21:
Trump and Clinton speeches at 2016 Al Smith Dinner21:
3rd USA presidential debate: National Debt; rising debt to GDP ratio; financial burden of social security and medicare21:
Danger of nuclear war: 3rd USA presidential debate snippet; Accidental nuclear war possibilities20:
Final USA presidential debate; Trump says election is rigged, implies he may not accept election result; Clinton is horrified & appalled20:
Some CONTROVERSIAL stuff regarding USA presidential election including voter fraud allegations18:
BRICS 2016 Goa Summit Declaration18:
Interesting podcast interview of Mitt Romney18:
Melania Trump video interview with Andersen Cooper of CNN, Oct. 17th 201618:
Trump speech to Republican Hindu Coalition, Oct 15 2016 in Edison, New Jersey, USA17:
North Carolina USA Republican party office being firebombed MUST BE CONDEMNED by DEMOCRACY-LOVERS16:
Indian PM Modi meets Russian President Putin on sidelines of BRICS summit in Goa, India14:
Trump goes ballistic with theories of global elite conspiracies against him14:
USA First Lady Michelle Obama's powerful speech against sexual predatory attitude and behaviour towards women by men13:
Three more women publicly accuse USA presidential nominee Trump of forcible groping & kissing; Trump denies accusations, threatens lawsuit13:
Very sad to see laid off coal miners and other workers without jobs, suffer in USA13:
"Unshackled" Trump goes on no holds barred (verbal) attack against Clinton and some Republicans12:
Samsung Note 7 battery fire incidents highlight absence of suitable consumer protection laws11:
Am I right in calling post World War II USA, a glorious democracy?11:
Trump's threat to jail Hillary Clinton is utterly unworthy of major party nominee for president of USA, a glorious democracy10:
2nd USA presidential debate: Nastiest top political office debate I have seen in my life10:
Donald Trump press conference with Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick & Kathleen Willey Oct 9th 201608:
Utah (USA) Senator Mike Lee expresses deep distress over Trump leaked video; Asks Trump to step aside08:
Donald Trump USA presidential candidacy may crash after explosive 2005 video about lewd attitude towards women07:
Hindu article criticising use of genetics to promote and justify selfish behaviour in human society06:
Some frank words from Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong about free trade in India06:
Hillary Clinton Rally in Akron, Ohio, USA on October 3rd 201606:
Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's campaign books available for Rs. 300 each06:
Washington Post: USA white working-class men increasingly falling behind05:
2016 USA Vice Presidential Debate between Mike Pence and Tim Kaine04:
Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Loveland, Colorado, USA (10/3/2016)03:
Oppression and subjugation in human history are not a feature of European (white) conquerors alone; Asian conquerors too have been similar01:
USA Smithsonian African American History and Culture museum opening ceremony01:
New York Times: Actually, a Malfunction Did Affect Donald Trump’s Voice at the DebateSeptember 2016
USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'29:
Main events in founding of the United States of America as an independent country28:
Glenn Beck on Ted Cruz supporting Donald Trump27:
Full first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump27:
New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times endorse Hillary Clinton for USA President24:
USA Senator Ted Cruz endorses USA Republican party nominee for President, Donald Trump24:
Cell phone video of Charlotte, North Carolina, USA police shooting of Keith Scott23:
USA Senator Elizabeth Warren lectures Wells Fargo chairman and talks about 2008 Financial crisis23:
USA President election is more of campaign platforms & teams of Clinton vs. Trump21:
Human population is concentrated in relatively small portions of countries20:
Trump asks supporters to imagine one people under one God saluting one American flag!20:
Full Speech: Donald Trump HUGE Rally in Fort Myers, Florida (Sept/19/2016) 20:
USA President Obama Speech at Black Caucus Foundation in Washington DC - Sept. 17, 201620:
Book: What About Me?: The Struggle for Identity in a Market-Based Society by Paul Verhaeghe17:
Is the virtually two-party political system of the USA a key drawback of USA democracy?15:
USA nominees for President come under extraordinary health scrutinyAugust 2016
WaPo article quoting Trump on black America, and then repudiating the view27:
The USA Alt-Right and its efforts to halt "deconstruction of white European" culture; My take26:
Trump's Immigration Town Hall; Clinton's speech against Trump and Alt-Right26:
USA millennials spooked by credit card debt15:
Interesting world population youtube videos
August 2016
Some August speeches of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton11:
Trump says ISIS honours Obama and that Obama is the founder of ISIS!!! Seems to be utterly RIDICULOUS!10:
Hype or genuine? Violence related allegation in USA presidential campaign08:
BBC: Himmler diaries found in Russia reveal daily Nazi horrors07:
Increased inequality in rural America; Wonder how it is in rural Andhra Pradesh and India overall?05:
Bernie Sanders: I support Hillary Clinton. So should everyone who voted for meJuly 2016
Tim Kaine acceptance speech for USA Vice-Presidential nomination at Democratic convention29:
USA President Obama's speech at Democratic convention29:
Hillary Clinton's USA presidential nomination acceptance speech at Democratic Convention28:
What the world needs now is love, sweet love - sung live at DNC28:
Video of Hillary Clinton breaking glass ceiling at USA Democratic convention27:
Democratic party unified behind Clinton as Sanders nominates her as Presidential candidate26:
Senator Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton for USA President at Democratic Convention25:
Sanders demanded DNC chair Schultz resignation; She has resigned23:
Hillary Clinton selects Tim Kaine as her Vice-President pick22:
Donald Trump and Mike Pence acceptance speeches at Republican Convention; Ted Cruz speech20:
Donald Trump is chosen as nominee for USA President by Republican Party Convention19:
USA Republican National Convention, July 18th, Discord over Rules15:
Donald Trump announces Mike Pence as Vice-Presidential running mate via twitter15:
A discussion on Oscar Pistorius being given presidential pardon by Jacob Zuma15:
David Cameron's farewell speeches - youtube videos14:
Theresa May is the new PM of Britain, and has appointed Boris Johnson as the foreign secretary13:
List of posts of this Misc blog with autobiographical content13:
Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton10:
Horrific act of sniper killer of Dallas, USA policemen; My prayers for the policemen10:
Ruchir Sharma, Morgan Stanley top analyst on public disillusion with economics profession09:
BBC News: How Tony Blair came to be so unpopular08:
Ruchir Sharma book uses terms: BC - Before Crisis of 2008; AC - After Crisis!06:
Hillary Clinton & Barrack Obama's first joint campaign rally in 2016 USA presidential race04:
Nigel Farage resigns as UKIP leader; wants his life back; How strange can UK politics get!04:
Dr. Manmohan Singh on the days, 25 years ago, when India was pulled back from economic disaster and put on path to economic recovery03:
Morgan Stanley Head of Emerging Markets, Ruchir Sharma's, interview & book, The Rise and Fall of Nations02:
Fatal crash sparks Tesla Autopilot investigation; Software is NOT bug-proof01:
Will implementation of Leave not need the political charisma of Boris Johnson? Was he needed only to win the Leave vote?01:
Boris Johnson drops out of UK PM race as his campaign deputy Michael Gove decides to run for PM himself!June 2016
One-time referendum may not be a good reading of the people's will on matters of great import30:
Cameron: Access to EU Single Market most important issue for next govt; EU 27 member state heads/govt. meeting statement26:
USA President Obama's speech encouraging global entrepreneurship at Stanford University, USA26:
Henry Paulson, architect of USA TARP bailout, on prospect of Trump USA presidency25:
Brexit vote - some analysis24:
Gun control laws & politics in Australia as against USA23:
Hillary Clinton June 21st 2016 speech transcript and Donald Trump June 22nd 2016 speech transcript22:
Corey Lewandowski on being relieved of his campaign manager job with Trump21:
Washington Post article: I reported Omar Mateen to the FBI. Trump is wrong that Muslims don’t do our part.21:
Very foolish and mad act of Briton at Trump rally21:
USA Senate rejects seemingly commonsense gun control measures!18:
Troubled history of the Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen17:
Stephen Colbert vs. Bill O'Reilly - a very frank and pretty focused conversation on guns and terror and ...14:
US President Obama explains why he does not use term "radical Islam"14:
Trump's speech on terrorism, immigration and national security14:
Some videos related to tragedy in Orlando, Florida, USA12:
Muhammad Ali - Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth10:
USA Vice-President Joe Biden's letter to Stanford University rape victim10:
Senator Sanders' statement after meeting President Obama at the White House10:
Senator Warren, former Law Professor, on danger to "equal justice under law" in USA judiciary and on Trump's attacks on Judge Curiel10:
USA President Barrack Obama endorses Secretary Hillary Clinton for president09:
US-India relations are growing even when political party in power changes both in USA and India09:
PM Narendra Modi's address to USA Congress: video, pics & transcript09:
7th June USA Primary results: Seems to be Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump for USA presidency05:
There was more to Muhammad Ali than boxing05:
A history of India from 2800 BCE, kingdoms wise in a 12 minute changing map video04:
Hillary Clinton's speech on USA National Security (and foreign policy) in San Diego, USA on Thursday, June 2nd 201603:
Indian IIT engineer turns gunman-killer on UCLA, USA campus; Does IIT engineering curriculum teach human values?May 2016
Steven Spielberg - Harvard Commencement 2016 speech27:
Obama & Abe make emotionally moving and wise speeches at Hiroshima peace memorial; Aim for nuclear weapon free world26:
Concise whistleblower view of criminal and civil defamation law in India26:
Civil Defamation Law in India25:
My disagreement with "The Most Honest Three Minutes in Television History" (USA) video22:
Apple CEO Tim Cook calls on PM Narendra Modi (21-May-2016)21:
Oklahoma, USA bill making abortion a serious crime, vetoed by Governor21:
The Hindu interviews Tim Cook, Apple CEO, who is on an India visit18:
Was anybody judged guilty of criminal defamation in last two or three decades in India?17:
British Irrigation engineer Arthur Cotton's statue garlanded by Andhra Pradesh minister of irrigation15:
Indian Supreme Court rejects petition arguing criminal defamation law as unconstitutional; Defamation law in India14:
Danger of being an investigative journalist in India exposing corruption and other crimes13:
USA Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton discuss Presidential Leadership Scholars (Sep. 2014)10:
Donald Trump's political views almost thirty years ago - similar to now!10:
I appreciate Smt. Sonia Gandhi's patriotism & love for India08:
Role of Indian Quislings in British conquest of India; De-industrialization of India after 1750; Re-emergence of India (and China)06:
N. Ram of The Hindu on Journalism as investigation06:
The (past) appeals made to USA Christians by Ted Cruz campaign team05:
Video of Ted Cruz's interaction with Indiana Trump supporter & heckler is quite telling05:
John Kasich drops out; Donald Trump is the only one standing in the Republican nominee race04:
Donald Trump wins Indiana; Ted Cruz drops out; RNC chair tweets Trump will be presumptive GOP nomineeApril 2016
Sathya Sai discourse to Indian Merchants Chamber, Bombay in 1984 about right (Dharmic) ways to do business29:
Carly Fiorina on why USA constitution matters today and how to save the future of USA29:
USA House speaker Paul Ryan invites Indian PM Narendra Modi to address US Congress28:
Mainstream South Indian newspaper, The Hindu, editorial on prospect of a Donald Trump USA presidency26:
Hillary Clinton campaign slams Donald Trump for "mocking" (impersonating) Indian call centre worker22:
Why is USA (a democracy) politics so dominated by two political parties: the Democratic party and the Republican party?21:
CNN article gives both sides of the allegations of voter disenfranchisement in New York City Democratic primary elections21:
Big day for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump; Allegations of voter suppression & fraud on Democratic side21:
What an extraordinary sweep by Donald Trump of his home state, New York!11:
World needs caring & compassionate capitalism instead of ruthless & predatory capitalism09:
USA Police officers body-slamming school girls who resist arrest; Tips for school kids to avoid such incidents08:
Bernie Sanders vs. General Electric CEO Jeffrey ImmeltMarch 2016
Andy Grove article in 2010 warning about USA tech industry manufacturing & engg. job losses, and suggested solutions27:
Delightful intruder on Bernie Sanders' podium at rally; Terrific take from Senator Sanders about it23:
Why am I politically neutral in my public social media posts & comments?22:
USA: Medical expenses is No. 1 reason for personal bankruptcy filed by families22:
USA Democratic and Republican party national committee chairs comment on their party nominee selection process21:
USA President Ronald Reagan epitaph on his memorial17:
USA Supreme Court nominee, Judge Garland: a life of public service is as much a gift to the person who serves as it is to those he is serving16:
Super Tuesday III, USA primary election results & projections15:
The Obama Doctrine - Atlantic article by Jeffrey Goldberg14:
Politics - art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from rich by promising ...13:
Act of protester charging at Donald Trump must be STRONGLY CONDEMNED11:
Admire John Kasich for telling it like it is (was) about Tiananmen square protests (of 1989), in contrast to Donald Trump's remarks 11:
Interesting Analysis of current situation in USA presidential election cycleFebruary 2016
Venezuela economic challenges today; Is Venezuelan socialism to blame partly? Are Scandinavian social democracy/welfare state success stories true?06:
Some observations about Denmark today by a EuropeanJanuary 2016
A Western foreigner in Puttaparthi implies that "regular Indians" are cheats; Was my reaction appropriate?18:
Very tragic suicide of Dalit student who was expelled/suspended by Hyderabad university06:
How the British colonized India; Post based largely on Wikipedia sources03:
Fascinating animated map of USA immigration; pre-1700 USA culture almost obliteratedDecember 2015
Bill Gates on Energy Innovation04:
Nov. 2015 video on God, guns & gospel in the USANovember 2015
19000 Hindi (film) songs listed and linked to (youtube) videos21:
Famous Marathi song Runanubandhachya by Kumar Gandharva and Vani Jairam21:
Few videos on poverty in rural, suburban and urban USA17:
Deeply disturbed by Paris attack mastermind-suspect being a Brussels born Belgian, with support from others in Brussels13:
PM Narendra Modi’s address to the British Parliament (Nov. 2015)11:
Enjoyed this 1997 (obituary) article on a comedian, Pat Paulsen, who campaigned for US president many times; Pat Paulsen video10:
In 2016 US Presidential race, NYT says, it seems, truth is in the eyes of the beholder09:
What a vetting process the (top) USA presidential candidates go through! Dr. Ben Carson gets a rough time from the media!07:
Prof. Satish Deshpande on caste factor in Indian politics today06:
Chinese Vice-President article: China, India, and closely connected dreams03:
Population Control Methods: A very big difference between China and India in the past four to five decadesOctober 2015
Foundation Laying Ceremony of Amaravati, The People's Capital, of Andhra Pradesh23:
PM Narendra Modi's address at Amaravati Foundation ceremony16:
'Breaking the bonds of rural poverty' by Director General of Food & Agriculture Orgn., United Nations13:
"Ruining people is considered sport" - Brutal reality of Politics in USA & India; Spiritual org. politicsSeptember 2015
Frank Abagnale: The young boy who became conman, went to prison, and then became a good man30:
Bernie Sanders' service to democracy worldwide by vehemently opposing BIG MONEY's unfair influence in politics18:
2nd USA Republican candidates debate, CNN, Sept. 16th 201516:
How Russia helped India by blocking USA Seventh Fleet in 1971 Bangladesh liberation war; Nixon-Kissinger discussions on the war13:
USA Political Science Prof. view on current USA presidential election contest12:
Year old Paul Krugman video & text lavish praise reviews of French economist Piketty's book: Capital in the twenty-first centuryAugust 2015
My neutral political science self-study student stand in USA presidential election posts15:
Mumbai CST Railway Station lit up on Independence day15:
Countries of the world becoming more equal to each other14:
Hillary Clinton's plan to make college cheaper; Corruption; "good life" on debt; Leave rules in IndiaJuly 2015
Photo and message about Dr. Manmohan Singh presenting famous 1991 liberalization budget21:
MP Shashi Tharoor makes a classy case of why Britain should atone for its colonization sins and say, Sorry17:
A learning from mishap when water bottle was kept in same briefcase as Mac Air Laptop (in flight)16:
My memories of the 1993 Bombay/Mumbai serial bomb blasts15:
Chinese Financial Crisis; small similarities to Mumbai 1992 stock market scam; USA Financial Crisis 2007-08; TARP repaidMay 2015
Friendly relationship between Danish king and South Indian (Thanjavur) King in early 17th century02:
Extracts & Comments: Rev. Martin Luther King's famous 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail'
April 2015
Classes & longevity of Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Indian societies; Gradual move to egalitarian society may be wise path for India today23:
Article about vital public service provided by anti-fascists like Grass (Germany) and Murakami (Japan)12:
Very interesting history video of Saudi Arabia from 20th century onwards by PBS in 200511:
Wonderful words from both Indian PM Shri Narendra Modi and UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova04:
AAP bitter divide: The intellectual and lawyer-activist (Bhushan) takes on the popular leader's (Kejriwal's) serious charges, and how!March 2015
Rebuttal by Chinese academic of USA academic's "Coming Chinese Crackup" recent article08:
US academic's rather shocking view of the current political and social situation in ChinaFebruary 2015
Sealed Lead-Acid Battery (Home) PC UPS seems to be bad for slightly weak lungs and allergic rhinitis patients like me11:
Has Indian democracy finally come of age? Upstart Common Man Party sweeps to power in Delhi city-stateJanuary 2015
Why I was very happy to see US President Obama as Chief Guest at India's Republic day functionDecember 2014
Notes on some episodes of CNN International Cold War Documentary10:
Deeply touched by CNN's Amanpour interview-program of Yousufzai and Satyarthi, Nobel peace laureates 2014November 2014
Horrendous happenings in London in the 80s; No large country seems to have high moral standard record18:
Challenges involved for neighbourhood cleaning activity in Puttaparthi when done individually16:
Indian cricket administration: Systems that lack transparency and accountability breed dictatorsOctober 2014
The fear of dangerous and contagious diseases like Ebola21:
Paul Krugman compares's power in USA books market to that of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil11:
Is Nobel peace prize for Satyarthi a matter of honour and joy for India? All child labour is not evil, IMHO07:
Comments on Harvard Business Review article: The rise (and likely fall) of the talent economy01:
US-India Joint Statement after President Obama - PM Modi meetSeptember 2014
21st century US-India partnership article by Indian PM Modi and US President Obama in the Washington Post28:
Indian PM Modi's UNGA address - Some extracts & comments26:
Unfair and inappropriate criticism of Indian Mars orbiter expense in the context of Indian poverty25:
USA president Obama's UNGA address: World stability and co-existence of religious communities excerpts25:
Indian Mars club entry: Great tweet exchange between NASA Mars Curiosity and ISRO Mars Orbiter22:
New York Times article on a crisis of faith in the global elite; Some comments20:
Defensive driving in Puttaparthi and elsewhere18:
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement on meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping17:
Chinese President Xi Jinping on China & India moving together 'Towards an Asian century of prosperity'03:
An interesting Hindu article critical of the term, Vedic Mathematics01:
PM Modi says in Japan: 21st century is Asia's century; My view: Economical, technological, social & spiritual progress blend needed for great 21st centuryAugust 2014
A quick look at anti-GMO and pro-GMO views27:
Deeply grateful to Richard Attenborough for making Gandhi a real-life figure for me and so many others22:
St. Louis (USA) city police demonstrate learning from Ferguson incident with social media savvy in handling another unfortunate shooting18:
Ferguson, USA: Trial by Social Media & Regular Media in this Information Age16:
Why one should avoid casual arguments with strangers while using public transport16:
Wiser to physically cooperate with the perhaps stressed out police (e.g. frisking) even if the police may be overdoing it15:
Selected extracts from PM Modi Independence day 2014 speech and some comments09:
Century passes since start of most horrible "industrial-scale" World War I09:
Hungarian PM, Viktor Orban: World-regime changes in 20th century and 21st century so far09:
Stress Test by former US Treasury secretary Tim Geithner; Debt-to-GDP ratio: a key indicator of financial health of countriesDecember 2009
Setting up Netgear WGR614v9 for Wireless BSNL Broadband Internet Access14:
Setting up ipod Touch to be a Pocket ebook Reader09:
Affordable Pocket ebook Reader for Sanskrit/Hindi/English06:
Viewing Sanskrit/Hindi documents on ipod Touch/iPhoneFebruary 2009
Logitech PureFi Express Plus iPod SpeakerJanuary 2009
JXD 951 Firmware Not Available for Download!!!September 2008
Reading Text files as images with large font on JXD 951 480x272 mp4 player09:
JXD 951 Quick User Review / Manual / NotesJuly 2008
Telugu Learning ResourcesAugust 2007
User Review of Viewsonic VX1932wm 2 ms 19 inch WS TFT
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