Pak Army says disinformation on report of Pakistan Army chief asking officers to read 'Army and Nation' book on Indian democracy success

Last updated on 20-Feb-2017

Update: An India Today report,, dated 20-Feb-2017 quotes a tweet by Pakistani Maj Gen Asif Gharoor whose twitter profile states that he is the spokesperson of Pakistan Armed Forces: "News / comments quoting COAS' address to officers at Rawalpindi regarding book 'Army and Nation' is a disinformation.",, dated 19-Feb-2017. Note that COAS seems to stand for Chief of Army Staff and refers to Pakistan's Army chief.

Pakistan Army chief asks officers to read book on success of Indian democracy,, dated 15th Feb. 2017.

Very interesting. The referenced book is: "Army and Nation: The Military and Indian Democracy since Independence, written by Steven I Wilkinson, the Nilekani Professor of India and South Asian Studies at Yale University."

I plan to buy and read the book available in paperback on at Rs. 495/-,



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