Republican controlled USA Congress very close to passing major "tax cuts and jobs" bill

Republicans in USA Congress are very close to passing what they claim is a once in a generation "tax cuts and jobs" bill,

House Speaker Paul Ryan is quoted by the article as saying, “This is a day I have looked forward to for a very long time” .. “Today is about how much better things can be: More jobs, fairer taxes and bigger paychecks. Faster growth and real upward mobility. A strong economy that makes all of us stronger.”

Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnell is quoted in the article as saying, "From a Republican point of view, this is as good as it gets and we’re more than happy to take our argument [for the tax bill] to the American people in an election contest".

So the Republican point of view seems to be that they will be able to convince voters in an election contest (like the upcoming mid-term elections in 2018) that their "tax cuts and jobs" bill is good for the people of the USA.

The Democratic party's harshly critical view of this bill is captured in the statements attributed to Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer in this article: "The bill provides crumbs and tax hikes for middle-class families in this country, and a Christmas gift to major corporations and billionaire investors” .. “How can Republicans defend this? The only people who want it are their very wealthy paymasters.”

House minority leader (and former House speaker) Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying, "The House revote is the latest evidence of just how shoddily written the GOP tax scam really is".

Completely opposite views from the majority Republicans and minority Democrats in USA Congress now, on a really big-ticket and perhaps decades impact bill that is very close now to becoming law in the USA.

Please note that I have a PUBLICLY NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about USA politics. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me having voted in USA elections.



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