Have my uncritical and publicly neutral informal-student-observer social media posts served any USA presidential candidate (Trump or Clinton)?

My answer to the title-question is: I don't think they have served any USA presidential candidate in a significant way.

To start with, my readership on social media for these posts is very limited. My social media followers (Facebook, blog, Google+ & twitter) is around 600 only, of which only a small number would be interested in my posts on USA 2016 presidential election. Such numbers are utterly insignificant for USA presidential elections.

Then, I have tried hard to provide posts on both Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton. So one must weigh my uncritical transcript extracts of Mr. Trump's campaign speeches with similar uncritical transcript extracts of Ms. Clinton's campaign speeches. When taken in totality, I don't think these posts of mine would be viewed as serving one candidate (e.g. Trump) and going against another candidate (e.g. Clinton). [Of course, now it is president-elect Trump.]

But why am I not (typically) giving my view of the speeches of these candidates? Well, I am actually playing an informal-student role and trying to learn about the USA presidential election process. These posts are like my study notes, except that they are shared publicly just in case others would like to read or browse through them, or even provide comments & feedback. I don't think I am knowledgeable enough about USA politics to provide significant political opinion publicly on them, even if I wanted to.

Further, I have a policy of being politically neutral in my public social media comments, whether it is Indian political field or a foreign country's political field. The reasons for that are given in my blog post here: http://ravisiyermisc.blogspot.in/2016/03/why-am-i-politically-neutral-in-my.html, dated 23rd March 2016.



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