My recent Facebook and Twitter posts related to articles/videos on origin of COVID (SARS-CoV-2) virus

Given below are my recent (I think all are from June 2021 posts) Facebook and Twitter posts related  to origin of COVID (SARS-CoV-2) virus.

In response to Dr. Rahalkar's tweet: , I wrote: "Dear Dr. Rahalkar and Dr. Bahulikar, as a fellow resident and citizen of India (and a former Mumbaikar & Dombivlikar), you have my support in this courageous and brilliant investigative & scientific research work that you are doing, without any financial profit motive. ..", ".. Fair criticism of your work should be welcome as that may help improve the knowledge we have of origins of COVID 19. But do not get discouraged by biased criticisms that are aimed at stopping you folks from doing this vital work.", , 6th June 2021.

In response to Dr. Rahalkar's tweet: , I wrote: "Thank you for your investigative work into origins of this horrible pandemic impacting India. Thanks for shining a light on dangerous gain of function bio-research.", , 3rd June 2021.

=================== , 5th June 2021

Great interview of courageous scientist couple from Pune, Maharashtra, who have done great investigations and scientific research into origins of COVID virus (SARS-CoV-2): COVID 'Lab Leak' Origin Theory: Pune Scientists Dr Rahalkar And Dr [Bahulikar] Explain Their Research,, 25 min. 27 secs, published by Republic World on 5th June 2021.

Courageous work from Republic TV and its editor Sanika Kanekar to do the interview and air it.

It makes me very happy to see such ***courageous*** Indian scientists and journalists investigate the truth about this horrific pandemic that is tormenting my country, India.

======================== , 5th June 2021.

How an Indian scientist couple worked to trace origin, course of COVID-19 , , (issue with future date of June 13th, 2021).

============================ , 4th June 2021.

I don't know how accurate the views expressed in this video are. But I have to say that I am quite impressed with the answers of Dr. Sean Lin, a Chinese origin American who was director of a US army research institute. He is a virologist and his answers seem quite logical.

Simone Gao, who seems to be another Chinese origin American, raises many pertinent questions about the origins of COVID pandemic.

Good to see this contribution from Chinese-Americans to the public discourse on origins of SARS-CoV-2.

As of now, we don't know the answers for sure. But given the torment this COVID pandemic has unleashed on much of the world, the world must know the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and use that knowledge to prevent a future horrific pandemic outbreak like this COVID-19 pandemic.

Is Covid-19 the Result of an Out of Control Gain of Function Experiment Leaked from lab? |Zooming In , , 26 min. 38 secs. published on June 4th, 2021.

============= , 3rd June 2021

Dr. Fauci Reacts To The Release of Thousands Of His Work Emails,, 11 min. 33 secs., published by MSNBC on 3rd Jun. 2021.

Dr. Fauci does not rule out lab-leak as origin of COVID virus but says that lab-leak does not seem more probable now due to more info. that has been gathered, than it did in 2020. I understood Dr. Fauci's current view to be that if it is true (proven) that some researchers in Wuhan lab. got ill with symptoms similar to COVID prior to what has been officially revealed by China as first outbreaks of COVID in Wuhan, then that might be evidence strengthening lab-leak theory.

So Dr. Fauci's current view on lab-leak theory differs from that of science writer Nicholas Wade as well as the Newsweek article about work of amateur sleuths on COVID virus origin that I shared earlier  both of which seem to say that lab-leak is more probable as the origin than natural origin.

I guess the bottom line seems to be that we still don't know!!! That's so sad given the horrific damage, both in lives lost & illness suffered, and economic trauma, that COVID pandemic has unleashed on most of the world.

=============== , 3rd June 2021

This comes across as a fair opinion piece to me - but I am not an expert on this matter and so I could be wrong: What Fauci's emails reveal -- and what they don't, by Megan Ramney CNN medical analyst, assoc. prof. of emergency medicine, , 3rd June 2021.

Note that at least one US media channel (Fox) has interpreted these emails (published with some redactions) in a way that is very critical of Dr. Fauci.

====================== , 3rd June 2021

Fascinating Newsweek article which explains how a British scientist who seems to have a bias towards Wuhan bioresearch work, co-ordinated an effort having a group of 27 scientists including him, publishing a letter in Lancet in Feb. 2020 that condemned the COVID lab-leak theory as a conspiracy theory which most, but not all, of the international media echoed, and how a group of amateur sleuths eventually overturned this narrative making the lab-leak theory a plausible one and NOT a conspiracy theory. It also covers the role of an anonymous Indian called 'The Seeker' in this international amateur sleuths group investigating the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the COVID virus: Exclusive: How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media, , 2nd June 2021

The website of this amateur sleuths team: .

================ , 2nd June 2021

I think science writer Nicholas Wade quite logically answered the many questions posed to him by the interviewer about his view that lab-leak from Wuhan lab. being the origin of COVID pandemic is more plausible than natural origin. He certainly does not come across as somebody who is exaggerating things for publicity. But I am not an expert in such stuff and I think some experts may be able to counter some of his views. Nonetheless, this interview is very interesting and thought-provoking., 26 min. 47 secs. streamed live by Hindustan Times on 31st May 2021.




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