FilterXMLExportFile: VBA code to create XML file of XML entries of posts and pages matching a specified date range from Blogger XML Backup/Export file

Last updated on 9 Sep. 2023 

9 Sep. 2023 Update: I rarely use the software covered in this post now. To see the current software for creating Blogger blogbooks that I use, please visit: Short User Guide to creating Blogger Blogbooks from Backup/Export File using ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and another VBA projects' macros/code (free and open source), .

end-Update 9 Sep. 2023

I decided to put up and publish this post now on 18 Aug 2023 while this work is in progress, as I wanted to ensure that whatever work I have done till now is available for interested readers.

Quick Info

End Quick Info

The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) sub./macro FilterBlogExportFile reads specified Blogger backup/export XML file and specified date range arguments from lines in associated Microsoft Word document, and then creates an output XML file having XML entries for posts and pages that match the specified date range. 

In the first version - v1 version, only published date range is supported.

An example of published date range arguments specified in associated Word document is given below:




The format for specifying above published date range arguments is based on (same as, as far as I know) that used by Blogger in search feature in its author 'dashboard?' listing post/pages of blog. See for details. 

This output file can be used as input file to BlogExportFileSearchToBook VBA program to produce HTML blogbook of posts and pages in input file. [Ref: BlogExportFileSearchToBook: VBA code to produce HTML blog book from Blogger blog backup/export XML file optionally limited to content matching search string, .]

To make the output file more easily readable and modifiable (say by deleting some post/page entries), and also reduce the size of the output file, I have not included template and settings entries in the output file. So the output file will not be a regular Blogger backup/export file which can be restored/imported into Blogger but the output file will have all the data needed by BlogExportFileSearchToBook to produce a blogbook of pages and posts and associated comments contained in the output file.

Test run folders within v1 folder have output data files for the test runs and sometimes have RunInfo.txt files too.

Some additional links of files within top-level folder which I think are appropriate to share here:

19 Aug. 2023 Update

Version v2 adds Updated Date range match to existing Published Date range match. It has Run1 to Run7 sub-folders having data files related to 7 test runs.

Some additional links of files within top-level folder 

19 Aug. 2023 End Update



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