Interesting exchange between USA Congressman and Dr. Anthony Fauci on Hydroxychloroquine for COVID on 31st July 2020

The title of the video is a political shot against a USA Congressman - I am publicly neutral in USA politics. I am a resident and citizen of India. My sharing the video is NOT an endorsement of the title of the video.

In this particular case, I am thankful to both, the USA Congressman Blaine Leutkemeyer, Republican from Missouri (MO stands for Missouri, and Dr. Anthony Fauci for this exchange.

Leutkemeyer raises the question that many, including me, had in general about Hydroxycholoroquine + Zinc treatment for COVID. Dr. Fauci responds well, giving details of why he does not support it, as of now. And Dr. Fauci also says that if a randomized placebo-controlled trial gives data in favour of Hydroxychloroquine (+ Zinc) treatment, he will accept that data too (i.e. look positively at it).

I think this exchange makes it very clear that from medical science point of view they need a randomized placebo-controlled trial of any claimed treatment/cure which gives favourable outcome for the treatment, before medical science is willing to view it/recommend it as a treatment/cure. I think that is eminently fair, from a science point of view. (Hard) science demands clear and unambiguous evidence under controlled conditions. That's the way (hard) science is, and that is why it has been so transformational in the past few centuries, in improving the quality of human life.

However, Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc treatment has not been banned by many countries/parts of countries including India and many states in USA. It is an unproven treatment, from medical science point of view, as I understand it. People can still try it out if their doctor agrees (or they get another doctor who agrees)., 3 min. 12 secs., published on 31st July 2020 by NowThis News
