VBA program to create recent posts' HTML blog books of (my) WordPress and Blogger blogs
WPBlogFeedToBook VBA program for WordPress blogs' RSS feed: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vGqaEQJmnfwpWPeEOuryW7ZhSqvm05kS?usp=drive_link
BloggerBlogFeedToBook VBA program for Blogger blogs' RSS feed: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_DEvH8MHiXXMe-3htCPhnOB5nE0lSfN-?usp=drive_link
Above programs may work for any WordPress and Blogger blogs respectively but I have tested them only for my blogs as that is my need.
It would be convenient for me to be able to periodically create an HTML blog book of my recent posts in my ravisiyer.wordpress.com blog. This would be a useful backup file for me. The XML backup/export file for the whole blog is vital but it is for the whole blog and is not easily readable content. I can create a blogbook for the whole blog using a VBA program I had created some months ago but that is more stuff than required in such cases. As of now, I do not have a filter program that filters the WordPress XML backup/export file by date range, like I have for Blogger XML backup/export file.
I went through my old and bare-bones blog book from RSS feed code and wanted to see if I could quickly upgrade it to meet my current needs. I was successful in that effort though it did suck up more time (got done in around a couple of days part-time work, if I recall correctly) than I had bargained for. This was mainly due to the old code being for Blogger RSS feed which had to be modified significantly for WordPress RSS feed.
After that got done, I felt that I should invest some time in modifying this upgraded code to work for Blogger as a separate program. In an additional day or so, part-time work, I was able to have an upgraded Blogger RSS feed to book VBA program too.
Note: Word document with macro is not put up in Google Drive as Google Drive raises a warning/error. Instead a text file is uploaded which has the VBA code in it.
WPBlogFeedToBook VBA program for WordPress blogs' RSS feed
Main Google Drive folder: WPBlogFeedToBook, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vGqaEQJmnfwpWPeEOuryW7ZhSqvm05kS?usp=drive_link . v1 subfolder in it has the VBA code as a text file and an info file whose contents are given below:
v1-WPBlogFeedToBook.docm (file renamed after test) macros were tested using ravisiyer.wordpress.com feeds (normal feed and for year 2022) and variation in number of posts, and it seems to work. Its output HTML was provided to Blogger BlogBackupToBook VB.Net program and its Generate Content Links feature was used. That added content links successfully.
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BloggerBlogFeedToBook VBA program for Blogger blogs' RSS feed
Main Google Drive folder: BlogFeedToBook, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_DEvH8MHiXXMe-3htCPhnOB5nE0lSfN-?usp=drive_link . v1 subfolder in it has the VBA code as a text file and an info file whose contents are given below:
28 Feb. 2024, Last updated on 29 Feb. 2024
This macro version in Word document named v1-BloggerBlogFeedToBook.docm dated end Feb. 2024 is a major change from BlogBookMacro.docm macros dated July 2023.
This v1-BloggerBlogFeedToBook.docm is a variation of WPBlogFeedToBook-RelV1.docm (later renamed to v1-WPBlogFeedToBook.docm) which works on Wordpress blog feeds. I modified the latter to work with Blogger blog feeds and thus the former was created.
I ran some tests (before renaming file) and it seems that it (v1-BloggerBlogFeedToBook.docm) works as expected. The macro to run in it is called: RunBloggerBlogFeedToBook which is a driver sub to invoke the main sub/macro BloggerBlogFeedToBook.
v1-BloggerBlogExportFeedToBook-Code.txt has the VBA code in v1-BloggerBlogFeedToBook.docm.
--- end info file contents ---
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