Independent party should investigate Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen's complaints

Given below are contents of my recent Facebook post: :

I have been active on Facebook since April 2015 which makes it a period of over 6 years. My experience of Facebook over this period has been largely positive, sometimes very positive, though there have been times when I had some negative experiences.

One particular negative experience which caused me great disturbance, was when I was targeted by fake Facebook Ids with misrepresentation and fabrication in early 2017. My complaints to Facebook about these posts did not result in any action being taken to get these posts down or to remove the fake Facebook Ids. So Facebook failed to stop this untruth targeted to malign me even when I drew its attention to the matter.

Now I have done fair amount of whistle-blowing in the past on Facebook (and blogger) which exposed bad behaviour of some persons and, in my view, helped inform people of the truth. But I was doing it in a responsible way under my own name which would make it easy for anybody to challenge my whistle-blowing work in an Indian court of law. The guys who targeted me with misrepresentation and fabrication to malign me were hiding behind fake Facebook Ids! That Facebook allowed for such fake Facebook Ids to falsely malign me despite my complaints to Facebook about it, dented my faith in Facebook as a fair and truthful social media platform.

However, I have benefited greatly, especially on spiritual stuff, from Facebook. It is a superb people network allowing me to find and interact with people who share similar interests. So the benefits I got from Facebook are far greater than the negative experiences I had from Facebook.

That Facebook makes massive profits does not bother me. I am not envious of Facebook for making all that money. What I am looking at is what services I get from it, and Facebook has provided me great service, without charging me one single rupee for it.

Therefore I am a strong supporter of Facebook. 

However, the testimony of Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen makes me pause. I heard most of the first half an hour or so (till Frances Haugen finishes reading her opening statement) of this video of her testimony: Watch Live: Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen Testifies | WSJ, , 3hrs. 19 mins, streamed live on 5th Oct. 2021 by Wall Street Journal.

The parts that I heard are very critical of Facebook. Not only the whistleblower but senators from both Democratic and Republican parties that spoke in this half an hour, were critical of Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg has rebutted this testimony in his recent post: .

I don't know what the truth is. But I think the whistleblower's complaints must be investigated by a neutral party and the results of the investigation should be shared with the public. Those results may help drive the next steps in this matter.

This is not an issue only for USA but for many countries in the world, including India as India has many users of Facebook (and Whatsapp which is owned by Facebook).
