Hillary Clinton campaign slams Donald Trump for "mocking" (impersonating) Indian call centre worker

Here's the youtube video of what the following report links seem to be talking about:
Donald Trump uses terrible Indian accent ,Trump: impersonates Indian call-center worker, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi1ctogT9Ao, 0 min, 41 secs, published April 22nd 2016

Note that the impersonation of an Indian call-center worker is just one sentence, "We are from India." (unless I missed something in the video).

In the same clip, Mr. Trump says, "I am not angry with Vietnam, India, all these countries." ... "And India is a great place. And I am not upset with other leaders. I am upset with our leaders for being so stupid."

In the past few days, there have been a slew of articles in the Indian media about Mr. Donald Trump mocking (impersonating) an Indian call centre worker. Yesterday & today there have been a slew of articles about (former) Secretary Hillary Clinton's campaign slamming Mr. Trump for mocking Indian call centre workers.

Here are a few of these article links:

Hillary Clinton campaign slams Donald Trump for mocking Indian, http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/hillary-clinton-campaign-slams-donald-trump-for-mocking-indian/articleshow/51977062.cms, dated 25th April 2016, and filed from Washington.

US presidential race: Clinton campaign woos Indian Americans’ support, http://www.hindustantimes.com/world/us-presidential-race-clinton-campaign-woes-indian-americans-support/story-rcloe8kzNB10w1QuYs1mhJ.html, dated 25th April 2016, and filed from Washington.

‘Hillary will elevate ties with India’, http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-international/hillary-will-elevate-ties-with-india/article8520938.ece, dated 26th April 2016, and filed from Washington.

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Slams Donald Trump for Mocking Indians, http://thewire.in/2016/04/25/hillary-clintons-campaign-slams-donald-trump-for-mocking-indians-31338/, dated 25th April 2016, and filed from Washington.

The remarks have been made by John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign. He is reported to have said as follows:

[Referring to Trump mocking Indian call centre workers at a recent election rally:] "I think it was typical of the disrespect he has shown for groups across the spectrum."

"He has run a campaign of bigotry and division. I think that’s quite dangerous for the country when you think about the fact that you need friends, allies. The kind of campaign he is running breeds disrespect across the globe and division and danger here at home."

--- end Podesta remarks ---

Ravi: I personally do not want to view this impersonation of Indian call centre worker matter, as a serious affront to India and Indians. I think it is just politics, though of a rather unpleasant kind. I mean, Trump could have raised the issue of job loss to Indian call centres without doing any impersonation act. However, Trump chose to play to the gallery. Such impersonation would be more appropriate for comedy shows in the USA rather than a USA presidential candidate's election campaign speech.

My personal view on the larger issue is that American workers are hurting and hurting bad as their jobs have got outsourced to so many countries across the world, including India. I do support efforts by American political leaders like Ms. Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Ted Cruz and Mr. John Kasich to ensure that American workers have better job prospects. My view is that all countries should thrive - USA, China, India, Mexico, Vietnam ... all should do well. A few countries doing well at the expense of other countries is not a healthy or safe situation for world stability, peace and prosperity.

Please note that I have a NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about the USA presidential elections. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me voting in these elections.



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