Is the virtually two-party political system of the USA a key drawback of USA democracy?

Ravi: The first USA presidential nominee-candidate debate (as against primary-candidate debate) for the 2016 election campaign will have only Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump (on the debate stage as candidates).

"The basic failure of American politics is its rigidity — we're locked into two distinct camps, divided not just by ideology but by region, race, cultural identity, and to some extent, gender." - from the article, Why America should have more than 2 political parties (Real parties that reflected the full range of views across the country might open up Congress and politics for the better.),, dated Sept. 16th, 2016.

Johnson, Stein fail to qualify for first debate,, dated Sept. 17th 2016. A short extract from it:
The candidates needed to make a 15% polling threshold across several major national polls in order to qualify for the debates. The commission determined that the polling averages for the candidates had Clinton at 43%, Trump at 40.4%, Johnson at 8.4% and Stein at 3.2%.
--- end short extract ---

"Public dissatisfaction of the two major party nominees for president of the United States is historic. As our GW Battleground Poll demonstrates, clear majorities have unfavorable opinions of both Clinton and Trump, 56 percent and 58 percent, respectively." - from the article, Voters Want Another Option (Plenty of data make the case for including Gary Johnson in the presidential debates.),, dated Sept. 16th 2016

Please note that I have a PUBLICLY NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about the USA presidential elections. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me voting in these elections.



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