Got delivery of book, Fear: Trump in the White House - Hardcover - by Bob Woodward

Got delivery a little while back today, of the book Fear: Trump in the White House - Hardcover - by Bob Woodward, I had ordered it on on 12th Sept. 2018.

Flipped through the pages. The color pics somewhere in the middle of the book are good quality (photo) paper pics. Was surprised by that as I did not expect that at Rs. 599 (Rs. 200 off cover price of Rs. 799) with free delivery.

The back cover of the book quotes Donald Trump as saying on 31st March 2016, in an interview while running for president of the United States: "Real power is - I don't even want to use the word - fear."

[Ravi comment: I am afraid that there is some truth to the above view when it comes to life in many parts of India, including in spiritual ashram systems whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian or any other religion associated ashram system, now and certainly in the past centuries and millennia. end-Ravi comment.]

Note that this book is #1 bestseller in books in now,

I hope to find some time everyday to read the book and hope to finish reading it in a few weeks time. The main content runs till Page 357, followed by acknowledgements, Notes, Index etc.

Please note that I have a PUBLICLY (POLITICALLY) NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about USA politics. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me having voted in USA elections.



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