Bill Gates speech at Agtech summit in Vizag; Short history of how AP CM Chandrababu Naidu convinced Bill Gates to set up a Microsoft dev centre in AP

Here's the speech by Bill Gates covering his thoughts and suggestions to improve farming sector in Andhra Pradesh and India: Bill Gates Speech At AP Agri-Tech Summit 2017 In Vizag | ABN Telugu,, 14 min. 01 sec, published on 17th Nov. 2017. The video starts and stops abruptly. So looks like the initial and ending part of the speech are missing in this video. I browsed the net for a transcript of this speech but did not get it.

Here's an article from The Hindu covering some parts of above speech of Bill Gates: A.P. well poised to become a seed hub, says Bill Gates,, 17th Nov. 2017.

Here's another Hindu article related to the same topic: Bill Gates positive to N. Chandrababu Naidu plea for tech help,, 17th Nov. 2017

Ravi: I find Bill Gates' speech to reflect a great deal of knowledge about the problems faced by farmers in Andhra Pradesh and India. He also has some suggestions about how to solve those problems, including some suggestions involving computer technology. Wonderful to see such interest from Bill Gates and his foundation for improving the lives of Andhra Pradesh and Indian farmers. Best wishes to him and A.P. government on these suggestions and efforts to help Andhra Pradesh farmers.


Here's a Facebook video of 4 min. 10 secs,, 17th Nov. 2017, which has the accompanying text, "Listen to how history was made!!!

CBN and Bill Gates walk down memory lane and share some nice stories about how they together shaped #Hyderabad's destiny as an IT powerhouse.


Ravi: Thoroughly enjoyed listening to the history of how Bill Gates of Microsoft and Hon'ble chief minister Chandrababu Naidu worked together to make Hyderabad an important IT centre, known worldwide today.

Here's an article with some coverage of the short remarks in above clip:

Another article on it: Naidu recalls his first meeting with Bill Gates,

A 2004 article from Seattle, Washington, USA that covers Microsoft opening a development centre in Hyderabad along with concern about reduced job opportunities/job losses in Seattle expressed by locals there:



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