Michael Moore in July 2016 had CORRECTLY predicted Trump becoming president due to victories in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Here's an article written reportedly in July 2016 by Michael Moore, http://michaelmoore.com/trumpwillwin/, which predicted a Trump victory but also saying that "Never in my life have I wanted to be proven wrong more than I do right now." This article does not seem to have a date to it. But according to http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/how-michael-moore-perfectly-predicted-9230833, this Moore article was published in July 2016.

In the article, Moore talks about Trump defeating other Republican primary contenders in Michigan including Gov. John Kasich of nearby Ohio, by telling working class voters in Michigan things that were music to their ears. Trump threatened Ford company by saying that if Ford moved their factory from Michigan to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on the products/cars produced in that Mexico factory when they came into the USA. He even said that he would force Apple to make their product in USA instead of China. That, according to Moore, settled it for the working class voters who were very happy to hear such things and chose Trump over other Republican party candidates, as their nominee in the primary.

A short extract from Moore's article is given below:

From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we [used] to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs who’ll write them [a] nice big check before leaving the room. What happened in the UK with Brexit is going to happen here. Elmer Gantry shows up looking like Boris Johnson and just says whatever shit he can make up to convince the masses that this is their chance! To stick to ALL of them, all who wrecked their American Dream! And now The Outsider, Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!
--- end extract ---

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_Gantry, "Elmer Gantry is a satirical novel written by Sinclair Lewis in 1926 that presents aspects of the religious activity of America in fundamentalist and evangelistic circles and the attitudes of the 1920s public toward it. The novel's protagonist, (the Reverend Dr. Elmer Gantry), is initially attracted by booze and easy money (though he eventually renounces tobacco and alcohol) and chasing women. After various forays into evangelism, he becomes a successful Methodist minister despite his hypocrisy and serial sexual indiscretions."

Here's a relevant youtube video clip of an interaction between Michael Moore and Bill Maher in July 2016, EXCLUSIVE MICHAEL MOORE:- ''YES I AM RIGHT'' :- I THINK DONALD TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN...., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCWVSXpsagk, 2 min 12 secs, published on Jul. 21st 2016.

[WARNING: Moore uses strong and graphic language in the video clip mentioned below. So skip seeing the video if you cannot handle such language. Also, VERY UNFORTUNATELY, the video clip cuts out the warning that Moore gives about what he considers to be the dangers of a Trump administration. I have given that part later on in this post.]
Here's another relevant video clip published on Oct. 25th 2016, a couple of weeks before the election date of Nov. 8th, perhaps from Michael Moore's movie, Trumpland, Michael Moore PERFECTLY explains why Donald Trump will WIN, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29xpn94_CL4, 3 min. 54 secs.

I felt it appropriate to transcribe the video clip above. I have used asterisk (*) to mask out the strong language words.

Michael Moore: Donald Trump came to the Detroit economic club and stood there in front of Ford Motor executives and said, If you close these factories as you are planning to do in Detroit and build them in Mexico, I am going to put a 35 percent tariff on those cars when you send them back and nobody's going to buy them. It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything like that to these executives.

And it was music to the ears of people of Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - the Brexit states. [Light laughter]. You live here in Ohio. You know what I am talking about. Whether Trump means it or not is kind of irrelevant because he is saying the things to people who are hurting [what they want to hear?].

And that's why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working [stiff?] who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump. He is the human Molotov cocktail that they have been waiting for. The human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them.

And on November 8th, election day, although they have lost their jobs, although they have been foreclosed on by the bank, next came the divorce and now the wife and kids are gone. The car has been (repo'd?). [repo'd seems to be slang for repossessed.] They haven't had a real vacation in years. They are stuck with the shitty Obamacare (bronze plan?) where you can't even get a f*** (Percocet?). [Percocet is an opioid pain reliever drug, https://www.drugs.com/percocet.html.]

They have essentially lost everything they have except one thing. The one thing that doesn't cost them a cent and is guaranteed to them by the American constitution. The right to vote. They might be penniless. They might be homeless. They might be f*** over and f*** up. It doesn't matter. Because it is equalized on that day. A millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job. One. And there is more of the former middle class than there are of the millionaire class.

So on November 8th, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain and take that lever or felt pen or touch screen and put a big f*** X in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to up-end and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives - Donald J. Trump. They see that the elite who ruined their lives hate Trump. Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump, after they loved him and created him, and now hate him. Thank you media.

The enemy of my enemy is who I am voting for on November 8th. Yes on November 8th, you - Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, Billy Bob Blow - all the Blows - get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because its your right. Trump's election is going to be the biggest F*** You ever recorded in human history. And it will feel - good.

--- end transcript of Moore video clip ----

Very unfortunately, the video clip does not show the words that follow. I have provided that from this link, http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/09/michael-moore-trumpland.

Michael Moore: Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘f— you’ ever recorded in human history. And it will feel good. For a day. Maybe a week. Possibly a month. And then? Like the Brits, who wanted to send a message, so they voted to leave Europe. Only to find out, that if you voted to leave Europe, you actually have to leave Europe. And now they regret it. All the Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, Michiganders, and Wisconsinites of Middle England, right? They all voted to leave, and now they regret it – and over 4 million of them have signed a petition to have a do-over. They want another election. It ain’t going to happen. Because you used the ballot as an anger-management tool. And now you’re f—ed. And the rest of Europe? They’re like, ‘Bye, Felicia.’ [From http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bye%20felicia: 'When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two shits less that they are. Their name then becomes "felicia", a random [b***] that nobody is sad to see go.']

So when the rightfully angry people of Ohio and Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin find out after a few months in office that President Trump wasn’t going to do a damn thing for them, it’ll be too late for them to do anything about it. But I get it. You wanted to send a message. You had righteous anger, and justifiable anger. Well, message sent. Good night, America. You just elected the last President of the United States.
--- end extract from ew.com ---

Ravi: I have to say here that I ENTIRELY DISAGREE WITH and DISAPPROVE OF the last sentence above, "You just elected the last President of the United States." I think that is dangerous sensationalism, especially now that Mr. Donald Trump is president-elect of the USA. I am confident that the constitution of the USA as well as the USA Congress and president-elect Trump and vice-president-elect Pence along with other major USA institutions like the judiciary, law enforcement orgns. and the media, will ensure that the near-future Trump administration, after its one or two term period, will hand over power to their successor president of the USA.

Please note that I have a PUBLICLY NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about the USA presidential elections. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me voting in these elections.

[I thank Mr. Michael Moore, Wikipedia, ew.com and urbandictionary.com, and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above extracts/transcript from their website/video on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.]



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