Shocking white supremacist words of Richard Spencer, alt-right leader, in Washington D.C., USA

This post has some disturbing content. Readers who prefer to avoid such content are advised to skip reading the rest of this post.

Ravi: I condemn the views espoused by Richard Spencer in a recent speech in Washington D.C. (close to the White House) whose speech transcript snippets I have given below. I decided to provide these transcript snippets to clearly show the danger that Spencer's alt-right movement represents to USA and perhaps to some European countries as well where some of their white supremacists are looking up to USA's alt-right. I have given some additional comments of mine at the bottom of the post

Richard Spencer - NPI 2016, Full Speech,, 32 min 37 secs, published Nov. 21st 2016.

Around 21 min: The Left couldn't decide this year whether America was already great or whether it was never great. Is America some noble, multi-racial experiment that belongs to the entire world? Or is it the product of conquest and settlement by mean old racist Europeans? Is it a beacon of hope to the suffering masses of humanity? Or an enemy to be destroyed? Because, as the outgoing president would say, 'let's be clear'.

Despite these supposedly egalitarian values, America was, until this past generation, a white country designed for ourselves and our posterity. It is our creation. It is our inheritance and it belongs to us. [Applause]

Around 23:10: What we [the alt-right] are fighting for is a new normal. A moral consensus that we insist upon. And Donald Trump is a step forward, a step towards this new normal. But even he is deeply compromised by our society. Donald Trump (warred) against segregated establishments. He supports Affirmative Action or, more bluntly, state sponsored discrimination against whites.

Around 27:28: It is different for us. Race is real. But, in some sense, whiteness really is a social construct. Think of the concepts that are now designated problematic and associated with whiteness - power, strength, beauty, agency, accomplishment. Whites do and other groups don't. In the banality of normal life and (in our most) outlandish dreams, in both our narrative and theirs, to be white is to be a striver, a crusader, an explorer and a conqueror. We build, we produce, we go upward. And we recognize the central lie of American race relations. We don't exploit other groups. We don't gain anything from their presence. They need us and not the other way around. [Applause]

Whiteness, or rather identity, is being forced on the ... consumerist (last?) man that is European American. No one is going to be permitted to escape this process. Great historical changes are imminent when people are forced into a binary choice - fight or flee, join or die, resist or cuck (cuck seems to mean weak and effeminate). That is the position of white people, right now.
As Europeans, we are uniquely at the center of history. We are, as Hegel recognized, the embodiment of world history itself. No one will honour us for losing gracefully. No one mourns the great crimes committed against us. For us, it is conquer or die. This is a unique burden for the white man. Our fate is entirely in our hands. And it is appropriate because within us, within the very blood in our veins, as children of the sun, lies the potential for greatness. That is the great struggle we are called to. We are not meant to live in shame and weakness and disgrace. We were not meant to beg for moral validation from some of the most despicable creatures to ever populate the planet. We were meant to overcome, overcome all of it. Because that is natural and normal for us. Because, for us as Europeans, it is only normal again when we are great again.

Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!
--- end transcript snippets ---

Some articles related to the event where the above speech was made, are given below.
'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect,, Nov. 21st 2016

SEE IT: 'Alt-right' leader shouts ‘Hail Trump! Hail our people!’ as conference attendants perform Nazi salutes,

Hitler salutes and white supremacism: a weekend with the 'alt-right',, Nov. 21st 2016

The US Holocaust Museum Is Calling On Americans To Condemn Hate Speech,, Nov. 22nd, 2016

Alarm in Germany and Israel as U.S. white supremacists ride Trump wave,

Ravi: White supremacy implying a kind of right for white Europeans and white European-origin persons to dominate over other non-white persons in Europe & USA, (or elsewhere in the world), is a very dangerous ideology to espouse, as we know what Nazis and other fascists of the first half of the 20th century did by taking the world to the worst war in human history, World War II, and in engaging in the worst genocide in history (the holocaust where millions of Jews were inhumanly killed by Hitler's Nazis).

I must also add that Asian powers have been dominant for much of history but the past few centuries saw European powers becoming dominant over the world including Asia. Today, in the 21st century, Asian powers are re-emerging both from economy and military power perspectives. So any white European (or European origin) dominance attempts on the world, especially Asia, would be foolish, as that will result in very strong backlash, especially from Asia.

Here is CNN Senior White House correspondent, Jim Acosta's tweet text and attached pic-text, dated 21st Nov. 2016, "Trump transition statement on alt right conference where neo nazis and white nationalists were praising Trump's election", Pic-text '"President-elect Trump has continued to denounce racism of any kind and he was elected because he will be a leader for every American. To think otherwise is a complete misrepresentation of the movement that united Americans from all backgrounds." -- Bryan Lanza, Trump-Pence Transition', Source:

Ravi: I think the above tweet is reassuring to some extent that the incoming Trump administration, at least in official statements, is AGAINST racism and white supremacy movements. However, given that Mr. Trump continues to tweet directly targeting New York Times and the cast of Hamilton in recent tweets, and given the horrific history of first half of 20th century Europe with Nazism and fascism, I agree with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo's views in the article & video clip given below that Trump should denounce alt-right by name. [Ravi: Trump should do so at least in a tweet sent out by him personally.]

CNN anchor: Donald Trump should denounce alt-right by name,, Nov. 22nd 2016

Here's the associated video clip on youtube,, 1 min 18 secs, published Nov. 22nd 2016. Chris Cuomo seems to be referring, at least in part, to the Nazi salute given during Richard Spencer's speech covered in this post. Here's a transcript of the above video clip.

Chris Cuomo: John, you know that he [Trump] doesn't call out David Duke by name. You know he has never .. mentioned any of (these) movements by name. And the man does not lack for detail when he wants to criticize you. Believe me, I understand that intensely, personally. Do you feel a little odd defending what is certainly wrong in this situation, John? It is wrong, not political (tents?). These are people raising their hands in a Nazi gesture. Okay? This isn't just a little bit off the beaten path. And yet, its being ignored to a certain degree by a lack of specificity. It doesn't bother you. Why?

John: Well, he has denounced them. He has denounced ..

Cuomo: Not by name. Not by name. He shows them a respect he shows no one else.

John: We know .. the political game that his opponents try to use against him which is they want Trump's name in the same headlines as these kooks. That ..

Cuomo: They are saying, "Hail Donald Trump!" John, its not about me. I wish I would never have to talk about these people. They are saying his name. You don't think that he would come out and denounce them, the way he does anybody - he denounced the New York Times by name.

Another panelist: And the cast of Hamilton.
John: I will do it right now. They are kooks. They are racists.

Cuomo: I know ... You didn't get voted in as president.

--- end transcript of video clip ---

It seems Mr. Trump was critical of the alt-right in the recent meeting he had with the New York Times. Here are recent tweets of Maggie Haberman, presidential campaign correspondent New York Times, CNN analyst:

Trump on alt-right supporters: "It's not a group I want to energize. And if they are energized I want to look into it and find out why.",, 22nd Nov. 2016

On Bannon:"If I thought he was a racist or alt-right or any of the things, the terms we could use, I wouldn't even think about hiring him.",, 22nd Nov. 2016

Trump gets asked again about the alt-right conference. 'Boy you are really into" this issue, Trump replies. Then disavows again.,, 22nd Nov. 2016

Ravi: I think the above tweets do show that Trump does not hesitate to denounce the alt-right's racism and white supremacy. That's good. But I still think that one direct tweet from Trump about it would clinch the issue and lay it to rest. I mean, lay the issue of incoming president Trump having any possible sympathies, at an official level, for racism and white supremacy, to rest.

Donald Trump’s New York Times Interview: Full Transcript,, Nov. 23rd 2016

Given below are a few extracts from the interview.

TRUMP: Um, I’ve known Steve Bannon a long time. If I thought he was a racist, or alt-right, or any of the things that we can, you know, the terms we can use, I wouldn’t even think about hiring him. First of all, I’m the one that makes the decision, not Steve Bannon or anybody else.
And if he said something to me that, in terms of his views, or that I thought were inappropriate or bad, number one I wouldn’t do anything, and number two, he would have to be gone. But I know many people that know him, and in fact, he’s actually getting some very good press from a lot of the people that know him, and people that are on the left. But Steve went to Harvard, he was a, you know, he was very successful, he was a Naval officer, he’s, I think he’s very, very, you know, sadly, really, I think it’s very hard on him. I think he’s having a hard time with it. Because it’s not him. It’s not him.
Now, I’ll tell you what, I know him very well. I will say this, and I will say this, if I thought that strongly, if I thought that he was doing anything, or had any ideas that were different than the ideas that you would think, I would ask him very politely to leave. But in the meantime, I think he’s been treated very unfairly.

UNKNOWN: Mr. President-elect, I wanted to ask you, there was a conference this past weekend in Washington of people who pledged their allegiance to Nazism.

TRUMP: Boy, you are really into this stuff, huh?

PRIEBUS: I think we answered that one right off the bat.

UNKNOWN: Are you going to condemn them?

TRUMP: Of course I did, of course I did.

PRIEBUS: He already did.

UNKNOWN: Are you going to do it right now?

TRUMP: Oh, I see, maybe you weren’t here. Sure. Would you like me to do it here? I’ll do it here. Of course I condemn. I disavow and condemn.
--- end short extracts of Trump interview ---

[I thank New York Times and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above extracts from their website related to fears about Mr. Trump's support for racism and Nazism associated with the alt-right (which the above extracts show that Mr. Trump denies unambiguously) on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.]



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