Latest versions of my Blogger & WordPress Blog Book Gen programs

I recently created a shortcuts directory on my desktop for me to be able to easily access the latest versions of my Blogger and WordPress blog book gen(erator) programs. I then wrote an info.txt file explaining what the shortcuts are and how to use them. While these shortcuts are meaningful only on desktop, I thought I should put up this blog post version of the info.txt file where I replace the desktop directory and file names data with links to related Google Drive directory and file names.

For Blogger blogs

A) Generate Blog Book From Blogger Export/Backup XML file:

VB.Net program location (info.txt file has the github link for the source code): 

Minor known issue: The footer in output file refers to an older post. It should instead refer to post mentioned below.

Related blog post: Ported ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to BlogBackupToBook VB.Net single project of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, .

B) Generate Recent Posts' Blog Book From Blogger RSS Feed:

Microsoft Word VBA Macro code location: v1 folder in

VBA Macro to run: RunBloggerBlogFeedToBook

Related blog post: VBA program to create recent posts' HTML blog books of (my) WordPress and Blogger blogs,

For WordPress blogs

C) Generate Blog Book From WordPress Export/Backup XML file:

Note that the WordPress Export/Backup zip file has to be unzipped to get the XML Export/Backup file.

Microsoft Word VBA Macro code location: Version 6 (v6 folder, )

VBA Macro to run: DriverPromptInputBlogExportFileToBook

Related blog post: Generated blogbook of my Misc. Tech. WordPress blog using my VBA program WPBlogExportFileToBook,

D) Generate Recent Posts' Blog Book From WordPress RSS Feed:

Microsoft Word VBA Macro code location: v1 folder in

VBA Macro to run: RunWPBlogFeedToBook

Related blog post: VBA program to create recent posts' HTML blog books of (my) WordPress and Blogger blogs,



To generate contents links in the blogbook (and split the blogbook, if needed):
The VB.Net program in entry A above (Blogger-BlogBackupToBook) has that feature which can be used for all blog books generated by above programs/VBA macros.

To run a VBA macro in a Word document, do the following:

  1. Open the Word macro document e.g v6-Macro-WPBlogExportFileToBook.docm. [On Google Drive, only the VBA code is put up as Word macro documents lead to some warnings/errors. So interested persons will have to create an empty Word document and then create a VBA macro file in it, into which the VBA code I have shared on Google Drive can be copy-pasted.]
  2. Click on Options button next to the message, "Security Warning: Macros have been disabled" and enable macros.
  3. Then click View -> Macros, select the macro you want to run and click on Run button.
