Generated blogbook of my Misc. Tech. WordPress blog using my VBA program WPBlogExportFileToBook

Last updated on 29 Feb. 2024

I decided to put up and publish this post now on 8 Aug 2023 while this work is in progress, as I wanted to ensure that whatever work I have done till now is available for interested readers. 


Public folder share having code and data: WPBlogExportFileToBook, . blogbook (in HTML) with pages, posts & comments and contents links (like table of contents): ravisiyermisctech.wordpress.2024-02-24.000-BlogBookwCLs.html (1.3 MB) (in v6 folder), (download file and view in browser locally to see rendered HTML).

--- end Quick-Info ---

29 Feb. 2024 Update

Version 6 (v6 folder, ) has latest version with some bug fixes described in info.txt.

29 Feb. 2024 End-Update

9 Aug. 2023 Update

Version 5 (v5 folder, ) has the latest version which creates blogbook with pages, posts and comments (all required content) of the blog. It is preceded by version 4 (v4 folder, ).

The key files and folders of interest are:

  1. info.txt in v4 folder: 
  2. [29-Feb-2024 Update: PreTag issue solution. end-Update] PreTagIssue folder: and Info.txt in it:
  3. info.txt in v5 folder: 
  4. Blogbook generated by WPBlogExportFileToBook in v5 folder: ravisiyermisctech.wordpress.2023-08-09.000-BlogBook (1.9 MB), (download file and view in browser locally to see rendered HTML)
  5. Log file for run that generated above blogbook file: ravisiyermisctech.wordpress.2023-08-09.000-BlogBookLog,
  6. Version 5 source code:,
  7. Blogbook (in HTML) with pages, posts & comments and contents links (like table of contents):  ravisiyermisctech.wordpress.2023-08-09.000-BlogBookwCLs-utf8.html (1003 KB) (in v5 folder),
  8. Above blogbook saved as PDF: ravisiyermisctech.wordpress.2023-08-09.000-BlogBookwCLs-utf8.pdf (40.1 MB, 382 pages),

Note that input (XML export) file is in top-level folder share (above version folders).

9 Aug. 2023 Update end

The first step in the work involved studying WordPress export file format which is significantly different from Blogger blog backup/export file format. Data and notes about this study are shared in folder: WordPress-Export-Format-Study, . The Notes text file in it, , gives an overview of the study.

The next step was to copy BlogExportFileToBook VBA code, rename it as WPBlogExportFileToBook and then modify its code to handle WordPress export file instead of Blogger export file. For more info. about BlogExportFileToBook, see my post: BlogExportFileToBook: VBA code to produce HTML blog book from Blogger blog backup/export XML file, .

Initially I tried to include all posts and pages (without comments to start with) of my WordPress blog: Ravi S. Iyer Misc. Tech., . But the generated blogbook had some formatting issues for posts. As I already had a separate posts blog book of this blog using my Google Apps Script program - WordPressFeedToBook, I chose to simply skip posts and focus only on pages for this WPBlogExportFileToBook VBA program. Later, if time permits, I will explore including posts too and try to fix the formatting issue that I had observed earlier. For more about WordPressFeedToBook, please visit my post: WordPressFeedToBook Google Apps Script to Create WordPress Blog Book (posts and comments) from Feed: Description and Stable Version Info, .

Initially I included only the pages and not comments in them, in the created blogbook. After that got done, I added the comments too which was not very difficult as the blog XML export file's item entry for a page contains comment data too (as comment elements). The current version, v3, seems to be stable.

The folder share is provided in Quick Info section above and also links to the blog (pages) book (contained in the folder). The key additional files of interest are (v3 is the folder and version for all the output files listed below):



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