Was able to port ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to VB.Net of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition

Last updated on 16-Nov-2023

16-Nov-2023 Note: This program functionality has now been incorporated into BlogBackupToBook VB.Net project. For details, please visit: Ported ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to BlogBackupToBook VB.Net single project of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, https://ravisiyermisc.blogspot.com/2023/09/ported-exportfilefilterandgenbook-from.html . end-Note.


End Quick-Info

Recently I downloaded Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition (free download) and tried out VB.Net programs there. I was able to get off to a quick start using some web help pages on it, and also using my decade old 2010s and earlier .Net programming knowledge.

Then I felt I should try out porting ExportFileFilterByIndexList VBA program to VB.Net. Ref: ExportFileFilterByIndexList: VBA code to filter Blogger XML Backup/Export file based on Entry Index List text file, https://ravisiyermisc.blogspot.com/2023/08/exportfilefilterbyindexlist-vba-code-to.html .

There were some tripping points especially on namespace in Blogger Backup/Export XML file requiring additional code in VB.Net for XML parsing. But eventually I was able to get solutions/fixes.

The version v1 was tested against the same input files that were used in the v3, Run1 of ExportFileFilterByIndexList  VBA project. 

The output files of VB.Net ExportFileFilterByIndexList are slightly different from that of the v3, Run1 VBA project. But the core data of the files seem to be same. VB.Net produces a UTF-8 file whereas VBA produces a UTF-16 file. 

I ran 'Generate HTML Blogbook ...' of ExportFileFilterAndGenBook VBA project providing filtered XML output file of VB.Net project as input. It ran successfully. The key output file of this VB.Net run - 20230801-ravisiyermisc-blogixfilt-BlogBook.html - which is the generated blogbook from the filtered XML file, has same core data as the corresponding output file of VBA project. Only the initial part with filename & path and timestamp of creation is different which is as expected. That indicates that the VB.Net project output file is as expected.



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