19th Communist Party of China Congress: Chinese President Xi Jinping keynote speech and more; My comments

Last updated on 25th Oct. 2017

Note: This is a long post. Some readers may prefer to first skim through it before deciding whether they want to spend the time to read this long post.

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered an over 3 hours speech at the 19th Communist Party of China Congress on 18th Oct. 2017. Note that this Congress event is held every five years and is the most important Chinese government and communist party event. In this event, I think the biggest sub-event/item is this speech by the General Secretary which gives a report of what was achieved over the past 5 years and a plan for the future. The Congress was from 18th Oct to 24th Oct. 2017.

Now this speech delivered by one man - the most powerful man in China now, Xi Jinping, heading Chinese govt., communist party and the military, I think, could be viewed as the main official central planning view of China today and its plan for the next five years! That makes this an extraordinarily vital speech for those who want to get some idea of the official view of China today, and its plan for the future! I am one of such people and so decided to study the speech in detail.

This is the full video of it with English voice-over/translation: Full video: Opening session of 19th CPC National Congress, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3pc3SqK5jI, 3 hr. 32 min, 48 secs, published by CGTN on 18th Oct. 2017.

I have been looking around to get an English language full transcript of this speech but so far, had no luck. But here's a link with a partial English language transcript [Note that this link also has the video and automatically plays the video which may be on a part of the page that you are not viewing (consuming Internet data usage which can be a hassle for people like me on 2GB/day FUP 4G mobile Internet plans; On one occasion, I had the speaker turned off and so did not note that the video was playing till I had crossed my 2GB/day limit and the Internet access became very slow (post FUP speed)!)]: http://live.china.org.cn/2017/10/17/opening-ceremony-of-the-19th-cpc-national-congress/.

Over the past few days, I managed to see the whole of the above mentioned three and a half hour video though I was not able to maintain good attention at times.

Whatever one may say about the Chinese communist party in terms of its authoritarian nature, the very fact that its top man, General Secretary, who is also President (of govt. of China) and boss of the Chinese military - Comrade Xi Jinping - gave a marathon speech of around three and a quarter hours, standing all the while, which was listened to by over 2,000 (seated) Chinese communist party delegates in the hall (from all around China, one presumes), mostly with rapt attention, shows the discipline, determination and resolve of the Chinese communist party. I am impressed!!!

I have given below some important points of President Xi Jinping's speech as reported in some articles, along with some comments/explanatory points of mine suitably tagged with 'Ravi:' and for long comments, 'end-Ravi':

The title of his speech is, "Secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era".

[Ravi: I think it is very important to bring in some understanding of the word socialism, and then the words, "Socialism with Chinese characteristics", to get a decent context to understand Xi Jinping's speech. So I have given some relevant wikipedia extracts below.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism:

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.

Socialist economic systems can be divided into non-market and market forms. Non-market socialism involves the substitution of factor markets and money, with engineering and technical criteria, based on calculation performed in-kind, thereby producing an economic mechanism that functions according to different economic laws from those of capitalism. Non-market socialism aims to circumvent the inefficiencies and crises traditionally associated with capital accumulation and the profit system. By contrast, market socialism retains the use of monetary prices, factor markets and in some cases the profit motive, with respect to the operation of socially owned enterprises and the allocation of capital goods between them. Profits generated by these firms would be controlled directly by the workforce of each firm, or accrue to society at large in the form of a social dividend. The socialist calculation debate discusses the feasibility and methods of resource allocation for a socialist system.

The socialist political movement includes a set of political philosophies that originated in the revolutionary movements of the mid-to-late 1700s and of concern for the social problems that were associated with capitalism. In addition to the debate over markets and planning, the varieties of socialism differ in their form of social ownership, how management is to be organised within productive institutions and the role of the state in constructing socialism. Core dichotomies include reformism versus revolutionary socialism and state socialism versus libertarian socialism. Socialist politics has been both centralist and decentralised; internationalist and nationalist in orientation; organised through political parties and opposed to party politics; at times overlapping with trade unions and at other times independent of—and critical of—unions; and present in both industrialised and developing countries. While all tendencies of socialism consider themselves democratic, the term "democratic socialism" is often used to highlight its advocates' high value for democratic processes in the economy and democratic political systems, usually to draw contrast to tendencies they may perceive to be undemocratic in their approach. Democratic socialism is frequently used to draw contrast to the political system of the Soviet Union, which critics argue operated in an authoritarian fashion.

By the late 19th century, after the work of Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels, socialism had come to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production. By the 1920s, social democracy and communism had become the two dominant political tendencies within the international socialist movement. By this time, socialism emerged as "the most influential secular movement of the twentieth century, worldwide. It is a political ideology (or world view), a wide and divided political movement" and while the emergence of the Soviet Union as the world's first nominally socialist state led to socialism's widespread association with the Soviet economic model, many economists and intellectuals argued that in practice the model functioned as a form of state capitalism or a non-planned administrative or command economy. Socialist parties and ideas remain a political force with varying degrees of power and influence in all continents, heading national governments in many countries around the world. Today, some socialists have also adopted the causes of other social movements, such as environmentalism, feminism and liberalism.
The term "socialism" was created by Henri de Saint-Simon, one of the founders of what would later be labelled "utopian socialism". Simon coined "socialism" as a contrast to the liberal doctrine of "individualism", which stressed that people act or should act as if they are in isolation from one another. The original "utopian" socialists condemned liberal individualism for failing to address social concerns during the industrial revolution, including poverty, social oppression and gross inequalities in wealth, thus viewing liberal individualism as degenerating society into supporting selfish egoism that harmed community life through promoting a society based on competition. They presented socialism as an alternative to liberal individualism based on the shared ownership of resources, although their proposals for socialism differed significantly. Saint-Simon proposed economic planning, scientific administration and the application of modern scientific advancements to the organization of society. By contrast, Robert Owen proposed the organization of production and ownership in cooperatives.

--- end Socialism wiki page extracts ---

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism_with_Chinese_characteristics explains the term "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" which was used quite often by Xi Jinping in this speech. Some extracts from this wiki page are given below:

Socialism with Chinese characteristics, meaning socialism adapted to Chinese conditions, is the official ideology of the Communist Party of China (CPC), claimed to be based upon scientific socialism. This ideology supports the creation of a socialist market economy dominated by the public sector since China is, as claimed by the CPC, in the primary stage of socialism. The People's Republic of China (PRC) government maintains that it has not abandoned Marxism but has developed many of the terms and concepts of Marxist theory to accommodate its new economic system. The CPC argues that socialism is compatible with these economic policies. In current Chinese Communist thinking, China is in the primary stage of socialism—a view which explains the PRC government's flexible economic policies to develop into an industrialized nation.
The concept of a primary stage of socialism was conceived before China introduced economic reforms. When discussing the necessity of commodity relations at the First Zhengzhou Conference (2–10 November 1958) Mao Zedong—the Chairman of the CPC's Central Committee—said that China was in the "initial stage of socialism" Mao never elaborated on the idea; his successors were left to do this.
On 5 May 1978, the article "Putting into Effect the Socialist Principle of Distribution According to Work", elaborated on the idea that China was still at the first stage of reaching pure communism and that it had not become a truly socialist society.
At the 13th CPC National Congress [Ravi: 1987], acting CPC General Secretary Zhao Ziyang, on behalf of the 12th Central Committee, delivered the report "Advance Along the Road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics". He wrote that China was a socialist society, but that socialism in China was in its primary stage; a Chinese peculiarity which was due to the undeveloped state of the country's productive forces. During this phase of development, Zhao recommended introducing a planned commodity economy on the basis of public ownership.
CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin further elaborated on the concept ten years later; first during a speech to the Central Party School on 29 May 1997 and again in his report to the 15th CPC National Congress on 12 September 1997. According to Jiang, the 3rd plenum of the 11th Central Committee correctly analyzed and formulated a scientifically correct program for the problems facing China and socialism. In Jiang's words, the primary stage of socialism was an "undeveloped stage". The fundamental task of socialism is to develop the productive forces, therefore the main aim during the primary stage should be the further development of the national productive forces. The primary contradiction in Chinese society during the primary stage of socialism is "the growing material and cultural needs of the people and the backwardness of production". This contradiction will remain until China has completed the process of primary stage of socialism, and because of it, economic development should remain the CPC's main focus during this stage.

Jiang elaborated on three points to develop the primary stage of socialism. The first—to develop a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics—meant developing the economy by emancipating and modernizing the forces of production while developing a market economy. The second—building socialist politics with Chinese characteristics—meant "managing state affairs according to the law", developing socialist democracy under the CPC and making the "people the masters of the country". The third point—building socialist culture with Chinese characteristics—meant turning Marxism into the guide to train the people so as to give them "high ideals, moral integrity, a good education, and a strong sense of discipline, and developing a national scientific, and popular socialist culture geared to the needs of modernization, of the world, and of the future."

When asked how long the primary stage of socialism would last, Zhao replied, "[i]t will be at least 100 years ... [before] socialist modernization will have been in the main accomplished." The state constitution states that "China will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time to come". As with Zhao, Jiang believed that it would take at least 100 years to reach a more advanced stage.
The concept of private ownership is rooted in classical Marxism. Because China adopted socialism when it was a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country, it is in the primary stage of socialism. Because of this, certain policies and system characteristics—such as commodity production for the market, the existence of a private sector and the reliance of the profit motive in enterprise management—were changed. These changes were allowed as long as they improve productivity and modernize the means of production, and thus further develop socialism. According to this perspective, Mao's leftist belief that China could advance to full socialism immediately by bypassing capitalism is considered false.

The CPC still considers private ownership to be non-socialist. However, according to party theorists, the existence and growth of private ownership does not necessarily undermine socialism and promote capitalism in China. It is argued that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels—the founders of communism—never proposed the immediate abolishment of private ownership.
[Criticism] According to writer and researcher Huang Yasheng and many others, the economic theory in China is not socialism with Chinese characteristics but the opposite—capitalism with Chinese characteristics. [From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasheng_Huang, "Yasheng Huang (Chinese: 黄亚生) is an American professor in international management at the MIT Sloan School of Management, where he founded and heads the China Lab and India Lab. His research areas include human capital formation in China and India. He had previous appointments at the University of Michigan and Harvard Business School. Huang is the author of Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics, a history of economic reforms in China."]
--- end wiki extracts ---

[Ravi: The words in quotes below are Xi Jinping's words translated to English in some English language reports of his speech.]

* "This is a meeting of great importance taking place during the decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and at a critical moment as socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era."

* "The theme of the Congress is to remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. The original aspiration and the mission of Chinese Communists are to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation."

[Ravi: The term "national rejuvenation" seems to be an important term in Xi Jinping's speech. I am guessing that the term "national rejuvenation" means, or at least implies, restoring China to its status of greatness among other world powers, like it would have been in 16th & 17th centuries or earlier. More powerful and more advanced Western World powers (mainly British & French) attacked and subjugated a comparatively weaker China from the first half of 19th century onwards. However, the Western world powers were not able to colonize mainland China like Britain colonized India (though the Japanese did invade parts of China and occupied some parts like Manchuria from 1931 to 1945, when (1945) the Soviet Union invaded Manchuria and then handed it over formally to Chinese administration a year later, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchukuo; Taiwan was also under Japanese control/rule from 1895 to 1945; Islands like Hong Kong and Macau were occupied by Western powers). So, in terms of greatness, I guess that "national rejuvenation" means or implies that China seeks to regain its 16th and 17th century or earlier greatness, in comparison to other world powers then.]

* "Historic shifts have been made in the cause of the Communist Party of China and the country in the past five years."

* "The economy has maintained a medium-high growth rate, making China a leader among the major economies. China’s GDP rose from 54 trillion yuan to 80 trillion yuan (about US$12.1 trillion) over the past five years. China has maintained its position as the world’s second largest economy and contributed more than 30 percent of global economic growth.

The economic structure has been steadily improved as the supply-side structural reform has made further headway.

The five years also saw agricultural modernization steadily advance, with annual grain production reaching 600 million metric tons. The level of urbanization has risen by an annual average of 1.2 percentage points, and more than 80 million people who have moved from rural to urban areas have gained permanent urban residency.

The new institutions of the open economy have been steadily improved. China now leads the world in trade, outbound investment, and foreign exchange reserves."

* "More than 60 million people have been lifted out of poverty over the past five years."

* These achievements were attributed by Xi Jinping to "the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, and, more importantly, the result of all Party members and all the Chinese people pulling together in their pursuit."

* "Socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era means that scientific socialism is full of vitality in 21st century China, and that the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics is now flying high and proud for all to see.

It means that the path, the theory, the system, and the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics have kept developing, blazing a new trail for other developing countries to achieve modernization. It offers a new option for other countries and nations who want to speed up their development while preserving their independence; and it offers Chinese wisdom and a Chinese approach to solving the problems facing mankind."

* "The principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved, as socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. What we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life. China has seen the basic needs of over a billion people met, has basically made it possible for people to live decent lives, and will soon bring the building of a moderately prosperous society to a successful completion. The needs to be met for the people to live a better life are increasingly broad. Not only have their material and cultural needs grown; their demands for democracy, rule of law, fairness and justice, security, and a better environment are increasing. While China’s overall productive forces have significantly improved and in many areas our production capacity leads the world, our problem is that our development is unbalanced and inadequate. This has become the main constraining factor in meeting the people’s increasing needs for a better life."

* "The evolution of the principal contradiction represents a historic shift that affects the whole landscape and that creates many new demands for the work of the Party and the country."

* "Today, we are closer, more confident, and more capable than ever before of making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality.

The last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point. Achieving national rejuvenation will be no walk in the park, and it will take more than drum beating and gong clanging to get there. Every Party member must be prepared to work even harder toward this goal."

* "Without the leadership of the Communist Party of China, national rejuvenation would just be 'wishful thinking'.".. "We must keep on strengthening the Party’s ability to lead politically, to guide through theory, to organize the people, and to inspire society, thus ensuring that the Party’s great vitality and strong ability are forever maintained."

* "The Party has been guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development. The CPC has adopted an entirely new perspective to deepen its understanding of the laws that underlie governance by the Communist Party, the development of socialism, and the evolution of human society. The Party has undertaken theoretical explorations and achieved major theoretical innovations, ultimately giving shape to the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era."

* Though basic needs of a billion people in China have been met, China “is still and will long remain in the primary stage of socialism”. And the communist party should be "completely clear about this fundamental dimension of our national context" and "base our work on this most important reality — the primary stage of socialism."

* "The Thought makes clear that the overarching goal of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is to realize socialist modernization and national rejuvenation.

On the basis of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, a two-step approach should be taken to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by the middle of the century.

It makes clear that the principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era is that between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life. It stresses the people-centered philosophy of development, and well-rounded human development and common prosperity for everyone.

It makes clear that the overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the five-sphere integrated plan, and the overall strategy is the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. It highlights the importance of fostering stronger confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

It makes clear that the overall goal of deepening reform in every field is to improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernize China’s system and capacity for governance.

It makes clear that the overall goal of comprehensively advancing law-based governance is to establish a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and build a country of socialist rule of law.

It makes clear that the Party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era is to build the people’s forces into world-class forces that obey the Party’s command, can fight and win, and maintain excellent conduct.

It makes clear that major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics aims to foster a new type of international relations and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

It makes clear that the CPC leadership is defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics; the Party is the highest force for political leadership. The Thought sets forth the general requirements for Party building in the new era and underlines the importance of political work in Party building.

The Thought builds on and further enriches Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development. It represents the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context."

* "These 14-point fundamental principles underpin the endeavors to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era."
 "1. Ensuring Party leadership over all work."
 "2. Committing to a people-centered approach."
 "3. Continuing to comprehensively deepen reform."
 "4. Adopting a new vision for development."
 "5. Seeing that the people run the country."
 "6. Ensuring every dimension of governance is law-based."
 "7. Upholding core socialist values."
 "8. Ensuring and improving living standards through development."
 "9. Ensuring harmony between human and nature."
 "10. Pursuing a holistic approach to national security."
 "11. Upholding absolute Party leadership over the people’s forces."
 "12. Upholding the principle of “one country, two systems” and promoting national reunification."
 "13. Promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind."
 "14. Exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party."

* "After adopting the policy of reform and opening up, our Party laid out three strategic goals for achieving socialist modernization in China. The first two – ensuring that people’s basic needs are met and that their lives are generally decent – have been accomplished ahead of time. Building on this, the Party then developed the vision that by the time the Party celebrates its centenary, the Chinese society will have been developed into a moderately prosperous one.

After this, with another 30 years of work, and by the time we celebrate the centenary of the People’s Republic of China, we will have basically achieved modernization and turned China into a modern socialist country.

The period between now and 2020 will be decisive in finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects."

* "The CPC has drawn up a two-stage development plan for the period from 2020 to the middle of the century.".. "In the first stage from 2020 to 2035, we will build on the foundation created by the moderately prosperous society with a further 15 years of hard work to see that socialist modernization is basically realized." .. " In the second stage from 2035 to the middle of the 21st century, the CPC will, building on having basically achieved modernization, work hard for a further 15 years and develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.

By then, new heights are reached in every dimension of material, political, cultural and ethical, social, and ecological advancement; modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance is achieved; China has become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence; common prosperity for everyone is basically achieved; and the Chinese people enjoy happier, safer, and healthier lives. The Chinese nation will become a proud and active member of the community of nations."

* "We will move Chinese industries up to the medium-high end of the global value chain, and foster a number of world-class advanced manufacturing clusters.

China will continue efforts to cut overcapacity, reduce excess inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and strengthen areas of weakness, and work to achieve a dynamic balance between supply and demand by improving the allocation of available resources and increasing high-quality supply."

* "Innovation is the primary force driving development, and it is the strategic underpinning for building a modernized economy.

We will strengthen basic research in applied sciences, launch major national science and technology projects, and prioritize innovation in key generic technologies, cutting-edge frontier technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies. These efforts will provide powerful support for building China’s strength in science and technology, product quality, aerospace, cyberspace, and transportation, and for building a digital China and a smart society.

We will cultivate a large number of world-class scientists and technologists in strategically important fields, scientific and technological leaders, and young scientists and engineers, as well as high-performing innovation teams."

* "Openness brings progress, while self-seclusion leaves one behind. China will not close its door to the world, and it will only become more and more open.

We will implement the system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list across the board. China will significantly ease market access, further open service sectors, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors. All businesses registered in China will be treated equally."

* "China’s socialist democracy is the broadest, most genuine, and most effective democracy to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people. The very purpose of developing socialist democracy is to give full expression to the will of the people, protect their rights and interests, spark their creativity, and provide systemic and institutional guarantees to ensure the people run the country."

* "Advancing law-based governance in all fields is a profound revolution in China’s governance. The CPC must promote the rule of law to ensure sound lawmaking, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and the observance of law by everyone. The CPC will set up a central leading group for advancing law-based governance in all areas. The move is aimed at exercising unified leadership over the initiative to build rule of law in China. The CPC will strengthen oversight to ensure compliance with the Constitution, advance constitutionality review, and safeguard the authority of the Constitution."

* "The political system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a great creation of the CPC and the Chinese people. We have every confidence that we can give full play to the strengths and distinctive features of China’s socialist democracy, and make China’s contribution to the political advancement of mankind."

* "Writers and artists should take a people-centered approach and draw inspiration from everyday life and the experiences of the people to produce works that do justice to our times. We encourage them to create fine works that are thought provoking and of a high artistic standard, that reflect real life, and that extol our Party, our country, our people, and our heroes."

* "We need to deepen structural reform of cultural sector, improve the cultural management system and accelerate the establishment of systems and mechanisms that put social benefits first while pursuing economic returns.

We will improve our capacity for engaging in international communication so as to tell China’s stories well, present a true, multi-dimensional, and panoramic view of China, and enhance our country’s cultural soft power."

* "Seeing that poor people and poor areas will enter the moderately prosperous society together with the rest of the country is a solemn promise made by our Party. We should mobilize the energies of our whole Party, our whole country, and our whole society, and continue to implement targeted poverty reduction and alleviation measures.

We must ensure that by the year 2020, all rural residents living below the current poverty line will have been out of poverty, and poverty is eliminated in all poor counties and regions. Poverty alleviation should reach those who truly need it and deliver genuine outcomes."

* "The modernization that we pursue is one characterized by harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In addition to creating more material and cultural wealth to meet people’s ever-increasing needs for a better life, we need also to provide more quality ecological goods to meet people’s ever-growing demands for a beautiful environment.

 1. To promote green development.
 2. To solve prominent environmental problems.
 3. To intensify the protection of ecosystems.
 4. To reform the environmental regulation system.

China will establish regulatory agencies to manage state-owned natural resource assets and monitor natural ecosystems.

China will develop a nature reserves system composed mainly of national parks."

* "The CPC will build a powerful and modernized army, navy, air force, rocket force, and strategic support force, develop strong and efficient joint operations commanding institutions for theater commands, and create a modern combat system with distinctive Chinese characteristics."

* Xi called on all countries to work together for a clean and beautiful world and tackle climate change through cooperation.

He called on the people of all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind, to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity.

Xi proposes that all countries in the world be good friends to the environment, cooperate to tackle climate change, and protect the planet for the sake of human survival.

* "China remains firm in pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace.

China will never pursue development at the expense of others’ interests, and will never give up its legitimate rights and interests. No one should expect China to swallow anything that undermines its interests.

China pursues a defensive national defense policy. China’s development does not pose a threat to any other country. China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion no matter what stage of development it reaches.

China has actively developed global partnerships and expanded the convergence of interests with other countries."

* "The Communist Party of China will secure a sweeping victory in its fight against corruption to avoid the historical cycle of rise and fall.

The fight against corruption never ends and currently remains grave and complex. We must remain as firm as a rock in our resolve to build on the overwhelming momentum and secure a sweeping victory. Both those who take bribes and those who offer them will be punished and interest groups will be prevented from arising within the Party.

Wherever offenders may flee, they shall be brought back and brought to justice.

The CPC will work for the adoption of national anti-corruption legislation and create a corruption reporting platform that covers both disciplinary inspection commissions and supervision agencies.

The CPC will enhance deterrence so that officials dare not commit corruption, strengthen the institutional cage so that they have no way to commit corruption, and raise their consciousness of staying away from corruption."

* Anti-corruption campaign will continue to "take out tigers, swat flies and hunt down foxes" referring to corrupt people at various levels.

* "This is an era that will see China move closer to the centre of the world and make more contributions to humankind".
---- end notes/quotes of Chinese President Xi Jinping speech ----------------------------

The 2000 odd delegates to the CPC will elect/choose a 200 strong Central Committee of the Party. This Central Committee will play a role in choosing a 25 member Politburo and a top 5 to 9 member Politburo Standing Committee. The announcements of members chosen for these groups/bodies will be made after the Congress ends on 24th Oct. 2017.

Note that China has 1.4 billion population and the Communist Party of China has 89 million members.

Given below is the introductory paragraph from "Full text of resolution on CPC Central Committee report" [CPC stands for Communist Party of China], http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-10/24/c_136702625.htm, 24th Oct. 2017, which shows that Xi Jinping's 18th Oct. 2017 report as well as plan for the future were approved/accepted by the new 19th National Congress. It also shows that "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" has got accepted as a major Communist Party of China doctrine:

"The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China approves the report delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping on behalf of the Party's 18th Central Committee. The Congress holds high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and is guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. On the basis of an analysis of the developments in the international and domestic environments and a review of the Party's work and the historic change over the past five years, the Congress forms the major political judgments that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era and the principal contradiction in Chinese society has evolved into one between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. The Congress elaborates on the Party's historic mission in the new era and establishes the historical position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It sets forth the basic policy for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and establishes the goal of securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and then embarking on a journey to fully build a modern socialist China. The Congress also sets out an overall plan for advancing the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great new project of Party building in the new era."

And this is the concluding paragraph of the above mentioned resolution document:
"The Congress calls on the entire Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and earnestly study and put into practice Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will keep on working with great determination to accomplish the three historic tasks of advancing modernization, realizing China's reunification, and preserving world peace and promoting common development, and make continued efforts to secure a decisive victory in finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, and see that our people realize their aspirations for a better life."


The extract below from the document "Resolution of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the Revised Constitution of the Communist Party of China", http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-10/24/c_136702726.htm, 24th Oct. 2017, shows that "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" has got adopted in the Constitution of the Communist Party of China.

"The Congress notes that since the Party's 18th National Congress, Chinese Communists, with Comrade Xi Jinping as their chief representative, in response to contemporary developments and by integrating theory with practice, have systematically addressed the major question of our times-what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics the new era requires us to uphold and develop and how we should uphold and develop it, thus giving shape to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The Thought is a continuation and development of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development. It is the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, a crystallization of the practical experience and collective wisdom of the Party and the people, an important component of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a guide to action for the entire Party and all the Chinese people to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and must be upheld long term and constantly developed. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a concerted effort to carry out a great struggle, develop a great project, advance a great cause, and realize a great dream, ushering in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The Congress unanimously agrees that, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, in addition to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development, shall constitute the guides to action of the Party in the Party Constitution. The Congress urges all Party members to use the Thought to achieve unity in thinking and action, be more purposeful and determined in studying and applying it, and put the Thought into action throughout the drive toward China's socialist modernization and in every dimension of Party building."

Given below are some reports on this speech of President Xi Jinping and the 19th Congress.

*) Xi Jinping’s Marathon Speech: Five Takeaways, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/18/world/asia/china-xi-jinping-party-congress.html, 18th Oct. 2017

*) Xi Jinping heralds 'new era' of Chinese power at Communist party congress, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/18/xi-jinping-speech-new-era-chinese-power-party-congress, 18th Oct. 2017

*) At the Communist Party Congress, Xi Jinping Plays the Emperor, https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/at-the-communist-party-congress-xi-jinping-plays-the-emperor, 18th Oct. 2017

*) Xi Jinping outlines China's future at 19th party congress, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4y4LunzW2o, 3 mins, published by South China Morning Post, 18th Oct. 2017

*) 6 min BBC news report on Xi Jinping speech and the Party Congress event
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_05O94g_vM, 18th Oct. 2017

*) Xi’s confident vision of a prosperous China, http://www.shanghaidaily.com/nation/Xis-confident-vision-of-a-prosperous-China/shdaily.shtml, Source: Xinhua, dated 19th Oct. 2017

*) China Focus: Xi unveils plan to make China "great modern socialist country" by mid-21st century, http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-10/18/c_136688933.htm, 18th Oct. 2017

*) Xi Jinping's Party Congress Speech Leaves No Doubts Over His Leadership Role, http://time.com/4986999/xi-jinping-china-19th-congress-ccp/, 18th Oct. 2017

*) Xi Jinping delivers report to CPC congress, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/19thcpcnationalcongress/2017-10/18/content_33398037.htm, 18th Oct. 2017

*) All hail Papa Xi! The growing cult around China’s all-powerful leader, https://www.spectator.co.uk/2017/10/all-hail-papa-xi-the-growing-cult-around-chinas-all-powerful-leader/, 21st Oct. 2017.

*) China’s leader elevated to the level of Mao in Communist pantheon, https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/chinas-leader-elevated-to-the-level-of-mao-in-communist-pantheon/2017/10/24/ddd911e0-b832-11e7-9b93-b97043e57a22_story.html, 24th Oct. 2017.

*) Xi Jinping accrues power, worrying critics and delighting supporters, http://indianexpress.com/article/world/xi-jinping-accrues-power-worrying-critics-and-delighting-supporters-communist-party-of-china-4904173/, 24th Oct. 2017

*) China Enshrines ‘Xi Jinping Thought.’ What Does That Mean?, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/24/world/asia/china-xi-jinping-constitution.html, 24th Oct. 2017


Ravi: Some thoughts of mine about this 19th CPC Congress event and China in general, are given below:

First of all, I think that the Chinese people and the Communist Party of China have to be congratulated on the extraordinary success they have achieved over the past few decades in lifting hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens out of poverty into the middle class or even rich class. [From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty_in_China, "According to the World Bank, more than 500 million people were lifted out of extreme poverty as China’s poverty rate fell from 88 percent in 1981 to 6.5 percent in 2012, as measured by the percentage of people living on the equivalent of US$1.90 or less per day in 2011 purchasing price parity terms."]

I started doing some limited amount of reading about China in Indian mainstream media and also international mainstream media, mainly after Hu Jintao became the top leader of China (from 2002/2003 to 2012/2013). Xi Jinping succeeded him as the top leader in 2012/2013. I think both Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping have created an impression of stability and level-headed leadership of China in this period. I think they need to be congratulated on having created such an impression. Stability of top leadership is a vital factor in long-term growth of a country.

The keynote speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping in this CPC Congress event is a very comprehensive one.

It claims that China will be peaceful and not seek hegemony (dominance over others) over any other country, while asserting its right to protect itself with a powerful military. Words wise, I think China not seeking hegemony over others and being peaceful is very welcome. It remains to be seen whether this will be followed scruplously in practice.

The speech seems to reflect the pervasive power of the Communist Party of China, the only political party in China, I guess, with 89 million members, over almost all aspects of life of the Chinese people who number 1.4 billion. That is an extraordinary level of control that one single party's top bosses have over a huge number of people! As of today, I think there is no other political party in the world that can come close to having this sort of control over such a huge number of people.

The focus of the party seems to be mainly on the material aspects of Chinese life though it does make mention of cultural and moral aspects. I think there was a small mention of religion "with Chinese characteristics" in Xi Jinping's speech indicating that practice of such religion(s) will be tolerated. But clearly, religious life and God (I don't think the word, God, was even mentioned) were unimportant in the view of this Congress. This is one big difference between China on one hand, and the USA and India on the other, with faith in God and practice of many religions and sects being a vital part of the life of the majority of the people of the latter countries (USA and India).

Corruption and inequalities in wealth and income (and/or access to health, education and housing services) including a rural/urban economic power divide are important problems in China that Xi Jinping's speech talked about, including what was done to solve these problems in the past, and what will be done in future. These problems of China are faced by India too, perhaps in significantly bigger way. I think the USA too faces these problems though the corruption in USA is more of a legally sanctioned influence peddling (lobbying) via money or other kind of contributions mechanism than illegal (money) bribes. China and India both have the odd scenario of having some mega-rich billionaires and many millionaires while there are significant portions of the populace (much more significant portion in the case of India) who are below the poverty line (earning less than 1 to 2 US Dollars equivalent a day)! The economic growth of the past few decades in both India and China has been unbalanced and that seems to be a serious social cohesion and peace concern for both countries.

The emphasis of CPC seems to be on the collective and not on the individual. Barring the names of Mao Zedong and Deng Xioping, Xi Jinping's speech may not have made reference, or at least significant reference, to any other Chinese person's name, I think. That is strikingly different from speeches I have heard from USA presidents or Indian prime ministers. Instead, Xi Jinping's speech made numerous reference to ideologies/thoughts/doctrine and even Mao Zedong and Deng Xioping's names were taken in the context of the thoughts/theory/doctrine attributed/named after them. Perhaps for the Communist Party of China, it is the doctrine/thoughts that are important and the individual life achievements of the persons are insignificant in comparison.

The word 'democracy' (and also people's rule or something like that) was used often in Xi Jinping's keynote speech. It is good to see this support at speech level for democracy. However, there was a marked absence of criticism or dissent about Xi Jinping's keynote speech either in the hall where it was delivered or in the Chinese English language reports that I read. Tolerance of dissent and freedom of speech are vital aspects of a democracy. I think China has some ways to go on this democracy front.

Some articles from international (non-Chinese) media have indicated a serious concern about huge concentration of power in Xi Jinping, significantly more than what his two predecessors - Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin - had. They have also written about a personality cult growing around Xi Jinping in China with state propaganda focusing on promoting him mainly.

I have to say that in USA and India democracies, one reads about a core group of leaders even though the top person (President/Prime Minister) is certainly far more famous. So one reads about the Secretary of State/Foreign minister, Treasury Secy/Finance minister etc. in the cases of USA and India. In the case of China, one reads mainly about the President Xi Jinping and to a much smaller extent, the Premier Li Keqiang, but not much about other core leaders of the Chinese government! I think the concentration of power in only one man is not such a good thing from a stability and top governance expertise spread across few leaders, point of view.

And when one combines that high concentration of power in one man with intolerance to public dissidence and criticism, there is a danger that major policies which are well intentioned, but which are not giving good results and instead are creating major problems, do not get highlighted early enough as serious problems that need to be urgently corrected. That would then lead to more suffering for the people of the country and delay in resolving the root problems of that suffering.

Overall though, this 19th Communist Party of China Congress is quite impressive as a major event highlighting successes of the past five years, problems that have to be tackled, the plan for tackling the problems in future, as well as a grand vision for the future. I wish the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping and his team, all the very best in their efforts to improve the lives of 1.4 billion Chinese people.

To understand the term 'national rejuvenation' used by Xi Jinping quite often in this speech, I found watching this video to be useful to get some understanding of the historical background: China's Century of Humiliation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boPkMCJSYSs, 1 hr. 17 mins. The documentary was written, directed and produced by Mitch Andersen. It has views of (Western, Singaporean and Chinese) academics in this Chinese history or related fields, and also some others, if I recall correctly. It seems to me to be a well done documentary attempting to give a truthful account (and hopefully it is a truthful account) of the period when China came under dominance of Western powers like Britain and France.

[I thank Chinese President Xi Jinping, wikipedia, and the Communist Party of China, and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above extracts from their speech/website/document on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.]



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