President Trump of USA impeached by House of Representatives but this impeachment is almost certain to be defeated in next stage in USA Senate

On this matter, I decided to make an exception from my decision not to publicly post or comment about USA politics.

Trump Impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress,

The vote was largely along party lines. Democrats voted for impeachment and Republicans voted against.

For President Donald Trump to be removed from office, the Senate has to vote for impeachment but that is very, very unlikely given that Republicans have a majority in the Senate, and almost all of Republican members of Congress are solidly behind Trump.

The NYT article says: "Acquittal in the Republican-controlled chamber may be likely, but the proceeding is certain to further aggravate the political and cultural fault lines in the country that Mr. Trump’s presidency has brought into dramatic relief."

I felt it appropriate to add some views of President Trump and his supporters. Given below are some tweets from President Trump: (pinned tweet) has a pic of President Trump with the text:

Retweet of Jim Inhofe tweet, "The President is not going to be removed from office – period. The House’s action is nothing more than a political sham – one that the vast majority of Oklahomans and I are sick and tired of. My full statement" [has pic of his full statement].

Retweet of Senate Republicans "“Democrats have been obsessed with impeaching President
@realDonaldTrump since day one. Tonight, they cast one of the most divisive votes in American history."

- Conference Chairman

My God! I have never seen USA be so divided. When Bill Clinton got impeached by House of Representatives but which impeachment failed in the next stage in the Senate, in 1998, I was living in Dombivli (near Mumbai) and was very seriously into spiritual reading and spiritual sadhana in my free time, and so not following politics and public policy beyond a quick glance at the newspaper (Times of India which was the premier newspaper in Mumbai). I had stopped watching TV then (and Internet media was not that big) and so did not have a TV set at home. Therefore I did not know how divided USA was at that time, though in recent past I have read some articles on it which indicate that that impeachment effort also caused great division in the USA. Richard Nixon would have been impeached but he resigned (in 1974) and so avoided impeachment - anyway I was too young then (around 12 years old then).

Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are the only two USA presidents in post World War II USA who have been impeached in the House of Representatives! The USA is the most militarily powerful country and has the biggest economy in the world today, and has been so almost in all, or all, of the post World War II era, due to which it has been and continues to be highly influential in the world, including in my country of India. We are talking of efforts for removal from office of this most powerful person in the world! That is really, really big stuff.

But perhaps, from an immediate political consequence point of view, these impeachment efforts may become just some more political theatre in the USA. The Senate is almost certain to defeat the impeachment efforts when it comes up before it.

Whether Donald Trump continues to be president of USA or not, in all probability, will be decided by the USA general election in November 2020, and not these impeachment efforts.

I want to mention that I also plan to publicly post on 2020 debates between Republican and Democratic nominees for president of USA as these debates may give a decent idea about the policy stands of the two main persons who are contending to be leader of USA from early 2021 to early 2025. My interests in public policy are mainly in areas of education (including higher education), health care and law & order (including funding or lack of funding of these areas). I also keep an eye on military power (and funding thereof) as the history of the world shows us that countries that are not able to defend themselves from aggressive imperialists come under a period of horrific exploitation from those imperialists (e.g. India being exploited under British imperial rule, with almost the whole of India coming under that British imperial exploitation from 1818 to 1947). [1818 was when the British defeated the Marathas in the third and final Anglo Maratha war, Parts of the North-West of India under the Sikh empire, held out longer against the British. The second Anglo-Sikh war in 1848-1849 was won by the British with the Sikh empire's territory coming under British imperialists' rule,]

Please note that I have a PUBLICLY (POLITICALLY) NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about USA politics. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me having voted in USA elections. I am a well-wisher of the people of the USA.



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