Century passes since start of most horrible "industrial-scale" World War I

A century has passed since the first of the two most horrible "industrial-scale" world wars started, which also sowed the seeds for World War II starting just over two decades after World War I ended.

The article, Origins of World War I: Why Europe went to war, http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-28/origins-of-world-war-i/5554108, shows how the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was only the trigger which lit the combustible colonialist power struggle in Europe. The article states that the key issue was that Germany wanted a market for its export and the colonial powers then who ruled over most of the colonies in the world then - Britain, France and Russia - blocked Germany from access to its colonies! So the only way out for Germany was war! Not an ordinary war but an "industrial scale" war that devastated Europe and many other parts of the world in prolonged savagery that perhaps is unmatched in the history of the world.

I think the article is worth studying so that people of the early 21st century now, realize how easy it can be to slip into devastating wars, and the horrible price involved. Such knowledge may help to prevent at least some wars. It must also be said that, very unfortunately, war has not yet been wiped out from the face of the earth as one can see in today's Middle East. 



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