I signed up for the Obama Foundation; My mail to them

I came across an open invitation on the Internet to join the Obama Foundation and thought I should sign up. So I did that. I am not able to locate where I saw that - perhaps on Facebook somewhere.

Here's the Obama Foundation website: https://www.obama.org/.

I got an email from the Obama foundation after signing up. BTW after sign up a dollar contribution window comes up which I did not respond to.

I felt it appropriate to share what I wrote back on the email I got from Obama Foundation. I think it is not appropriate to share Obama Foundation's mail to me even though it seems to be a standard non-profit org response. I would be glad to receive any thoughts and suggestions readers have on this. Thanks.

Here's what I wrote them (slightly edited):

To: Obama Foundation <info@obama.org>

Dear sir/madam,

I am a social media writer on spirituality, religion and other topics. I was inspired by the global vision that Mr. Obama had when he was president of the USA and articulated that vision very effectively. In particular, I was impressed by his multi-faith (including those of no faith) approach in an age where some people associated with some religions (one in particular) had, and still, give a very bad name to religion due to their violence committed in the name of religion. Mr. Obama ensured that bad actions of a few associated with a religion did not result in persecution of other innocent and law abiding adherents of that religion. I very much appreciate these efforts of him and his presidential administration.

In his speeches, Mr. Obama as USA President, expressed a knowledge based view on economic, health, education and environmental (climate change) challenges faced by the world. I very much appreciate those contributions of Mr. Obama.

I do have many constraints on what I could do to contribute to Obama foundation. Perhaps one area where I could contribute is to share initiatives of Obama Foundation which I agree with, on social media.

Thanks & Regards

Ravi S. Iyer
Social media writer on spirituality, religion and miscellaneous topics
Retired international software consultant
Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Spiritual/Religious Websites/Blogs
* About Sri Sathya Sai Baba and more: ravisiyer.blogspot.com
* God & science conversation and a little more: iami1.wordpress.com/god-and-science-toc

Software Websites/Blogs
* Indian CS & IT Academic Reform Activism: eklavyasai.blogspot.com/p/table-of-contents.html
* Course material related to computer programming (software lab.) courses: raviiyerteaches.wordpress.com

Misc. Topics Blogs
* ravisiyermisc.blogspot.com/
* ravisiyer.wordpress.com/category/misc/

e-mail:   ravi@raviiyer.org (via --snip--)
Twitter:  twitter.com/RaviSaiIyer
Google+:  google.com/+RaviSIyerSai
Facebook: facebook.com/ravi.s.iyer.7

Service to Society is Service to God
--- end mail to Obama Foundation contents ---



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