Setting Blogger blog post text to be dark black colour

Recently, while browsing on my Android Samsung M21 mobile, I noted that the About page on my spiritual blog, was showing in a lighter black colour than a post on my software development blog, I think I had fixed an issue like this in the past but something I did later on seems to have broken it. I could not find a post explaining how to fix this issue and do did some experimentation, and then got the fix. This post provides the fix in case the dark text setting for blog posts gets inadvertently changed (again?), along with info. about fix for quoted text shown large in Contempo Light theme. 

To change the text in blog post to dark black colour, choose Theme -> Customize -> (left panel) Advanced. This will show blog post text in right panel provided window width is large enough. Now click on the dark black colour in 'Theme Colors'. The blog text will be shown in the dark black colour. Click on the Save button in bottom right of window. That will update the theme.

As I was exploring this issue, for two of my Blogger blogs, I initially changed the Theme from 'custom' to 'Contempo Light' which was not necessary and broke the quoted text being shown large fix I had put in earlier. So I had to redo the fix which is covered in this post: Test post to attempt fix for default enlarged HTML quoted (blockquote) text in Contempo Light theme of Blogger,

I have attached below mobile screenshots of About page before and after, and also the software dev blog post I mentioned above.

[On PC desktop/laptop, to open pic in larger resolution (if available), right-click on pic followed by open link (NOT image) in new tab/window. In new tab/window you may have to click on pic to zoom in.]

Above pic: Post in my software development blog

Above pic: About page with earlier light black colour text

Above pic: About page after making post text colour as dark black
