USA Senator Bob Casey and Education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos on 1 in 5 sexual assault on females in USA college campuses

As I was watching the video of USA Senate confirmation hearing of nominee for USA Secretary for Education, Betsy DeVos, (conducted on Jan. 17th 2017), I heard a USA Senator say that (around) 1 in 5 women in USA college campuses experience sexual assault! He said that in many cases these sexual assaults are not reported to the authorities.

Here's the video, Senator Bob Casey (Democrat) of Pennsylvania raises the topic around 1 hr 18 minutes into the video. DeVos gives her views on the topic.

Around 1:18:50 in the above video,
Senator Bob Casey: Second question is would you uphold - Let me give you a little background here that you might know. In 2011 the Department of Education issued guidance on Title IX (9) by this administration - the current administration. I asked you would you uphold that 2011 Title IX guidance as it relates to sexual assault on campus.

DeVos: Senator, I know that there is a lot of conflicting ideas and opinions around that guidance. And if confirmed I would look forward to working with you and your colleagues and understand the range of opinions and understand the issues from the higher-ed institutions that are charged with resolving these (and) addressing them. And I would look forward to working together to find some resolutions.

Casey: I agree with the guidance. .. I am just asking for yes or no. I guess you are not going to give me a yes or no answer on committing to upholding that guidance.

DeVos: It would be premature for me to do that .. today.

Casey: This problem is .. to say it is an epidemic I think is also an understatement. The Center for Disease Control told us back in 2009, 1 in 5 women are the victims of sexual assault on campus, and yet a lot of those women who are in that 1 in 5, never had an opportunity or never report incidents. That's a major problem for women. In so many ways, it is the ultimate betrayal. Parents, for generations, have told their daughters - study hard in school; get good grades because when you get good grades you might have an opportunity to go to college. And if you go to college, the world is open to you. And you can succeed by having higher education. (But) too often - it happens every year on many campuses around the country. Too often a young women is a victim. Sometimes in the first day she is there, the first week. And sometimes over the course of her first year. And her life is destroyed by that. So we have a long way to go to addressing this problem. ...
--- end part transcript ---

Ravi: That figure of 1 in 5 women experiencing sexual assault in USA college campuses, made me sit up. I decided to browse on the Net to see whether this figure is accepted by mainstream media and others. Got this USA Today article dated Sept. 2015 titled, "Controversial 1-in-5 sexual assault statistic validated in new national survey", A small extract from it: "The Association of American Universities published a new survey Monday saying that 23% of female undergraduate students have reported experiencing sexual assault since enrolling in college.

AAU surveyed over 150,000 students across 27 colleges and universities. The findings support a controversial and often-disputed report from the National Institute of Justice that was published in 2007 — one cited by the White House’s “It’s On Us” campaign to prevent sexual assault on college campuses — that one in five women are sexually assaulted during their time in college."
--- end extract ---

Ravi: Hmm. My God! It seems this is true! Some senators used the term, 'epidemic', to describe these horrifying numbers for female sexual assault on USA college campuses!

I wish USA senators and whoever becomes the USA Secretary for Education, all the very best in formulating strict guidelines to tackle this horrible epidemic in USA college campuses, and ensuring that USA College campuses do all they can to drastically reduce or even eliminate this horrible violence of sexual assault.

[I thank USA Senator Bob Casey, Mrs. Betsy DeVos and, and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above short quotes/extract from their remarks/website on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.]



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