21st century US-India partnership article by Indian PM Modi and US President Obama in the Washington Post

Given below are extracts from and comments on the joint editorial on renewed 21st century US-India partnership by Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and the US President, Mr. Barrack Obama, published in the Washington Post here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/narendra-modi-and-barack-obama-a-us-india-partnership-for-the-21st-century/2014/09/29/dac66812-4824-11e4-891d-713f052086a0_story.html. The text is also available at http://pib.nic.in/newsite/pmreleases.aspx?mincode=3 (click on the left table entry titled, "Text of Joint Editorial by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and US President Mr. Barack Obama, published on the website of Washington Post (30-September 2014)").

As nations committed to democracy, liberty, diversity and enterprise, India and the United States are bound by common values and mutual interests.

[Ravi: Interesting identification of common values.]


Ties between the United States and India are rooted in the shared desire of our citizens for justice and equality. When Swami Vivekananda presented Hinduism as a world religion, he did so at the 1893 World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago. When Martin Luther King Jr. sought to end discrimination and prejudice against African Americans, he was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent teachings. Gandhiji himself drew upon the writings of Henry David Thoreau.

[Ravi: Wonderful words and I think they are quite true. I mean, it is not just empty words. BTW I have read a bit of Thoreau in my college days and maybe early working life. I do not recall his writings so much now but I do recall his love for simple living and his civil disobedience style of activism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_David_Thoreau.]


The people of India remember the strong foundations of our cooperation. The food production increases of the Green Revolution and the Indian Institutes of Technology are among the many products of our collaboration.

[Ravi: I think it is undeniable that USA's support for and openness with India has played a very imporant role in the growing material prosperity of India over the past few decades. I certainly am thankful to the USA for this support and openness, both from an Indian citizen perspective (govt. to govt. initiatives) as well as from an individual perspective (my own trips to USA and interactions with Americans).]


And in this partnership, the Indian American community has been a vibrant, living bridge between us. Its success has been the truest reflection of the vitality of our people, the value of America’s open society and the strength of what we can do when we join together.

[Ravi: Very happy to note this acknowledgement of the contribution of the Indian American community to the Indo-US partnership by the leaders of both countries.]


This will be an agenda that enables us to find mutually rewarding ways to expand our collaboration in trade, investment and technology that harmonize with India’s ambitious development agenda, while sustaining the United States as the global engine of growth. When we meet today in Washington, we will discuss ways in which we can boost manufacturing and expand affordable renewable energy, while sustainably securing the future of our common environment.

[Ravi: That sounds very interesting. Happy to see the vital affordable renewable energy part being mentioned.]

We will discuss ways in which our businesses, scientists and governments can partner as India works to improve the quality, reliability and availability of basic services, especially for the poorest of citizens. In this, the United States stands ready to assist. An immediate area of concrete support is the “Clean India” campaign, where we will leverage private and civil society innovation, expertise and technology to improve sanitation and hygiene throughout India.

[Ravi: Terrific! India badly needs a Clean India campaign with all the help it can get from a technologically advanced country like the USA.]


The promise of a better tomorrow is not solely for Indians and Americans: It also beckons us to move forward together for a better world. This is the central premise of our defining partnership for the 21st century. Forward together we go — chalein saath saath.

[Ravi: I love the central premise of this partnership. Both sides must tangibly benefit and the people of both nations should know that the benefit is coming from the partnership. That is key for any sustained partnership.]

--- end extracts and comments ---

Ravi: Overall, it is really great to see this joint editorial from the two leaders of India and USA. I look forward to this partnership blossoming.



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