Very sad to see laid off coal miners and other workers without jobs, suffer in USA

Whether Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump become USA president, I think he/she along with USA Congress must make decently paid job generation/placement for laid off coal miners and other jobless workers a top priority for USA federal and state governments. It is so sad to see the hopelessness and mental ailments these people are suffering from. Getting dependent on anti-anxiety pills is bad but then one also reads about alarming growth in opioid addiction in some parts of the USA suffering from these very stressful joblessness issues.

Here is a May 2016 Guardian article, America's opioid addiction: 'I ended up selling all my valuable stuff to buy pills',

It talks about young white working-class folks in Kingsport, Tennessee, USA who don't have college degrees and are self-described "dirt-poor", struggling with their drug addiction. The article states that the reality is that "drugs follow as hope exits, and in large parts of central Appalachia, hope has been exiting."

Here's an article about a lady who is going through rough job and money related challenges in Western Pennsylvania, who needs to be on anti-anxiety pills, and is a strong supporter of Mr. Donald Trump, ‘Finally. Someone who thinks like me.’,, Oct. 1st 2016. The lady is a 52 year old woman who worked for 20 years for the railroad. She had to be "involuntarily hospitalized" after she wrote online postings threatening USA president and the White House.

A small extract from the article:
“It never crossed my mind that I’m losing it,” she said several months after her release, and a big reason for this conviction was the rise of Donald Trump, who had talked about so many of the things she had come to believe — from Obama being a founder of the terrorist group ISIS, to Hillary Clinton being a co-founder, to the idea that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia may have been murdered in a White House plot involving a prostitute and a pillow.
--- end extract ---

Ravi: Jobs for the non-college-educated working class USA citizens! I think that is the crying, crying need of the hour for the USA. I do earnestly hope and pray that a new president of the USA, whether Trump or Clinton, is able to do some wonders here.

Please note that I have a PUBLICLY NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about the USA presidential elections. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me voting in these elections.

[I thank and and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above short extracts from their websites on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.]



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