Utterly shocking and brutal tweet from US President Trump seemingly on misunderstood statement of French President Macron

Last updated on 14th Nov. 2018

Major update: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/13/us/politics/trump-macron-france.html states that French President Macron did ****NOT**** say that a European army was required to defend against the USA.

The above article states, "In his tweet, Mr. Trump chose to use a distorted version of what Mr. Macron said in the interview, even though the French president explained over the weekend what he actually said. Mr. Macron had told the interviewer that Europe needed to defend itself against cyberattacks that originate in a variety of places, including Russia, China and even the United States. Only later in the interview did he suggest building a European army."

Hmm. So Mr. Trump seems to have jumped the gun. Ideally he should apologize and delete the tweet. But I doubt if Mr. Trump will even delete the tweet.

I am so glad to see this NYT report clearly stating that French President Macron did not say what Mr. Trump alleged, i.e. Macron did ***NOT*** say that France or Europe needs to be protected from USA by a European army.


Diplomatic language among powerful world leaders who command very powerful armed forces with very powerful arms including nukes, seems to have to gone for a real toss after Mr. Donald Trump became the US president and commander-in-chief of its armed forces, the most powerful military force the world has ever seen.

I feel sad that such language is being used openly. But then I think the current world order (power equations) is being challenged in a way that perhaps has never been challenged since World War II.

Here's the tweet: "Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two - How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Paris before the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not!", https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1062311785787744256, 13th Nov. 2018

Note that I am just sharing this public exchange of words/views between Macron and Trump. I am not getting into any opinion about who is right or wrong - that's just way, way beyond my virtually zero-power individual status in such matters. I am just trying to understand what's going on in this verbal tussle between these major world powers, and the ripple effects it may have for my own country, India.

That this happened with the backdrop of the centenary celebrations of World War I Armistice is very sad.

I earnestly hope and pray that the vital transatlantic relations between Western Europe and USA which have been very strong in the post World War II era, continue to be friendly.



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