Iowa, USA voter, fearing rigged election against Trump, casts two ballots and gets charged with election fraud crime! What a tragedy!
Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa, , Oct. 29th 2016. The article links to this video clip of a campaign speech by Mr. Trump, Trump says voter fraud is 'okay' if the votes are for him, , 1 min. 20 secs, published on Oct. 22nd 2016 by Washington Post. I have transcribed Mr. Trump's comments in the video clip below: (Isn't) it amazing they say there's no voter fraud. Folks, it is a rigged system and it is a rigged election, believe me. According to the highly respected Pew, there are 24 million voter registrations in the United States that are either invalid or significantly inaccurate. (A) lot right! 24 million. (A) lot. There are 1.8 million dead people that are registered right now to vote. And folks, folks, some of them vote. I wonder why, I wonder how that happened. They woke up from th...