Open Source Blogger BlogBackupToBook VB.NET software v4 released on Github

BlogBackupToBook software creates HTML blogbook(s) from Blogger blog XML Backup/Export files. It also allows for filtering the output HTML blogbook(s) by content matching strings, by published and/or updated date range and by an index(es) list where the index(es) are positions of posts and pages entries in the Blogger XML Backup/Export file. Github: As compared to release v3, the latest release v4 has undergone more tests but it has not been thoroughly tested. I do not have the time now to do that thorough testing and bug-fixing as I have got busy with other stuff. This is the release interested persons can try out and see if it meets their needs. If I recall correctly, the setup file program in v3 release had some issues which were not easily getting resolved. The setup file part has been dropped in this release v4 as I don't have time for refreshing where I was on it, and then taking it forward. This current v4 release does not have ...