US President Trump accepts that new (presidential) administration will take over on Jan. 20th and condemns violence in Capitol

US President Trump accepts that a new (presidential) administration will take over on 20th Jan., commits to an orderly transition of power, and condemns violence in Capitol,, 2 min. 41 secs, 7th Jan. 2021 published by FOX Carolina News.

President Trump should have condemned the invasion into the Capitol by what seems to be his supporters, as soon as it happened. He did not. This condemnation has come after many hours and well after the Capitol was back under control of law enforcement.

Due to this inordinate delay on part of President Trump to condemn the mob invasion of the Capitol, naturally, one wonders whether President Trump was supportive of the invasion of the Capitol while it was going on! One further wonders whether he wanted to see whether this mob invasion would intimidate Congress into NOT certifying the election of Senator Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris as president and vice-president.

However, it is good to see that eventually President Trump has accepted that a new presidential administration (he did not take the name of Sen. Joe Biden in these remarks) will take over from his administration on Jan. 20th, and it is good to hear him issuing a clear condemnation of the mob attack on the Capitol.

Please note that I have a PUBLICLY (POLITICALLY) NEUTRAL informal-student-observer role in these posts that I put up about USA politics. Of course, as I am an Indian citizen living in India, there is no question of me having voted in USA elections. I am a well-wisher of the people of the USA. I should also say that I am a grateful beneficiary, a lover and an open supporter of democracy in India, and in other democratic countries of the world in general, including USA.



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