Russian president Putin calls Americans' disrespect for American president Trump, a negative feature of USA democracy

Here is an interesting article, Putin calls on Americans to respect Trump,, dated 20th Oct. 2017.

It quotes Russian president Putin as saying:

"Inside the country, disrespect is shown for him. This is a regrettable negative component of the U.S. political system".

".. one can argue but one can’t show disrespect, even not for him personally but for those people who voted for him."

"Mr. Trump was elected by the American people. And at least for this reason, it is necessary to show respect for him, even if you do not agree with some of his positions".

"I believe that the president of the United States does not need any advice because one has to possess certain talent and go through this trial to be elected, even without having the experience of such big administrative work. He [Trump] has done this".. "He won honestly."

--- end quotes of Russian President Putin ----

Ravi: I, an Indian citizen living in India, tend to agree with the view that the chair of the president of the USA, the most powerful position in the world today, is not being shown due respect in some matters by Americans themselves. As an example, I found it very disheartening to read about criticism of President Trump's seemingly genuine attempt at consoling the family of a fallen USA soldier, being publicly criticized by a member of USA Congress and which criticism was given a lot of coverage in USA mainstream media. My view is that such criticism could have been conveyed privately by the member of USA Congress to President Trump's team, given the huge sensitivity associated with the matter. Further, I think USA mainstream media should not have given coverage to this criticism of President Trump by this member of USA Congress.

It is interesting that Russian president Putin raised the matter of disrespect by some Americans to president Trump.

Now, I have to say that given the public statements by Facebook boss, Mark Zuckerberg, I tend to believe that some Russians were involved in an attempt to interfere in the USA 2016 presidential election via Facebook, and which interference, if true, is something that I, as a lover and strong supporter of democracy, condemn unequivocally. However, I do not know if the Russian government was involved in the matter (which is the public view of top USA intelligence agencies which have investigated, and continue to investigate the matter). This being a super sensitive matter, and due to my gratitude to Russia for its support for India over decades, I do not want to say anything further on this publicly.

But I do hope that Russian president Putin will have regular interactions with USA president Trump in a cordial way. [As of now, there seems to be a sort-of freeze in USA-Russia relations.] The plain facts of the matter are that both these persons are the top bosses of armed forces that have enormous destructive nuclear (and perhaps other types too) power. From my considered point of view, just the fact that USA president Trump and Russian president Putin control such enormous weapons of mass destruction, is more than enough, for them to be shown respect by their countries' citizens as well as by the world community. That does not mean their policies and actions cannot be criticized in democratic societies with freedom of the press. Surely they can be criticized as they too are human and they and their team may be committing mistakes, but the criticism should not get into ugly and nasty levels.



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