Simple and useful 'Pedometer - Step Counter' Android app for measuring walking exercise

Last updated on 22nd Jan. 2020 Today on my walk, I tried out this Android app. named Pedometer - Step Counter, , on my low-cost LYF phone. I think it did a good job. Note that it senses when a step has been made if the phone is in our hand or pocket while walking (or running too, I guess). I started the counting slightly after I began my walk and ended it after coming home (if I recall correctly, the app documentation recommends keeping it on all the time but I don't want to do that). The screenshot below gives the measures. Steps taken is given as: 7727. I have kept the sensitivity (of measuring steps) as the default high. I think the actual steps may be 5 to 10% lesser. Each step length for me is around 68 cm (which is close to the, if I recall correctly, app. default of 27 inches - 68.58 cm). 7727 * 0.68 (m) gives 5,254.36 m or 5.254 km which is what the screenshot shows (as expect...