Simple usage of Github for version control and releases using Visual Studio 2022 and
This post tries to capture straightforward usage of Github for maintaining various versions of code, but without branches, and to make releases of setup files, using Visual Studio 2022 (Community Edition) and Main reference: How to use Github with Visual Studio 2022, , around 24 mins. From around 6 min. 48 secs: Simple Windows Forms app. From around 7 min. 33 secs: Creating a github repository for above app. From around 8 min. 48 secs: Effect of creating and pushing repository to (master is main branch of repository); New repository can be seen in From around 9 min. 50 secs: Commit a change to repository (1. Commit change to local repo, 2. Push change to origin (remote)) From around 13 min. 3 secs: When to commit (to local repo) and when to push (local repo changes to origin (remote)) ----- To make a release, use Releases (or Create a new release) link-button in home page of project in Github....