
Showing posts from September, 2023

Simple usage of Github for version control and releases using Visual Studio 2022 and

This post tries to capture straightforward usage of Github for maintaining various versions of code, but without branches, and to make releases of setup files, using Visual Studio 2022 (Community Edition) and Main reference: How to use Github with Visual Studio 2022, , around 24 mins. From around 6 min. 48 secs: Simple Windows Forms app.  From around 7 min. 33 secs: Creating a github repository for above app. From around 8 min. 48 secs: Effect of creating and pushing repository to (master is main branch of repository); New repository can be seen in From around 9 min. 50 secs: Commit a change to repository (1. Commit change to local repo, 2. Push change to origin (remote)) From around 13 min. 3 secs: When to commit (to local repo) and when to push (local repo changes to origin (remote)) ----- To make a release, use Releases (or Create a new release) link-button in home page of project in Github....

Creating setup file for VB.Net project in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition

Last updated on 14 Nov. 2023 Note: This was an in-progress post around 19 Sep. 2023 but I moved on to other stuff and now in mid. Nov. 2023, I think I should mention that I do not have any plans to update or follow up on the main contents of this post. I ran into some issues with the setup file and as I now freeze the related VB.NET project software (for which I was trying to create a setup file) capturing what works in it, I felt it is best to drop the setup file from the project. I am leaving the info./knowledge shared below in this post as is without reviewing it now in mid Nov. 2023. Some useful links 1) Setup Projects section of article: Setup and Deployment Projects, , dated 2012, is still a useful overview though the article is over 10 years old and so some parts of the section may be inaccurate now. 2) The section, "To install the Installer Projects extension" ...

Ported ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to BlogBackupToBook VB.Net single project of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition

Last updated on 21 Nov. 2023   BlogBackupToBook software creates HTML blogbook(s) from Blogger blog XML Backup/Export files. It also allows for filtering the output HTML blogbook(s) by content matching strings, by published and/or updated date range and by an index(es) list where the index(es) are positions of posts and pages entries in the Blogger XML Backup/Export file.  Github: Quick-Info: Top-level folder share: VB-ExportFileFilterAndGenBook, Sample files: Input file: 20231113-ravisiyer-blog.xml (18.8 MB), (use download link to download to computer) Output file a: Split 1 of 4 of HTML blog book with internal content links - 20231113-ravisiyer-blog-BlogBook-Split1wCLs.html (4 MB), (use download link to download to computer and view downloaded fil...

Was able to port ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to VB.Net of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition

Last updated on 16-Nov-2023 16-Nov-2023 Note: This program functionality has now been incorporated into BlogBackupToBook VB.Net project. For details, please visit: Ported ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and ExportFileFilterByIndexList from VBA to BlogBackupToBook VB.Net single project of Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition,  . end-Note. Quick-Info: Top-level folder share: VB-ExportFileFilterByIndexList, Version v1 sub-folder:   v1/Info.txt: End Quick-Info Recently I downloaded Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition (free download) and tried out VB.Net programs there. I was able to get off to a quick start using some we...

Short User Guide to creating Blogger Blogbooks from Backup/Export File using BlogBackupToBook VB.Net project and ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and another VBA projects' macros/code (free and open source)

Last updated on 21 Nov. 2023 BlogBackupToBook software creates HTML blogbook(s) from Blogger blog XML Backup/Export files. It also allows for filtering the output HTML blogbook(s) by content matching strings, by published and/or updated date range and by an index(es) list where the index(es) are positions of posts and pages entries in the Blogger XML Backup/Export file.  Github: ============================================ I decided to put up and publish this post now on 5 Sep. 2023 while this work is in progress, as I wanted to ensure that whatever work I have done till now is available for interested readers.  Note: The earlier title of this post was: "Short User Guide to creating Blogger Blogbooks from Backup/Export File using ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and another VBA projects' macros/code (free and open source)" and its contents covered that. Later I ported the code of the two VBA projects mentioned, to VB.Net and consoli...

Referral: Few Spiritual Blogbooklets I created recently using ExportFileFilterAndGenBook ...

Readers may want to view my recent post on another blog: Few Spiritual Blogbooklets I created recently using ExportFileFilterAndGenBook and ExportFileFilterByIndexList VBA projects, . 

Creating Blogger Blogbooklets based on search criteria and excluding some pages/posts from it

At times, we may want to remove some pages/posts from the Blogger XML Backup/Export file, and use the modified file as input to Generate HTML blog book function of ExportFileFilterAndGenBook to create blog books optionally matching some search strings but none of the blogbooks created this way, having the pages/posts excluded from the Blogger XML Backup/Export file. This approach could be superior to removing these pages again and again from output files created in different runs of ExportFileFilterAndGenBook macros. The procedure to do this: 1) Run ExportFileFilterAndGenBook - Generate HTML blog book function, providing original Blogger XML backup file (for example: 20230801-ravisiyer-blog.xml) as the input file, generate only log files and provide blank search criteria. It should create a main log file (for our example: 20230801-ravisiyer-blog-BlogBookLog.txt) log file 2) Make a copy of the main log file (for our example: 20230801-ravisiyer-blog-BlogBookLog.txt renaming it suitably a...


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