Test post to attempt fix for default enlarged HTML quoted (blockquote) text in Contempo Light theme of Blogger

Last updated on 23 Mar. 2023 This is a test post to resolve a problem I am facing of automatically enlarged HTML quoted (blockquote) text with Contempo Light theme of Blogger. Now I seem to have got a fix. Quoted text Normal text =================== 22nd Mar. 2023 Update: Note that quoted text (HTML blockquote text) would show in normal size when I was using the Simple Bold theme of Blogger. Recently I switched to Contempo Light Theme as it provided search button in mobile view. For details, please see my recent post: In Blogger, showing search button (facility) in mobile view by changing Theme from Simple Bold to Contempo Light, https://ravisiyermisc.blogspot.com/2023/03/in-blogger-showing-search-button.html . This was impacting my previous posts having blockquote text! So I felt I need to invest time in exploring how to fix this issue. Googling for it did not give me suitable results. I decided to dig deeper into Blogger theme advanced customization and HTML which eventual...