Some info. and some questions about empire/dynasty rulers of Kalyan (and Dombivli), Maharashtra from 3rd century BCE

Last minor update on 2nd Jan. 2023 Quick info For readers who want to quickly see the conclusion part of this post, I have copy-pasted it below: The list of rulers and associated periods for Kalyan (and Dombivli), Maharashtra from 3rd century BCE to now (2022 CE) may be as follows: 1) 250 BCE to 185 BCE, Mauryan empire 2) 185 BCE to 250 CE, Satavahana dynasty for some time and Western Satraps for some time. 3) 250 CE to 315 or 370?CE, Abhira dynasty 4) 315 or 370 CE? to 5xx CE, Traikutaka dynasty for some time and Vakataka dynasty for some time 5) Mid-6th century (5xx) to 610 CE, Kalachuris (aka Early Kalachuris) with Konkan Mauryas as vassals of Kalachuris? 6) 610 CE to 749 CE, Chalukyas of Badami dynasty 7) 750 CE to 972 CE, Rashtrakuta dynasty with period of 810 CE onwards through vassal Silhara (Shilahara) dynasty 8) 972 CE to 1265 CE Silhara (Shilahara) dynasty as independent rulers with perhaps some periods as feudatories to others 9) 1265 to 1317? Seuna (Yadava) rule OR lik...