Exploring Motherboard repair possibilities through company service center without computer technician support, in rural India; Below Rs.3000 (US$40) limited functionality Linux mini PC box with 1 year warranty

Last updated on 11th Dec. 2021 Minor update on 26 Jun. 2024 I thought of putting up this detailed post as I felt it may be helpful to some others who find themselves in the same cornered position that I found myself in, when my assembled PC desktop stopped working due to what was later diagnosed as a motherboard failure, and I wanted to explore options to repair the motherboard. Assembled desktop PC stops working; Technician’s view that motherboard is the problem; Advised to buy new motherboard & processor Around a month back, on or around 22nd October 2021, my desktop PC did not give any display on powering up the PC. I opened up the desktop PC box, cleaned up the dust collected in it, removed the RAM stick and inserted it back, and tried starting up the PC again. Same problem was repeated. The SMPS was delivering power to the CPU fan as it was rotating when powered on. But there was no display! Moving the RAM stick to another memory slot did not help either. This problem was beyo...