Good to see US President Joe Biden show support for Asian-Americans in the context of Atlanta Spa shootings
Good to see US President Joe Biden show support for Asian-Americans in the context of Atlanta Spa shootings, , that killed 8 of which 6 were Asian-Americans. As per the wiki page, the shooting is not viewed, so far, by the police as a hate crime. But it seems that at least some Asian-Americans perceive it as a hate crime. This CNN video which I have shared has some anti-Trump (former US President Trump and his administration) remarks which I do not endorse in any way. I looked around to see if Joe Biden's video statement is available on his Twitter feed but could not find it. Also the CNN interview does have two Asian-Americans (seem to be of Chinese and/or South East Asian descent) speak of the racism and hatred they faced over their lives in USA, which I think is valuable testimony. So I am sharing the video. I repeat I do not endorse any anti-Trump remarks of the video. I am publicly politically neutral in US politics. I ...