A quick look at anti-GMO and pro-GMO views
Recently a mail correspondent passed me this article link, Seeds of Doubt - An activist’s controversial crusade against genetically modified crops, http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/08/25/seeds-of-doubt . The article is a longish one and is about Vandana Shiva's, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandana_Shiva , crusade against GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)/GM crops/food. I had not really looked at this topic, though I used to browse through some mainstream media articles on it. I had not known about Vandana Shiva and how famous she is as an anti-GMO activist throughout the world. The mail from the correspondent acted as a trigger for me to do some reading/viewing up on the topic. I thought of sharing my views after this small study. My initial view prior to the small study was as follows: In the wake of India's recent WTO issues, I have been doing some very limited reading/viewing on how global/regional trade agreements impact small farmers worldwide. There is a ...