Transcript of Arnold Schwarzenegger message to USA neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates, and to those who 'hang around' them, 3 min. 42 secs video, dated 17th Aug. 2017

Transcript of most of what Arnold Schwarzenegger says from around 0:55 in the above video is given below (slightly edited):

I have a message to the neo-Nazis, to the white nationalists and to the neo-Confederates.
Let me be just as blunt as possible.
Your heroes are losers.
You are supporting a lost cause.
Believe me, I know (knew) the original Nazis.
I was born in Austria in 1947 shortly after the second World War.
Growing up, I was surrounded by broken men - men who came home from the war filled with shrapnel and guilt, men who were misled into a losing ideology.
And I can tell you that these ghosts that you idolize, spent the rest of their lives living in shame.
And right now they're resting in hell.

I know that you weren't born with these hateful views.
No one is.
But the truth is, it's never too late to make the choices to learn, and to evolve and to understand that all human beings have equal value.

If you say, "Arnold, Hey, I was just at the march. Don't call me a Nazi. I have nothing to do with Nazis at all.":

Let me help you. Don't hang around people who carry Nazi flags, give Nazi salutes or shout Nazi slogans.
Go home.
Or better yet - tell them that they are wrong to celebrate an ideology that murdered millions of people. And then go home.

You are so lucky to live in a country that gives you every right to say horrible things.
But think about how you could actually use that power [Ravi: of freedom of speech in general, and not of saying 'horrible things' in particular] for something good.

And to those of you who have been silent, you must also evolve.
I've learned a long time ago that the only way we can really eliminate hatred, is to face it head on.
It is not always comfortable, of course.
Let's all commit, right now, to leaving the terrible ghosts of the past in the trash heap of history.
That's where they belong.
Let's terminate hate.
--- end Arnold Schwarzenegger part transcript ---

Ravi: For readers who may not know, Arnold Schwarzenegger is famous for his role of "The Terminator", a cyborg assassin sent back in time, from 2029 to 1984, in a set of science-fiction movies and television series about the "Terminator",

Here are two (very violent) clips from what seems to be the first movie featuring the terrifying and awesome destructive power of cyborg assassin 'Terminator' played by Schwarzenegger:

1) The Terminator 1984 - Night Club Scene (HD),, 8 min. 57 secs

2) The Terminator 1984 - Police Station Scene (HD),, 4 min. 49 secs.

[I thank Arnold Schwarzenegger and have presumed that he will not have any objections to me sharing the above part-transcript of his above twitter video on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever. Please note that this post deals with public safety and well being.]



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