Horrendous happenings in London in the 80s; No large country seems to have high moral standard record
I visited London on two separate weekend visits in the 80s (from Brussels where I was stationed for a year+ software assignment), and was under the impression that the stuff reported below about child abuse & murder in the 80s, was impossible among the honourable top echelons of power in Britain - MPs & judges. [Such stuff happening at much lower levels in the power hierarchy and among criminals is a different matter - that would not be viewed as impossible.] I thought such stuff, at top echelons of power, happened only in poor third-world countries like India in the 80s with some top politicans being viewed as very dangerous people. Please note that the main victim mentioned in the reports below is a child of an Indian origin family. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11242273/Metropolitan-Police-detectives-fears-of-Westminster-paedophile-cover-up.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11239535/Father-claims-Scotland-Yard-covered-up-sons-murder-by-W...